Source code for pyaavs.tile_health_monitor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the SKA Low MCCS project
# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
# See LICENSE.txt for more info.
Hardware functions for monitoring of TPM hardware health status.

This depends heavily on the
pyfabil low level software and specific hardware module plugins.

import time
from pyfabil.base.definitions import LibraryError, BoardError
from copy import copy
from functools import reduce
import operator

from pyaavs.tpm_1_6_monitoring_point_lookup import load_tpm_1_6_lookup
from pyaavs.tpm_1_2_monitoring_point_lookup import load_tpm_1_2_lookup

[docs] def health_monitoring_compatible(func): """ Decorator method to check if provided firmware supports TPM health monitoring. Achieved by attempting to access a register which was added for TPM health monitoring. Bitstreams generated prior to ~03/2023 will not support TPM health monitoring. """ def inner_func(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self['fpga1.pps_manager.pps_errors'] except Exception as e: # noqa: F841 raise LibraryError(f"TPM Health Monitoring not supported by FPGA firmware!") return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return inner_func
[docs] class TileHealthMonitor(): """ Tile Health Monitor Mixin Class, must be inherited by Tile Class """
[docs] def init_health_monitoring(self): """ Method to load monitoring point lookup dict into attribute. TPM monitoring point format and lookup loaded from: """ self.monitoring_point_lookup_dict = load_tpm_1_2_lookup(self) if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2" else load_tpm_1_6_lookup(self) return
[docs] def enable_health_monitoring(self): communication_status = self.check_communication() if not all(communication_status.values()): raise BoardError(f"Board communication error, unable to enable health monitoring. Check communication status and try again.") # For use with get_health_status and clear_health_status # Enable anything that requires an enable self.enable_clock_monitoring() return
[docs] def all_monitoring_points(self): """ Returns a list of all monitoring points by finding all leaf nodes in the lookup dict that have a corresponding method field. The monitoring points returned are strings produced from '.' delimited keys. For example: 'voltages.5V0' 'io.udp_interface.crc_error_count.FPGA0' More info at :return: list of monitoring points :rtype: list of strings """ def find_leaf_dict_recursive(health_dict, key_list=[], output_list=[]): for name, value in health_dict.items(): key_list.append(name) if not isinstance(value, dict): output_list.append('.'.join(key_list)) key_list.pop() else: find_leaf_dict_recursive(value, key_list, output_list) if key_list: key_list.pop() return output_list # Find leaves of nested dict dict_leaf_list = find_leaf_dict_recursive(self.monitoring_point_lookup_dict) # Keep only points ending in .method, then remove the .method monitoring_point_list = [] for point in dict_leaf_list: if point.endswith('.method'): monitoring_point_list.append(point[:-7]) return monitoring_point_list
[docs] def all_monitoring_categories(self): """ Returns a list of all monitoring point 'categories'. Here categories is a super-set of monitoring points and is the full list of accepted strings to set_monitoring_point_attr. For example, these monitoring points: voltages.5V0 io.udp_interface.crc_error_count.FPGA0 would have these associated categories: 'voltages' 'voltages.5V0' 'io' 'io.udp_interface' 'io.udp_interface.crc_error_count' 'io.udp_interface.crc_error_count.FPGA0' More info at :return: list of categories :rtype: list of strings """ all_monitoring_points = self.all_monitoring_points() categories = set() for monitroing_point in all_monitoring_points: parts = monitroing_point.split('.') for i in range(len(parts)): categories.add('.'.join(parts[:i+1])) categories_list = list(categories) categories_list.sort() return categories_list
[docs] def set_monitoring_point_attr(self, path, override=True, **kwargs): """ Specify attributes for a monitoring point or subset of monitoring points. Specified by path, a string name produced from '.' delimited keys of the lookup dict. All available options returned from all_monitoring_categories(). See for example usage. :param path: Monitoring point path (i.e any of:'io.udp_interface.crc_error_count', 'io.udp_interface', 'timing', 'io') :type path: str :param override: Overrides the specified attribute if true, if False appends :type override: bool :param **kwargs: key word args (i.e rate='fast' or rate=8, group='my_group' or group=['my_group1', 'my_group2']) :type kwargs: values can be int,str,bool,float etc. or list of these. Tuples not supported """ if path not in self.all_monitoring_categories(): raise LibraryError(f"No monitoring point paths matching: {path}\nUse:\nall_monitoring_points()\nall_monitoring_categories()\nto see available options.") for monitoring_point in self.all_monitoring_points(): if monitoring_point.startswith(path): lookup = monitoring_point.split('.') lookup_entry = self._parse_dict_by_path(self.monitoring_point_lookup_dict, lookup) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if not isinstance(value, list): value = [value] if override or key not in lookup_entry:"Setting {key} for {monitoring_point} to {', '.join(value)}.") lookup_entry[key] = copy(value) else:"Appending {key} for {monitoring_point} with {', '.join(value)}.") lookup_entry[key].extend(value) lookup_entry[key] = copy(list(set(lookup_entry[key]))) # remove duplicates from list by converting to set and back"{key} for {monitoring_point} now {lookup_entry[key]}.") return
