Source code for ska_dish_lmc.DishLogger

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
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# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
# pylint: disable=W0223, R0903, C0115, C0116, W0212, W0221

import logging
from typing import List

import tango
from ska_tango_base import SKABaseDevice
from ska_tango_base.base.component_manager import BaseComponentManager
from tango.server import command

# Details:
#    latest/14/Logging.html#logging-levels
    "OFF": logging.CRITICAL,  # there is no "off"
    "FATAL": logging.CRITICAL,
    "ERROR": logging.ERROR,
    "WARN": logging.WARNING,
    "WARNING": logging.WARNING,
    "INFO": logging.INFO,
    "DEBUG": logging.DEBUG,

[docs]class LogComponentManager(BaseComponentManager): def __init__(self, logger: logging.Logger) -> None: """ Update logging config so that certain parts can be overridden :return: An instance of LogComponentManager :rtype: LogComponentManager """ super().__init__(logger, None, None) class TangoDeviceTagsFilter(logging.Filter): """Reset the log record components if a TLS log""" @classmethod def filter(cls, record): # Log a TLS log if hasattr(record, "device_name"): record.tags = f"tango-device:{record.device_name}" record.filename = "unknown_file" record.threadName = "unknown_thread" record.funcName = record.src_funcName record.created = record.timestamp record.lineno = 0 return True self.logger.addFilter(TangoDeviceTagsFilter())
[docs] def log( self, timestamp: str, tango_log_level: str, tango_device: str, message: str, ) -> None: """Override log components and log to stdout. :param timestamp: The millisecond since epoch (01.01.1970) :type timestamp: str :param tango_log_level: The log level :type tango_log_level: str :param tango_device: The tango device :type tango_device: str :param message: The message to log :type message: str """ try: function_name = "" if " - " in message: function_name, message = message.split(" - ", 1) log_level = _TANGO_LOG_LEVEL_TO_PYTHON[tango_log_level] log_timestamp = float(timestamp) / 1000 self.logger.log( log_level, message, extra={ "device_name": tango_device, "src_funcName": function_name, "timestamp": log_timestamp, }, ) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) raise
[docs]class DishLogger(SKABaseDevice):
[docs] def create_component_manager(self): """Create the component manager LogComponentManager :return: Instance of LogComponentManager :rtype: LogComponentManager """ return LogComponentManager(self.logger)
[docs] @command(dtype_in=[str], doc_out="Consume a log message from TLS") def Log(self, log_message: List[str]): """Write the log to stdout as received from TLS Sample log: ['1650964795495', 'ERROR', 'mid-dish/dish-manager/SKA001', 'TangoUtils::DeviceAttributeToCorbaAny() - A Message', '', '@7f48dcc80700 [7]'] Details of the list items here: en/latest/14/Logging.html#log-consumer :param log_message: Parts of the TLS log message :type log_message: List[str] """ timestamp, tango_log_level, tango_device, message, _, _ = log_message self.component_manager.log(timestamp, tango_log_level, tango_device, message)
[docs] @command(dtype_in=str, doc_in="name of the device to add new logging target") def SetDishLoggerTarget(self, device_name: str) -> None: """Add DishLogger as a logging target destination on device""" logging_device = tango.DeviceProxy(device_name) logging_device.add_logging_target(f"device::{self.get_name()}")
[docs] @command(dtype_in=str, doc_in="name of the device to remove logging target") def RemoveDishLoggerTarget(self, device_name: str) -> None: """Remove DishLogger as a logging target destination on device""" logging_device = tango.DeviceProxy(device_name) logging_device.remove_logging_target(f"device::{self.get_name()}")
def run(): DishLogger.run_server() if __name__ == "__main__": run()