FPGA Image Download

The FPGA image downloader is able to download FPGA images stored in Gitlab or SKA CAR. It can be used from the command line or as a callable function within other code. When used from the command line usage is:

usage: download.py [-h] [-s SOURCE] [-p PERSONALITY] [-v VERSION] [-n] [--platform-version {2,3}] [-c CACHE_DIR]

Fetch FPGA image from a remote source (e.g. Nexus).

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        use the specified archive source or Nexus if omitted; valid values: nexus, gitlab (default: nexus)
                        image type (cnic, pst, ...) (default: cnic)
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
                        version number; use the latest version when omitted (default: None)
-n, --no-delete       do not delete temporary files (default: False)
--platform-version {2,3}
                        use the specified platform version (default: 2)
-c CACHE_DIR, --cache-dir CACHE_DIR
                        directory used as image cache (default: )

A code snippet showing an example of usage when called as a function:

from ska_low_cbf_fpga.download import DownloadError, get_file_fetcher

ffetcher = get_file_fetcher("gitlab")
personality = "cnic"
version = ""
platform = 3
    self._file_fetcher = ffetcher(
        personality, version, platform_version=platform
except DownloadError as ex:
    self.logger.error(f"FPGA Download error: {ex}")
    return False

fpgamap_path = getattr(self._file_fetcher, "map_file_path", None)
xcl_file = getattr(self._file_fetcher, "image_file_path", None)