Source code for rascil.processing_components.flagging.operations

Functions that Flagging Visibility and Visibility.

The flags of Visibility has axes [chan, pol, z, y, x] where z, y, x
are spatial axes in either sky or Fourier plane. The order in the WCS
is reversed so the grid_WCS describes UU, VV, WW, STOKES, FREQ axes.

__all__ = ["flagging_visibility", "flagging_aoflagger"]

import logging
import os
import pkgutil

import numpy

log = logging.getLogger("rascil-logger")

[docs] def flagging_visibility( bvis, baselines=None, antennas=None, channels=None, polarisations=None ): """Flagging Visibility :param bvis: Visibility :param baselines: The list of baseline numbers to flag :param antennas: The list of antenna number to flag :param channels: The list of Channel number to flag :param polarisations: The list of polarisations to flag :return: Visibility """ if polarisations is None: polarisations = [] if antennas is None: antennas = [] if channels is None: channels = [] if baselines is None: baselines = [] for baseline in baselines: bvis["flags"].data[:, baseline, ...] = 1 for channel in channels: bvis["flags"].data[..., channel, :] = 1 for pol in polarisations: bvis["flags"].data[..., pol] = 1 for ibaseline, (a1, a2) in enumerate( if a1 in antennas or a2 in antennas: bvis["flags"].data[:, ibaseline, ...] = 1 return bvis
[docs] def flagging_aoflagger(vis, strategy_name): """Flagging Visibility using the AOFlagger package The flagging strategy can be telescope name (AARTFAAC, ARECIBO, ARECIBO 305M, BIGHORNS, EVLA, JVLA, LOFAR, MWA, PARKES, PKS, ATPKSMB, or WSRT) or a LUA file like the ones in You can define a new strategy interactively using the AOFlagger rfigui ( :param vis: Visibility object :param strategy_name: Strategy to use: can be a LUA file or a telescope name. If the strategy for the selected telescope is not available, a generic strategy is used. :return: Visibility where the flags field has been updated """ try: import aoflagger except ImportError: log.warning("AOFlagger is not installed. Not executing flagging.") return vis flagger = aoflagger.AOFlagger() if strategy_name.endswith(".lua"): # Load specific LUA strategy strategy = flagger.load_strategy_file(path) else: # Use the LUA strategy corresponding to the desired telescope name_uppercase = strategy_name.upper() if name_uppercase == "AARTFAAC": path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.AARTFAAC) elif name_uppercase == "ARECIBO" or name_uppercase == "ARECIBO 305M": path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.Arecibo) elif name_uppercase == "BIGHORNS": path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.Bighorns) elif name_uppercase == "EVLA" or name_uppercase == "JVLA": path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.JVLA) elif name_uppercase == "LOFAR": path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.LOFAR) elif name_uppercase == "MWA": path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.MWA) elif ( name_uppercase == "PARKES" or name_uppercase == "PKS" or name_uppercase == "ATPKSMB" ): path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.Parkes) elif name_uppercase == "WSRT": path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.WSRT) else: path = flagger.find_strategy_file(aoflagger.TelescopeId.Generic) strategy = flagger.load_strategy_file(path) ntimes =[0] nbaselines =[1] nch =[2] npol =[3] for bl in range(nbaselines): data = flagger.make_image_set(ntimes, nch, npol * 2) for imgindex in range(npol): # AOFlagger uses the axis in a different order than Rascil values = numpy.swapaxes([:, bl, :, imgindex], 0, 1) data.set_image_buffer(2 * imgindex, numpy.real(values)) data.set_image_buffer(2 * imgindex + 1, numpy.imag(values)) flags = # A flag denotes that the values at that time-frequency position should # be ignored for all polarizations for pol in range(npol):[:, bl, :, pol] = numpy.swapaxes( flags.get_buffer().astype(numpy.int32), 0, 1 ) return vis