def _parse_dict_by_path(self, dictionary, path_list): """ General purpose method to parse a nested dictory by a list of keys. Example: test_dict = {'parent': {'child1': 10, 'child2':12}, 'parent2': {'child3': 14}} self._parse_dict_by_path(test_dict, ['parent', 'child2']) would return 12 self._parse_dict_by_path(test_dict, ['parent2', 'child3']) would return 14 self._parse_dict_by_path(test_dict, ['parent']) would return {'child1': 10, 'child2':12} :param dictionary: Input nested dictionary :type dictionary: dict :param path_list: List of dictionary keys, from top to bottom :type path_list: list :return: value """ return reduce(operator.getitem, path_list, dictionary) def _create_nested_dict(self, key_list, value, nested_dict={}): """ General purpose method to append to a nested dictionary based on a provided list of keys and a value. If nested_dict is not specified a new dictionary is created. Subsequent calls with the same nested_dict provided will append. Used to recreate a nested dictionary hierarchy from scratch. NOTE: nested_dict is not copied so due to Python dictionaries being mutable, the returned nested_dict is optional, required for creation of new dictionaries. :param key_list: List of dictionary keys, from top to bottom :type key_list: list :param value: Value to be stored at path specified by key_list :type value: anything :param nested_dict: Input nested dictionary :type nested_dict: dict :return: nested_dict :rtype: dict """ current_dict = nested_dict for key in key_list[:-1]: if key not in current_dict: current_dict[key] = {} current_dict = current_dict[key] current_dict[key_list[-1]] = value return nested_dict def _kwargs_handler(self, kwargs): """ For use with get_health_status method. Filter all monitoring points to a subset based on monitoring point attr match to kwargs in monitoring point lookup dict. NOTE: when multiple args specified, all must match :param kwargs: dictionary of kwargs :type kwargs: dict :return: monitoring point list :rtype: list """ if not kwargs: return self.all_monitoring_points() # get list of monitoring points to be polled based on kwargs mon_point_list = [] for monitoring_point in self.all_monitoring_points(): lookup = monitoring_point.split('.') lookup_entry = self._parse_dict_by_path(self.monitoring_point_lookup_dict, lookup) keep = 0 for key, val in kwargs.items(): if val in lookup_entry.get(key, []): keep +=1 if keep == len(kwargs): mon_point_list.append(monitoring_point) return mon_point_list
[docs] def get_health_status(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the current value of TPM monitoring points with the specified attributes as set in the method set_monitoring_point_attr. If no arguments given, current value of all monitoring points is returned. For example: If configured with: tile.set_monitoring_point_attr('io.udp_interface', my_category='yes', my_other_category=87) Subsequent calls to: tile.get_health_status(my_category='yes', my_other_category=87) would return only the health status for: io.udp_interface.arp io.udp_interface.status io.udp_interface.crc_error_count.FPGA0 io.udp_interface.crc_error_count.FPGA1 io.udp_interface.bip_error_count.FPGA0 io.udp_interface.bip_error_count.FPGA1 io.udp_interface.decode_error_count.FPGA0 io.udp_interface.decode_error_count.FPGA1 io.udp_interface.linkup_loss_count.FPGA0 io.udp_interface.linkup_loss_count.FPGA1 A group attribute is provided by default, see tpm_1_X_monitoring_point_lookup. This can be used like the below example: tile.get_health_status(group='temperatures') tile.get_health_status(group='udp_interface') tile.get_health_status(group='io') Full documentation on usage available at """ fpga_communication = True communication_status = self.check_communication() if not communication_status["CPLD"]: raise BoardError(f"Board communication error, unable to get health status. Check communication status and try again.") if not (communication_status["FPGA0"] and communication_status["FPGA1"]): fpga_communication = False self.logger.warning(f"Not able to communicate with one of more FPGAs. Reduced health status will be returned.") health_status = {} mon_point_list = self._kwargs_handler(kwargs) for monitoring_point in mon_point_list: lookup = monitoring_point.split('.') lookup_entry = self._parse_dict_by_path(self.monitoring_point_lookup_dict, lookup) # call method stored in lookup entry if fpga_communication or lookup_entry.get("CPLD-only"): value = lookup_entry["method"]() # Resolve nested values with only one value i.e # get_voltage("voltage_name") returns {"voltage_name": voltage} # get_clock_manager_status(fpga_id, name) returns {"FPGAid": {"name": status}} while True: if not isinstance(value, dict): break if len(value) != 1: break value = list(value.values())[0] # Create dictionary of monitoring points in same format as lookup health_status = self._create_nested_dict(lookup, value, health_status) # Clear select health_status point if defined. if "clear_method" in lookup_entry: try: lookup_entry["clear_method"]() except Exception as e: self.logger.error(f"Unable to clear monitoring_point {monitoring_point} " "Exception : {e}") return health_status
[docs] def clear_health_status(self, group=None): communication_status = self.check_communication() if communication_status['CPLD']: if group is None or group == "pll": self.clear_ad9528_pll_status() if communication_status["FPGA0"] and communication_status["FPGA1"]: if group is None: self.clear_clock_status(fpga_id=None, clock_name=None) self.clear_clock_manager_status(fpga_id=None, name=None) self.clear_pps_status(fpga_id=None) self.clear_jesd_error_counters(fpga_id=None) self.clear_ddr_reset_counter(fpga_id=None) self.clear_f2f_pll_lock_loss_counter(core_id=None) self.clear_udp_status(fpga_id=None) self.clear_tile_beamformer_status(fpga_id=None) self.clear_station_beamformer_status(fpga_id=None) elif group == "clocks": self.clear_clock_status(fpga_id=None, clock_name=None) elif group == "clock_managers": self.clear_clock_manager_status(fpga_id=None, name=None) elif group == "pps": self.clear_pps_status(fpga_id=None) elif group == "jesd_interface": self.clear_jesd_error_counters(fpga_id=None) elif group == "ddr_interface": self.clear_ddr_reset_counter(fpga_id=None) elif group == "f2f_interface": self.clear_f2f_pll_lock_loss_counter(core_id=None) elif group == "udp_interface": self.clear_udp_status(fpga_id=None) elif group == "tile_beamf": self.clear_tile_beamformer_status(fpga_id=None) elif group == "station_beamf": self.clear_station_beamformer_status(fpga_id=None)
[docs] def fpga_gen(self, fpga_id): return range(len(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware)) if fpga_id is None else [fpga_id]
[docs] def get_fpga_temperature(self, fpga_id=None): """ Get FPGA temperature. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: FPGA temperature :rtype: dict """ temperature_dict = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): if self.is_programmed(): temperature_dict[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = round(self.tpm.tpm_sysmon[fpga].get_fpga_temperature(), 2) else: temperature_dict[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = 0 return temperature_dict
[docs] def check_global_status_alarms(self): """ Wrapper for tpm get_global_status_alarms method Returns none if tpm version is 1.2 :return: alarm status dict :rtype: dict """ return None if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2" else self.tpm.get_global_status_alarms()
[docs] def get_available_voltages(self, fpga_id=None): """ Get list of available voltage measurements for TPM. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: TPM voltage names :rtype: list """ available_voltages = [] # LASC Plugin TPM 1.2 if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2": available_voltages.extend(self.tpm.tpm_lasc[0].get_available_voltages()) # MCU Plugin TPM 1.6 else: available_voltages.extend(self.tpm.tpm_monitor[0].get_available_voltages()) # System Monitor Plugin for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): available_voltages.extend(self.tpm.tpm_sysmon[fpga].get_available_voltages()) return available_voltages
[docs] def get_voltage(self, fpga_id=None, voltage_name=None): """ Get voltage measurements for TPM. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param voltage_name: Specify name of voltage, None for all voltages :type voltage_name: string :return: TPM voltages :rtype: dict """ voltage_dict = {} # LASC Plugin TPM 1.2 if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2": voltage_dict.update(self.tpm.tpm_lasc[0].get_voltage(voltage_name)) # MCU Plugin TPM 1.6 else: voltage_dict.update(self.tpm.tpm_monitor[0].get_voltage(voltage_name)) # System Monitor Plugin for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): voltage_dict.update(self.tpm.tpm_sysmon[fpga].get_voltage(voltage_name)) # if name specified and results are empty if voltage_name is not None and not voltage_dict: raise LibraryError(f"No voltage named '{voltage_name}' \n Options are {', '.join(self.get_available_voltages(fpga_id))} (case sensitive)") return voltage_dict
