Deployment Guide

Kubernetes Deployment

This is the documentation for the Data Product Dashboard Helm Chart.


The data product dashboard is intended to be deployed as a standalone deployment, running as a service accessible to other deployments through its API or to users through the dashboard URL. Typical deployments are done from within the GitLab pipelines, deploying into pre-configured environments to one of three namespaces (ci-dev, integration or staging)

During development, developers can deploy the development branches into the ci-dev namespace from the Gitlab pipeline:


Deployment from pipeline on dev branch

From the master branch, the application can be deployed into the integration or staging namespace of each environment.


Deployment from pipeline on master branch

The deployed Data Product Dashboard should then be accessible at: “$KUBE_NAMESPACE/dashboard/”, and the backend should be accessible at: “$KUBE_NAMESPACE/api/

Steps to run the system locally in Minikube

The following steps will assume that you have the repo checked out, or have the chart locally.

  1. Start Minikube if it is not already running:

minikube start
minikube status

If needed, build images, tag and load them to Minikube.

docker build -t ska-sdp-dataproduct-dashboard .
docker images
docker tag [Image ID] ska-sdp-dataproduct-dashboard:[Tag]
minikube image load ska-sdp-dataproduct-dashboard:[Tag]
minikube image ls
  1. Change to the chart directory in the repository: cd charts/ska-sdp-dataproduct-dashboard/. Make the needed changes to image versions and enable the deployments as required in the values files. Then update the Helm dependencies.

helm dependency update .
helm dependency build
  1. Create a new namespace (optional): kubectl create namespace [namespace]

  2. Install the helm chart with the following values:

    helm install [namespace] . -n [namespace] –set helmdeploy.namespace=[namespace] –values values_local_deployment.yaml

On a system with limited resources / slow connection, run with the following additional flags:

helm install [namespace] . -n [namespace] --set helmdeploy.namespace=[namespace] --values values_local_deployment.yaml --set diagnosticMode.enabled=true --timeout=60m

Once the above is complete you will have the following running:

  • The Data Product API

  • The Data Product Dashboard

To be able to access the API and the dashboard run the following:

kubectl -n [namespace] port-forward service/ska-sdp-dataproduct-api 8000:8000
kubectl -n [namespace] port-forward service/ska-sdp-dataproduct-dashboard 8100:8100

You should now be able to access the API and the Dashboard on the following URL’s:

To get data onto the PV:

    kubectl get pod -n [namespace]
kubectl cp [host path]/ska-sdp-dataproduct-api/tests/test_files/product [ska-sdp-dataproduct-api pod]:/usr/data -n [namespace]