

We use Cypress as the test running framework. It will look for test files within a number of locations, however the standard that the SKAO will employ will be the use of .cy.{tsx | jsx} in the same folder as the component being tested. Below is a small illustration as an example.


components └─ App

└─ ReactSkeleton


Note that the ReactSkeleton component is exposed via WebPack 5 ModuleFederationPlugin, so this name should be changed to reflect the application being written ( e.g. SignalDisplay, DataProductDashboard …)

See the SKAO developer guide for more information


To run the interactive test runner, execute

> yarn test

This will also watch the source files and re-run when any changes are detected

To run the tests with coverage, execute

> yarn test:coverage

The coverage results are displayed in the console. They are also written to the coverage folder.

./build/coverage/index.html - open in a web browser to view

All the tests should pass before merging the code

Code Analysis

[ESLint](https://ESLint.org/) and [Prettier](https://prettier.io/) are included as code analysis and formatting tools. These do not need installing as they’re included in node_modules by running yarn init.

These tools can be run in the command line or integrated into your IDE (recommended).

JavaScript based SKA projects must comply with the [AirBnB JavaScript Style Guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript). These rules are included in this project and ESLint and Prettier are configured to use them.


To run the analysis tools, execute

> yarn code-analysis

This will display any errors in the command line. If there are any errors, YARN will exit with a non-zero code, the -s argument suppresses this and cleans up the output.