[docs] def get_available_currents(self, fpga_id=None): """ Get list of available current measurements for TPM. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: TPM current names :rtype: list """ available_currents = [] # LASC Plugin TPM 1.2 if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2": available_currents.extend(self.tpm.tpm_lasc[0].get_available_currents()) # MCU Plugin TPM 1.6 else: available_currents.extend(self.tpm.tpm_monitor[0].get_available_currents()) # System Monitor Plugin for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): available_currents.extend(self.tpm.tpm_sysmon[fpga].get_available_currents()) return available_currents
[docs] def get_current(self, fpga_id=None, current_name=None): """ Get current measurements for TPM. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param current_name: Specify name of current, None for all currents :type current_name: string :return: TPM currents :rtype: dict """ current_dict = {} # LASC Plugin TPM 1.2 if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2": current_dict.update(self.tpm.tpm_lasc[0].get_current(current_name)) # MCU Plugin TPM 1.6 else: current_dict.update(self.tpm.tpm_monitor[0].get_current(current_name)) # System Monitor Plugin for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): current_dict.update(self.tpm.tpm_sysmon[fpga].get_current(current_name)) # if name specified and results are empty if current_name is not None and not current_dict: raise LibraryError(f"No current named '{current_name}' \n Options are {', '.join(self.get_available_currents(fpga_id))} (case sensitive)") return current_dict
[docs] def check_adc_pll_status(self, adc_id=None): """ Status of ADC PLL. This method returns a tuple, True if the lock of the PLL is up and True if no loss of PLL lock has been observed respectively. NOTE: AD9680 used in TPM 1.2 does not support loss of lock bit, only current lock status. Will return None. A dictionary is returned with an entry for each ADC. :return: (True, True) if lock is up and no loss of lock :rtype dict of tuple """ adcs = range(16) if adc_id is None else [adc_id] status_dict = {} for adc in adcs: reg = self[f'adc{adc}', 0x056F] lock_is_up = reg & 0x80 > 0 no_loss_of_lock = None if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2" else reg & 0x8 == 0 status_dict[f'ADC{adc}'] = (lock_is_up, no_loss_of_lock) return status_dict
[docs] def check_adc_sysref_setup_and_hold(self, adc_id=None, show_info=True): """ Status of the ADC status and hold monitor. Returns True if no setup or hold error for a given ADC. Returns a dictionary of bool, one for each ADC. If show info enabled then desciptions from AD9695/AD9680 documentation are also displayed to explain the value of the setup and hold monitor. :param adc_id: Specify which ADC, 0-15, None for all ADCs :type adc_id: integer :param show_info: displays info messages about current setup/hold :type show_info: bool :return: True if timing requirements OK :rtype dict of bool """ case_dict = { 'case1': {'hold': [0x0], 'setup': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7], 'status': False, 'msg': "Possible setup error.The smaller this number, the smaller the setup margin."}, 'case2': {'hold': [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8], 'setup': [0x8], 'status': True, 'msg': "No setup or hold error (best hold margin)."}, 'case3': {'hold': [0x8], 'setup': [0x9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF], 'status': True, 'msg': "No setup or hold error (best setup and hold margin)."}, 'case4': {'hold': [0x8], 'setup': [0x0], 'status': True, 'msg': "No setup or hold error (best setup margin)."}, 'case5': {'hold': [0x9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0xE, 0xF], 'setup': [0x0], 'status': False, 'msg': "Possible hold error. The larger this number the smaller the hold margin."}, 'case6': {'hold': [0x0], 'setup': [0x0], 'status': False, 'msg': "Possible setup or hold error."} } adcs = range(16) if adc_id is None else [adc_id] status_dict = {} for adc in adcs: reg = self[f'adc{adc}', 0x0128] hold = (reg & 0xF0) >> 4 setup = reg & 0x0F for case in case_dict.values(): if hold in case['hold'] and setup in case['setup']: if show_info:"ADC{adc} {case['msg']} Setup: {hex(setup)}, Hold {hex(hold)}.") status_dict[f'ADC{adc}'] = case['status'] break else: if show_info: self.logger.error(f"ADC{adc} Invalid Setup and Hold values. Setup: {hex(setup)}, Hold {hex(hold)}.") status_dict[f'ADC{adc}'] = False return status_dict
