Source code for rascil.processing_components.calibration.operations

Functions for calibration, including creation of gaintables, application of
gaintables, and merging gaintables.

__all__ = [

import copy
import logging
from typing import Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.linalg
import xarray
from ska_sdp_datamodels.calibration.calibration_model import GainTable

log = logging.getLogger("rascil-logger")

[docs] def append_gaintable(gt: GainTable, othergt: GainTable) -> GainTable: """Append othergt to gt :param gt: :param othergt: :return: GainTable gt + othergt """ assert gt.receptor_frame == othergt.receptor_frame = numpy.hstack((, return gt
[docs] def create_gaintable_from_rows( gt: GainTable, rows: numpy.ndarray, makecopy=True ) -> Union[GainTable, None]: """Create a GainTable from selected rows :param gt: GainTable :param rows: Boolean array of row selection :param makecopy: Make a deep copy (True) :return: GainTable """ if rows is None or numpy.sum(rows) == 0: return None assert ( len(rows) == gt.ntimes ), "Length of rows does not agree with length of GainTable" if makecopy: newgt = gt.copy(deep=True) = copy.deepcopy([rows]) return newgt else: = copy.deepcopy([rows]) return gt
[docs] def gaintable_plot( gt: GainTable, cc="T", title="", ants=None, channels=None, label_max=0, min_amp=1e-5, cmap="rainbow", **kwargs, ): """Standard plot of gain table :param gt: Gaintable :param cc: Type of gain table e.g. 'T', 'G, 'B' :param value: 'amp' or 'phase' or 'residual' :param ants: Antennas to plot :param channels: Channels to plot :param kwargs: :return: """ if ants is None: ants = range(gt.gaintable_acc.nants) if channels is None: channels = range(gt.gaintable_acc.nchan) if gt.configuration is not None: labels = [gt.configuration.names[ant] for ant in ants] else: labels = ["" for ant in ants] time_axis = gt["time"].data / 86400.0 ntimes = len(time_axis) nants = gt.gaintable_acc.nants nchan = gt.gaintable_acc.nchan if cc == "B": fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) residual = gt["residual"].data[:, channels, 0, 0] ax[0].imshow(residual, cmap=cmap) ax[0].set_title("{title} RMS residual {cc}".format(title=title, cc=cc)) ax[0].set_ylabel("RMS residual (Jy)") amp = numpy.abs( gt["gain"].data[:, :, channels, 0, 0].reshape([ntimes * nants, nchan]) ) ax[1].imshow(amp, cmap=cmap) ax[1].set_ylabel("Amplitude") ax[1].set_title("{title} Amplitude {cc}".format(title=title, cc=cc)) ax[1].xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize="small") phase = numpy.angle( gt["gain"].data[:, :, channels, 0, 0].reshape([ntimes * nants, nchan]) ) ax[2].imshow(phase, cmap=cmap) ax[2].set_ylabel("Phase (radian)") ax[2].set_title("{title} Phase {cc}".format(title=title, cc=cc)) ax[2].xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize="small") else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True) residual = gt["residual"].data[:, channels, 0, 0] ax[0].plot(time_axis, residual, ".") ax[1].set_ylabel("Residual fit (Jy)") ax[0].set_title("{title} Residual {cc}".format(title=title, cc=cc)) for ant in ants: amp = numpy.abs(gt["gain"].data[:, ant, channels, 0, 0]) ax[1].plot( time_axis[amp[:, 0] > min_amp], amp[amp[:, 0] > min_amp], ".", label=labels[ant], ) ax[1].set_ylabel("Amplitude (Jy)") ax[1].set_title("{title} Amplitude {cc}".format(title=title, cc=cc)) for ant in ants: amp = numpy.abs(gt["gain"].data[:, ant, channels, 0, 0]) angle = numpy.angle(gt["gain"].data[:, ant, channels, 0, 0]) ax[2].plot( time_axis[amp[:, 0] > min_amp], angle[amp[:, 0] > min_amp], ".", label=labels[ant], ) ax[2].set_ylabel("Phase (rad)") ax[2].set_title("{title} Phase {cc}".format(title=title, cc=cc)) ax[2].xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=8) plt.xticks(rotation=0) if gt.configuration is not None: if len( < label_max: ax[1].legend() ax[1][1].legend()
def multiply_gaintables( gt: GainTable, dgt: GainTable, time_tolerance=1e-3 ) -> GainTable: """Multiply two gaintables Returns gt * dgt :param gt: :param dgt: :return: """ # Test if times align mismatch = numpy.max(numpy.abs(gt["time"].data - dgt["time"].data)) if mismatch > time_tolerance: raise ValueError( f"Gaintables not aligned in time: max mismatch {mismatch} seconds" ) if dgt.gaintable_acc.nrec == gt.gaintable_acc.nrec: if dgt.gaintable_acc.nrec == 2: gt["gain"].data = numpy.einsum( "...ik,...ij->...kj", gt["gain"].data, dgt["gain"].data ) gt["weight"].data *= dgt["weight"].data elif dgt.gaintable_acc.nrec == 1: gt["gain"].data *= dgt["gain"].data gt["weight"].data *= dgt["weight"].data else: raise ValueError( "Gain tables have illegal structures {} {}".format(str(gt), str(dgt)) ) else: raise ValueError( "Gain tables have different structures {} {}".format(str(gt), str(dgt)) ) return gt def concatenate_gaintables(gt_list, dim="time"): """Concatenate a list of gaintables :param gt_list: List of gaintables :return: Concatendated gaintable """ if len(gt_list) == 0: raise ValueError("GainTable list is empty") return xarray.concat( gt_list, dim=dim, data_vars="minimal", coords="minimal", compat="override" )