Source code for rascil.processing_components.simulation.pointing

""" Functions for simulating pointing errors

__all__ = [

import logging

import numpy
from astropy.time import Time
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from ska_sdp_datamodels.calibration import create_gaintable_from_visibility
from ska_sdp_datamodels.calibration.calibration_model import PointingTable
from ska_sdp_func_python.util.geometry import calculate_azel

from rascil.processing_components.parameters import rascil_data_path

log = logging.getLogger("rascil-logger")

[docs] def simulate_gaintable_from_pointingtable( vis, sc, pt, vp, vis_slices=None, scale=1.0, order=3, elevation_limit=15.0 * numpy.pi / 180.0, jones_type="G", **kwargs, ): """Create gaintables from a pointing table Note that the column "nominal" is not used :param vis: :param sc: Sky components for which pierce points are needed :param pt: Pointing table :param vp: Voltage pattern in AZELGEO frame :param scale: Multiply the screen by this factor :param order: order of spline (default is 3) :param jones_type: Type of calibration matrix T or G or B :return: """ nant = vis.visibility_acc.nants gaintables = [ create_gaintable_from_visibility( vis, timeslice=kwargs.get("timeslice", None), jones_type=jones_type ) for i in sc ] gnchan = gaintables[0].gaintable_acc.nchan frequency = gaintables[0].frequency nchan, npol, ny, nx = vp["pixels"].data.shape real_spline = [ [ RectBivariateSpline( range(ny), range(nx), vp["pixels"].data[chan, pol, ...].real, kx=order, ky=order, ) for chan in range(nchan) ] for pol in range(npol) ] imag_spline = [ [ RectBivariateSpline( range(ny), range(nx), vp["pixels"].data[chan, pol, ...].imag, kx=order, ky=order, ) for chan in range(nchan) ] for pol in range(npol) ] assert ( npol == vis.visibility_acc.npol ), "Voltage pattern and visibility have incompatible polarisations" assert vp.image_acc.wcs.wcs.ctype[0] == "AZELGEO long", vp.image_acc.wcs.wcs.ctype[ 0 ] assert vp.image_acc.wcs.wcs.ctype[1] == "AZELGEO lati", vp.image_acc.wcs.wcs.ctype[ 1 ] assert vis.configuration.mount[0] == "azel", ( "Mount %s not supported yet" % vis.configuration.mount[0] ) # The time in the Visibility is UTC in seconds number_bad = 0 number_good = 0 number_singular = 0 r2d = 180.0 / numpy.pi # For each hourangle, we need to calculate the location of a component # in AZELGEO. With that we can then look up the relevant gain from the # voltage pattern location = vis.attrs["configuration"].attrs["location"] for row, time in enumerate(pt["time"]): time_slice = { "time": slice(time - pt["interval"][row] / 2, time + pt.interval[row] / 2) } pt_sel = pt.sel(time_slice) if len(pt_sel["time"]) > 0: pointing_ha = pt_sel["pointing"].data[0, ...] utc_time = Time( [numpy.average(pt_sel["time"]) / 86400.0], format="mjd", scale="utc" ) azimuth_centre, elevation_centre = calculate_azel( location, utc_time, vis.phasecentre ) azimuth_centre = azimuth_centre[0].to("rad").value elevation_centre = elevation_centre[0].to("rad").value # Calculate the az el for this hourangle and the phasecentre declination for icomp, comp in enumerate(sc): gt_sel = gaintables[icomp].sel(time_slice) nrec = gt_sel.gaintable_acc.nrec if elevation_centre >= elevation_limit: antgain = numpy.zeros([nant, gnchan, npol], dtype="complex") # Calculate the azel of this component azimuth_comp, elevation_comp = calculate_azel( location, utc_time, comp.direction ) azimuth_comp = azimuth_comp[0].to("rad").value elevation_comp = elevation_comp[0].to("rad").value # We now add the pointing to the calculated az, el of the component for ant in range(nant): wcs_azel = vp.image_acc.wcs.deepcopy() az_comp = azimuth_centre + pointing_ha[ ant, 0, 0, 0 ] / numpy.cos(elevation_centre) el_comp = elevation_centre + pointing_ha[ant, 0, 0, 1] if az_comp - azimuth_comp > numpy.pi: azimuth_comp += 2.0 * numpy.pi if az_comp - azimuth_comp < -numpy.pi: azimuth_comp -= 2.0 * numpy.pi # We use WCS sensible coordinate handling by labelling the # axes misleadingly wcs_azel.wcs.crval[0] = az_comp * r2d wcs_azel.wcs.crval[1] = el_comp * r2d wcs_azel.wcs.ctype[0] = "RA---SIN" wcs_azel.wcs.ctype[1] = "DEC--SIN" try: # Unwrap azimuths if azimuth_comp - az_comp > numpy.pi: azimuth_comp -= 2.0 * numpy.pi elif azimuth_comp - az_comp <= -numpy.pi: azimuth_comp += 2.0 * numpy.pi if azimuth_comp > numpy.pi: azimuth_comp -= 2.0 * numpy.pi elif azimuth_comp <= -numpy.pi: azimuth_comp += 2.0 * numpy.pi for gchan in range(gnchan): gain = numpy.zeros([npol], dtype="complex") # World coordinates of this component worldloc = [ azimuth_comp * r2d, elevation_comp * r2d, vp.image_acc.wcs.wcs.crval[2], frequency[gchan].data, ] # Pixel coordinates of this component. Note that the # polarisation coordinate is not used here pixloc = wcs_azel.wcs_world2pix([worldloc], 0)[0] assert pixloc[0] > 2 assert pixloc[0] < nx - 3 assert pixloc[1] > 2 assert pixloc[1] < ny - 3 chan = int(round(pixloc[3])) if nchan == 1: chan = 0 for pol in range(npol): gain[pol] = real_spline[pol][chan].ev( pixloc[1], pixloc[0] ) + 1j * imag_spline[pol][chan].ev( pixloc[1], pixloc[0] ) if nrec == 2: ag = gain.reshape([2, 2]) antgain[ant, gchan, :] = ag.reshape([4]) elif nrec == 1: antgain[ant, gchan, 0] = gain else: raise ValueError( "Illegal number of receptors: {}".format(nrec) ) number_good += 1 except (ValueError, AssertionError, IndexError): number_bad += 1 antgain[ant, :, :] = 0.0 except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: number_singular += 1 antgain[ant, :, :] = 0.0 gt_sel["gain"].data[:, :, :, :] = antgain[:, :, :].reshape( [nant, gnchan, nrec, nrec] ) gt_sel.attrs["phasecentre"] = comp.direction else: gt_sel["gain"].data[...] = 1.0 + 0.0j gt_sel.attrs["phasecentre"] = comp.direction number_bad += nant else: log.warning("Zero length pointing interval") if number_bad > 0: log.debug( "simulate_gaintable_from_pointingtable: %d points inside " "the voltage pattern image" % (number_good) ) log.debug( "simulate_gaintable_from_pointingtable: %d points outside " "the voltage pattern image will be ignored" % (number_bad) ) if number_singular > 0: log.debug( "simulate_gaintable_from_pointingtable: %d points have singular gain" % (number_singular) ) return gaintables
[docs] def simulate_pointingtable( pt: PointingTable, pointing_error, static_pointing_error=None, global_pointing_error=None, seed=None, **kwargs, ) -> PointingTable: """Simulate a gain table :type pt: PointingTable :param pointing_error: std of normal distribution (radians) :param static_pointing_error: std of normal distribution (radians) :param global_pointing_error: 2-vector of global pointing error (rad) :param kwargs: :return: PointingTable """ from numpy.random import default_rng if seed is None: rng = default_rng(1805550721) else: rng = default_rng(seed) if static_pointing_error is None: static_pointing_error = [0.0, 0.0] r2s = 180.0 * 3600.0 / numpy.pi pt["pointing"].data = numpy.zeros(pt["pointing"].data.shape) ntimes, nant, nchan, nrec, _ = pt["pointing"].data.shape if pointing_error > 0.0: log.debug( "simulate_pointingtable: Simulating dynamic pointing error = " "%g (rad) %g (arcsec)" % (pointing_error, r2s * pointing_error) ) pt["pointing"].data += rng.normal( 0.0, pointing_error, pt["pointing"].data.shape ) if (abs(static_pointing_error[0]) > 0.0) or (abs(static_pointing_error[1]) > 0.0): log.debug( "simulate_pointingtable: Simulating static pointing error = " "(%g, %g) (rad) (%g, %g)(arcsec)" % ( static_pointing_error[0], static_pointing_error[1], r2s * static_pointing_error[0], r2s * static_pointing_error[1], ) ) static_pe = numpy.zeros(pt["pointing"].data.shape[1:]) static_pe[..., 0] = rng.normal( 0.0, static_pointing_error[0], static_pe[..., 0].shape )[numpy.newaxis, ...] static_pe[..., 1] = rng.normal( 0.0, static_pointing_error[1], static_pe[..., 1].shape )[numpy.newaxis, ...] pt["pointing"].data += static_pe if global_pointing_error is not None: log.debug( "simulate_pointingtable: Simulating global pointing error = " "[%g, %g] (rad) [%g,s %g] (arcsec)" % ( global_pointing_error[0], global_pointing_error[1], r2s * global_pointing_error[0], r2s * global_pointing_error[1], ) ) pt["pointing"].data[..., :] += global_pointing_error return pt