[docs] def check_adc_sysref_counter(self, adc_id=None, show_info=True): """ Checks ADC sysref counter is incrementing. Sysref counter increments for each sysref event and overflows at 255 ~ every 3.28ms. Returns True if counter is incrementing for a given ADC. Returns a dictionary of bool, one for each ADC. Will retry for 1 second until two readings can be taken in under 3ms to guarantee no overflow. For debugging, if show info is enabled then each counter reading will be displayed along with the elapsed time. :param adc_id: Specify which ADC, 0-15, None for all ADCs :type adc_id: integer :param show_info: displays info messages :type show_info: bool :return: True if sysref counter incrementing :rtype dict of bool """ adcs = range(16) if adc_id is None else [adc_id] status_dict = {} for adc in adcs: timeout = time.time() + 1 # 1 second timeout while True: start_time = time.perf_counter() read1 = self[f'adc{adc}', 0x012A] read2 = self[f'adc{adc}', 0x012A] end_time = time.perf_counter() if show_info:"read1: {read1}")"read2: {read2}")"{(end_time - start_time) * 1000} ms") if end_time - start_time < 0.003: break if time.time() > timeout: raise BoardError(f"Timed out trying to read ADC{adc} SYSREF counter - 0x012A twice in under 3 ms.") status_dict[f'ADC{adc}'] = read1 != read2 return status_dict
[docs] def check_ad9528_pll_status(self): """ Status of TPM AD9528 PLL chip This method returns lock status True if both PLLs in the AD9528 are locked. The lock loss counter increments for a loss of lock event on either PLL. :return: current lock status and lock loss counter value :rtype tuple """ locks = self.tpm.tpm_pll[0].get_pll_status() loss_of_lock = self.tpm.tpm_pll[0].get_pll_loss_of_lock() # The above calls will return None if CPLD firmware does # not support PLL status if locks is None: # if unsuccessful try alternative i2c method # should only be needed for TPM 1.2 on old CPLD firmware lock = self['pll', 0x508] & 0x3 == 0x3 else: lock = locks == 0x3 return lock, loss_of_lock
[docs] def clear_ad9528_pll_status(self): """ Resets the value in the AD9528 PLL lock loss counter to 0. """ self.tpm.tpm_pll[0].reset_pll_loss_of_lock() return
[docs] def get_available_clocks_to_monitor(self): """ :return: list of clock names available to be monitored :rtype list of string """ if self.is_programmed(): return self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[0].get_available_clocks_to_monitor()
[docs] def enable_clock_monitoring(self, fpga_id=None, clock_name=None): """ Enable clock monitoring of named TPM clocks Options 'jesd', 'ddr', 'udp' Input is non case sensitive An FPGA ID can be optionally specified to only enable monitoring on one FPGA :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param clock_name: Specify name of clock or None for all clocks :type clock_name: string """ if self.is_programmed(): for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[fpga].enable_clock_monitoring(clock_name) return
[docs] def disable_clock_monitoring(self, fpga_id=None, clock_name=None): """ Disable clock monitoring of named TPM clocks Options 'jesd', 'ddr', 'udp' Input is non case sensitive An FPGA ID can be optionally specified to only disable monitoring on one FPGA :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param clock_name: Specify name of clock or None for all clocks :type clock_name: string """ if self.is_programmed(): for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[fpga].disable_clock_monitoring(clock_name) return
[docs] def check_clock_status(self, fpga_id=None, clock_name=None): """ Check status of named TPM clocks Options 'jesd', 'ddr', 'udp' Input is non case sensitive An FPGA ID can be optionally specified to only check status on one FPGA :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param clock_name: Specify name of clock or None for all clocks :type clock_name: string :return: True when Status is OK, no errors :rtype bool """ if self.is_programmed(): result = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): result[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[fpga].check_clock_status(clock_name) return result return
[docs] def clear_clock_status(self, fpga_id=None, clock_name=None): """ Clear status of named TPM clocks Used to Clear error flags in FPGA Firmware Options 'jesd', 'ddr', 'udp' Input is non case sensitive An FPGA ID can be optionally specified to only clear status on one FPGA :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param clock_name: Specify name of clock or None for all clocks :type clock_name: string """ if self.is_programmed(): for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[fpga].clear_clock_status(clock_name) return
[docs] def check_clock_manager_status(self, fpga_id=None, name=None): """ Check status of named TPM clock manager cores (MMCM Core). Reports the status of each MMCM lock and its lock loss counter. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param name: Specify name of clock manager (non case sensitive) :type name: string :return: Status and Counter values :rtype dict """ status = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): status[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[fpga].check_clock_manager_status(name) return status
[docs] def clear_clock_manager_status(self, fpga_id=None, name=None): """ Clear status of named TPM clock manager cores (MMCM Core). Used to reset MMCM lock loss counters. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param name: Specify name of clock manager (non case sensitive) :type name: string """ for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[fpga].clear_clock_manager_status(name) return
