Source code for ska_tmc_cdm.schemas.mccssubarray.scan

The schemas module defines Marshmallow schemas that map CDM message classes
and data model classes to/from a JSON representation.

from marshmallow import fields, post_load

from ska_tmc_cdm.messages.mccssubarray.scan import ScanRequest
from ska_tmc_cdm.schemas import CODEC
from ska_tmc_cdm.schemas.shared import ValidatingSchema

__all__ = ["ScanRequestSchema"]

[docs]@CODEC.register_mapping(ScanRequest) class ScanRequestSchema(ValidatingSchema): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ Create the Schema for ScanRequest """ interface = fields.String() scan_id = fields.Integer(required=True) start_time = fields.Float(required=True) @post_load def create_scanrequest(self, data, **_): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ Convert parsed JSON back into a ScanRequest :param data: dict containing parsed JSON values :param _: kwargs passed by Marshmallow :return: ScanRequest instance populated to match JSON """ interface = data["interface"] scan_id = data["scan_id"] start_time = data["start_time"] return ScanRequest(interface=interface, scan_id=scan_id, start_time=start_time)