[docs] def simulate_pointingtable_from_timeseries( pt, type="wind", time_series_type="precision", pointing_directory=None, reference_pointing=False, seed=None, ): """Create a pointing table with time series created from PSD. :param pt: Pointing table to be filled :param type: Type of pointing: 'tracking' or 'wind' :param time_series_type: Type of wind condition precision|standard|degraded :param pointing_directory: Name of pointing file directory :param reference_pointing: Use reference pointing? :return: """ from numpy.random import default_rng if seed is None: rng = default_rng(1805550721) else: rng = default_rng(seed) if pointing_directory is None: pointing_directory = rascil_data_path("models/%s" % time_series_type) else: pointing_directory = pointing_directory + "/%s" % (time_series_type) pt["pointing"].data = numpy.zeros(pt["pointing"].data.shape) ntimes, nant, nchan, nrec, _ = pt["pointing"].data.shape # Use az and el at the beginning of this pointingtable axis_values = pt.nominal[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] el = pt.nominal[0, 0, 0, 0, 1] el_deg = el * 180.0 / numpy.pi az_deg = axis_values * 180.0 / numpy.pi if el_deg < 30.0: el_deg = 15.0 elif el_deg < (90.0 + 45.0) / 2.0: el_deg = 45.0 else: el_deg = 90.0 if abs(az_deg) < 45.0 / 2.0: az_deg = 0.0 elif abs(az_deg) < (45.0 + 90.0) / 2.0: az_deg = 45.0 elif abs(az_deg) < (90.0 + 135.0) / 2.0: az_deg = 90.0 elif abs(az_deg) < (135.0 + 180.0) / 2.0: az_deg = 135.0 else: az_deg = 180.0 pointing_file = "%s/El%dAz%d.dat" % (pointing_directory, int(el_deg), int(az_deg)) "simulate_pointingtable_from_timeseries: Reading wind PSD from %s" % pointing_file ) try: psd = numpy.loadtxt(pointing_file) except OSError: raise ValueError("Pointing file %s not found." % pointing_file) # define some arrays freq = psd[:, 0] axesdict = {"az": psd[:, 1], "el": psd[:, 2], "pxel": psd[:, 3], "pel": psd[:, 4]} if type == "tracking": axes = ["az", "el"] elif type == "wind": axes = ["pxel", "pel"] else: raise ValueError("Pointing type %s not known." % type) freq_interval = 0.0001 for axis in axes: axis_values = axesdict[axis] if (axis == "az") or (axis == "el"): # determine index of maximum PSD value; add 50 for better fit axis_values_max_index = ( numpy.argwhere(axis_values == numpy.max(axis_values))[0][0] + 50 ) axis_values_max_index = min(axis_values_max_index, len(axis_values)) # max_freq = 2.0 / pt.interval[0] max_freq = 0.4 freq_max_index = numpy.argwhere(freq > max_freq)[0][0] else: break_freq = 0.01 # not max; just a break axis_values_max_index = numpy.argwhere(freq > break_freq)[0][0] # max_freq = 2.0 / pt.interval[0] max_freq = 0.1 freq_max_index = numpy.argwhere(freq > max_freq)[0][0] # construct regularly-spaced frequencies regular_freq = numpy.arange(freq[0], freq[freq_max_index], freq_interval) regular_axis_values_max_index = numpy.argwhere( numpy.abs(regular_freq - freq[axis_values_max_index]) == numpy.min(numpy.abs(regular_freq - freq[axis_values_max_index])) )[0][0] # print ('Frequency break: ', freq[az_max_index]) # print ('Max frequency: ', max_freq) # # print ('New frequency break: ', regular_freq[regular_az_max_index]) # print ('New max frequency: ', regular_freq[-1]) if axis_values_max_index >= freq_max_index: raise ValueError( "Frequency break is