[docs] def get_available_clock_managers(self): return self.tpm.tpm_clock_monitor[0].available_clock_managers
[docs] def check_pps_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check PPS is detected and PPS period is as expected. Firmware counts number of cycles between PPS and sets an error flag if the value does not match the pps_exp_tc register. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: true if all OK :rtype: bool """ status = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): status.append(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware[fpga].check_pps_status()) return all(status)
[docs] def clear_pps_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Clear PPS error flags. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer """ status = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware[fpga].clear_pps_status() return
[docs] def clear_jesd_error_counters(self, fpga_id=None): """ Reset JESD error counters. - JESD Error Counter - JESD Resync Counter (shared between JESD cores) - JESD QPLL Lock Loss Counter (shared between JESD cores) :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer """ jesd_cores_per_fpga = len(self.tpm.tpm_jesd) // len(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware) cores = range(jesd_cores_per_fpga) for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): for core in cores: idx = fpga * jesd_cores_per_fpga + core self.tpm.tpm_jesd[idx].clear_error_counters() return
[docs] def check_jesd_lane_error_counter(self, fpga_id=None, core_id=None): """ Check JESD204 lanes errors. Checks the FPGA link error counter register. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param core_id: Specify which JESD Core, 0,1, or None for both cores :type core_id: integer :return: true if all OK :rtype: bool """ jesd_cores_per_fpga = len(self.tpm.tpm_jesd) // len(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware) cores = range(jesd_cores_per_fpga) if core_id is None else [core_id] counter_dict = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): counter_dict[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = {} for core in cores: idx = fpga * jesd_cores_per_fpga + core counter_dict[f'FPGA{fpga}'][f'Core{core}'] = self.tpm.tpm_jesd[idx].check_link_error_counter() return counter_dict
[docs] def check_jesd_lane_status(self, fpga_id=None, core_id=None): """ Check JESD204 lanes errors. Checks the FPGA link error counter register. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param core_id: Specify which JESD Core, 0,1, or None for both cores :type core_id: integer :return: true if all error counters are 0 :rtype: bool """ jesd_cores_per_fpga = len(self.tpm.tpm_jesd) // len(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware) cores = range(jesd_cores_per_fpga) if core_id is None else [core_id] errors = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): for core in cores: idx = fpga * jesd_cores_per_fpga + core count_dict = self.tpm.tpm_jesd[idx].check_link_error_counter() errors.extend(list(count_dict.values())) return not any(errors) # Return True if all error counters are 0
[docs] def check_jesd_resync_counter(self, fpga_id=None, show_result=True): """ Check JESD204 for resync events. Checks the FPGA resync counter register (shared between JESD cores). :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param show_result: prints error counts on logger :type show_result: bool :return: counter values :rtype: dict """ jesd_cores_per_fpga = len(self.tpm.tpm_jesd) // len(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware) counts = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): idx = fpga * jesd_cores_per_fpga counts[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_jesd[idx].check_resync_counter(show_result) return counts # Return dict of counter values
[docs] def check_jesd_qpll_status(self, fpga_id=None, show_result=True): """ Check JESD204 current status and for loss of QPLL lock events. Checks the FPGA qpll lock and qpll lock loss counter registers (shared between JESD cores). :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param show_result: prints error counts on logger :type show_result: bool :return: current status and counter value tuple :rtype: dict """ jesd_cores_per_fpga = len(self.tpm.tpm_jesd) // len(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware) status = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): idx = fpga * jesd_cores_per_fpga lock_status = self.tpm.tpm_jesd[idx].check_qpll_lock_status() lock_loss_cnt = self.tpm.tpm_jesd[idx].check_qpll_lock_loss_counter(show_result) status[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = (lock_status, lock_loss_cnt) return status # Return dict of tuple (current status and counter values)
