

The ska-dish-lmc repository integrates all the sub components under one umbrella to verify it against a set of L2 requirements. All the requirements have been extracted from JAMA and written into a set of BDD tests which exercise the dish control and monitoring. These tests are run for every merged change and uploaded to xray (see example test execution) in the xray_publish job for every release.

Unit Test

This runs a set of tests against the DishLogger (using the DeviceTestContext) to ensure that logs are sent to stdout according to the SKA logging format. Tests output are captured in the python-test job.

Acceptance Tests

This deploys the dish lmc tango devices with the tango dB to run the acceptance tests. These tests use the simulated devices when run in the k8s cluster. The simulated devices for the SPF Controller, SPFRx Controller and the DS Simulator have limited functionality as they do not emulate the hardware entirely. All tests that are not marked as unit or has postfix _itf or _eda will run in the k8s cluster with simulated devices.

Each test session has an event recorder which stores attribute events for the devices as an artefact; this is very useful for debugging. The acceptance tests are captured in the k8-test-runner job.

Component (Hardware) Integration

The acceptance tests are tests that are connected to BDD tests are required to run against the actual hardware. A prerequisite to running the integration test suite against the hardware deployed in the Integrated Test Facility (ITF), is to run the smoke tests to verify that the devices implement the expected interface. The smoke can be run using the smoke_test marker. By using the marker acceptance in the associated test, the test will run on hardware in the ITF.