higher than highest frequency; " "select a lower break." ) # use original frequency break and max frequency to fit function # fit polynomial to psd up to max value import warnings from numpy import RankWarning warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RankWarning) p_axis_values1 = numpy.polyfit( freq[:axis_values_max_index], numpy.log(axis_values[:axis_values_max_index]), 5, ) f_axis_values1 = numpy.poly1d(p_axis_values1) # fit polynomial to psd beyond max value p_axis_values2 = numpy.polyfit( freq[axis_values_max_index:freq_max_index], numpy.log(axis_values[axis_values_max_index:freq_max_index]), 5, ) f_axis_values2 = numpy.poly1d(p_axis_values2) # use new frequency break and max frequency to apply function (ensures # equal spacing of frequency intervals) # resampled to construct regularly-spaced frequencies regular_axis_values1 = numpy.exp( f_axis_values1(regular_freq[:regular_axis_values_max_index]) ) regular_axis_values2 = numpy.exp( f_axis_values2(regular_freq[regular_axis_values_max_index:]) ) # join regular_axis_values = numpy.append(regular_axis_values1, regular_axis_values2) m0 = len(regular_axis_values) # check rms of resampled PSD # df = regular_freq[1:]-regular_freq[:-1] # psd2rms_pxel = numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(regular_az[:-1]*df)) # print ('Calculate rms of resampled PSD: ', psd2rms_pxel) original_regular_freq = regular_freq original_regular_axis_values = regular_axis_values # get amplitudes from psd values if (regular_axis_values < 0).any(): raise ValueError( "Resampling returns negative power values; change fit range." ) amp_axis_values = numpy.sqrt(regular_axis_values * 2 * freq_interval) # need to scale PSD by 2* frequency interval before square rooting, then # by number of modes in resampled PSD # Now we generate some random phases for ant in range(nant): regular_freq = original_regular_freq regular_axis_values = original_regular_axis_values phi_axis_values = rng.random(size=len(regular_axis_values)) * 2 * numpy.pi # create complex array z_axis_values = amp_axis_values * numpy.exp(1j * phi_axis_values) # polar # make symmetrical frequencies mirror_z_axis_values = numpy.copy(z_axis_values) # make complex conjugates mirror_z_axis_values.imag -= 2 * z_axis_values.imag # make negative frequencies mirror_regular_freq = -regular_freq # join z_axis_values = numpy.append(z_axis_values, mirror_z_axis_values[::-1]) regular_freq = numpy.append(regular_freq, mirror_regular_freq[::-1]) # add a 0 Fourier term zav = z_axis_values z_axis_values = numpy.zeros([len(zav) + 1]).astype("complex") z_axis_values[1:] = zav # perform inverse fft ts = numpy.fft.ifft(z_axis_values) # set up and check scalings Dt = pt.interval[0] ts = numpy.real(ts) # the result is scaled by number of points in the signal, # so multiply - real part - by this ts *= m0 # The output of the iFFT will be a random time series on the finite # (bounded, limited) time interval t = 0 to tmax = (N-1) X Dt, # # where Dt = 1 / (2 X Fmax) # scale to time interval # Convert from arcsec to radians ts *= numpy.pi / (180.0 * 3600.0) # We take reference pointing to mean that the pointing errors are # zero at the beginning of the set of integrations if reference_pointing: ts[:] -= ts[0] #['time'] = times[:ntimes] if axis == "az": pt["pointing"].data[:, ant, :, :, 0] = ts[ :ntimes, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, ... ] elif axis == "el": pt["pointing"].data[:, ant, :, :, 1] = ts[ :ntimes, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, ... ] elif axis == "pxel": pt["pointing"].data[:, ant, :, :, 0] = ts[ :ntimes, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, ... ] elif axis == "pel": pt["pointing"].data[:, ant, :, :, 1] = ts[ :ntimes, numpy.newaxis, numpy.newaxis, ... ] else: raise ValueError("Unknown axis %s" % axis) return pt