[docs] def check_ddr_initialisation(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check whether DDR has initialised. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: true if all OK :rtype: bool """ result = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): result.append(self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware[fpga].check_ddr_initialisation()) return all(result)
[docs] def check_ddr_reset_counter(self, fpga_id=None, show_result=True): """ Check status of DDR user reset counter - increments each falling edge of the DDR generated user logic reset. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param show_result: prints error counts on logger :type show_result: bool :return: counter values :rtype: dict """ counts = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): counts[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware[fpga].check_ddr_user_reset_counter(show_result) return counts # Return dict of counter values
[docs] def clear_ddr_reset_counter(self, fpga_id=None): """ Reset value of DDR user reset counter. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer """ for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.tpm_test_firmware[fpga].clear_ddr_user_reset_counter() return
[docs] def check_ddr_parity_error_counter(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check status of DDR parity error counter - used only with station beamformer :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: counter values :rtype: dict """ counts = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): counts[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.station_beamf[fpga].check_ddr_parity_error_counter() return counts
[docs] def check_f2f_pll_status(self, core_id=None, show_result=True): """ Check current F2F PLL lock status and for loss of lock events. :param core_id: Specify which F2F Core, 0,1, or None for both cores :type core_id: integer :param show_result: prints error counts on logger :type show_result: bool :return: current status and counter values :rtype: dict """ # TPM 1.2 has 2 cores per FPGA while TPM 1.6 has 1 # The below code is temporary until nof tpm_f2f instances is corrected and # nof_f2f_cores can be replaced with len(self.tpm.tpm_f2f) nof_f2f_cores = 2 if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2" else 1 cores = range(nof_f2f_cores) if core_id is None else [core_id] counts = {} for core in cores: counts[f'Core{core}'] = self.tpm.tpm_f2f[core].check_pll_lock_status(show_result) return counts # Return dict of counter values
[docs] def check_f2f_soft_errors(self): """ Check F2F for soft errors. Asserted for a single user_clk period. :return: soft_err register value :rtype: integer """ return None if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2" else self.tpm.tpm_f2f[0].get_soft_err()
[docs] def check_f2f_hard_errors(self): """ Check F2F for hard errors. Asserted until the core resets. :return: hard_err register value :rtype: integer """ return None if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2" else self.tpm.tpm_f2f[0].get_hard_err()
[docs] def clear_f2f_pll_lock_loss_counter(self, core_id=None): """ Reset value of F2F PLL lock loss counter. :param core_id: Specify which F2F Core, 0,1, or None for both cores :type core_id: integer """ # TPM 1.2 has 2 cores per FPGA while TPM 1.6 has 1 # The below code is temporary until nof tpm_f2f instances is corrected and # nof_f2f_cores can be replaced with len(self.tpm.tpm_f2f) nof_f2f_cores = 2 if self.tpm_version() == "tpm_v1_2" else 1 cores = range(nof_f2f_cores) if core_id is None else [core_id] for core in cores: self.tpm.tpm_f2f[core].clear_pll_lock_loss_counter() return
[docs] def check_udp_arp_table_status(self, fpga_id=None, show_result=True): """ Check UDP ARP Table has been populated correctly. This is a non- destructive version of the method check_arp_table. :param show_result: prints ARP table contents on logger :type show_result: bool :return: true if each FPGA has at least one entry valid and resolved. :rtype: bool """ # This method only supports the xg_40g_eth configuration with # one core per fpga silent_mode = not show_result arp_table_ids = range(self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[0].get_number_of_arp_table_entries()) fpga_resolved_entries = [] fpga_unresolved_entries = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): resolved_cnt = 0 unresolved_cnt = 0 for arp_table in arp_table_ids: arp_status, mac = self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[fpga].get_arp_table_status(arp_table, silent_mode) if arp_status & 0x1: if arp_status & 0x4: resolved_cnt += 1 else: unresolved_cnt += 1 fpga_resolved_entries.append(resolved_cnt) fpga_unresolved_entries.append(unresolved_cnt) return True if all(fpga_resolved_entries) and not any(fpga_unresolved_entries) else False
[docs] def check_udp_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check for 40G errors. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: true if all OK (all error counters are 0) :rtype: bool """ # This method only supports the xg_40g_eth configuration with # one core per fpga, 4 ARP table IDs per core errors = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): errors.append(self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[fpga].check_errors()) return not any(errors) # Return True if status OK, all errors False
[docs] def clear_udp_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Reset 40G error counters. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer """ # This method only supports the xg_40g_eth configuration with # one core per fpga, 4 ARP table IDs per core for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[fpga].reset_errors() return
[docs] def check_udp_linkup_loss_counter(self, fpga_id=None, show_result=True): """ Check UDP interface for linkup loss events. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param show_result: prints error counts on logger :type show_result: bool :return: counter values :rtype: dict """ # This method only supports the xg_40g_eth configuration with # one core per fpga, 4 ARP table IDs per core counts = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): counts[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[fpga].check_linkup_loss_cnt(show_result) return counts # Return dict of counter values
[docs] def check_udp_crc_error_counter(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check UDP interface for CRC errors. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: counter values :rtype: dict """ counts = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): counts[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[fpga].get_crc_error_count() return counts # Return dict of counter values
[docs] def check_udp_bip_error_counter(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check UDP interface for BIP errors. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: counter values :rtype: dict """ counts = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): counts[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[fpga].get_bip_error_count() return counts # Return dict of counter values
[docs] def check_udp_decode_error_counter(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check UDP interface for 66b64b decoding errors. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: counter values :rtype: dict """ counts = {} for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): counts[f'FPGA{fpga}'] = self.tpm.tpm_10g_core[fpga].get_decode_error_count() return counts # Return dict of counter values
[docs] def check_tile_beamformer_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check tile beamformer error flags. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: True when Status is OK, no errors :rtype bool """ if self.is_programmed(): result = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): result.append(self.tpm.beamf_fd[fpga].check_errors()) return all(result) return
[docs] def clear_tile_beamformer_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Clear tile beamformer error flags. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :return: True when Status is OK, no errors :rtype bool """ if self.is_programmed(): for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.beamf_fd[fpga].clear_errors() return
[docs] def check_station_beamformer_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Check status of Station Beamformer error flags and counters. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer :param show_result: prints error counts on logger :type show_result: bool :return: True when Status is OK, no errors :rtype bool """ if self.is_programmed(): errors = [] for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): errors.append(self.tpm.station_beamf[fpga].report_errors()) return not any(errors) # Return True if all flags and counters are 0, else False return
[docs] def clear_station_beamformer_status(self, fpga_id=None): """ Clear status of Station Beamformer error flags and counters. Including DDR parity error counter. :param fpga_id: Specify which FPGA, 0,1, or None for both FPGAs :type fpga_id: integer """ if self.is_programmed(): for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): self.tpm.station_beamf[fpga].clear_errors() return
####################################################################################### # ------------------- Test methods
[docs] def inject_ddr_parity_error(self, fpga_id=None): for fpga in self.fpga_gen(fpga_id): board = f'fpga{fpga+1}'"Injecting DDR Parity Error - FPGA{fpga}") self[f'{board}.beamf_ring.ddr_parity_error_inject'] = 1 timeout = 60 # 30 seconds count = 0 while True: reg = self[f'{board}.beamf_ring.ddr_parity_error_inject'] if reg == 0: # Register deasserts once injection has completed break if count % 4 == 0: # Every 2 seconds"Waiting for valid DDR read transaction...") if count > timeout: self.logger.error("Timed out waiting for DDR parity error injection acknowledge. No valid DDR read transaction") break time.sleep(0.5) count += 1 return