Source code for ska_telmodel.cli

SKA telescope model command line utility.

  ska-telmodel [-vULS<uris>] cat [<key>]
  ska-telmodel [-vULS<uris>] cp [-R] <key> [<path>]
  ska-telmodel [-vULS<uris>] ls [<prefix>]
  ska-telmodel [-vULS<uris>] pin
  ska-telmodel [-vULS<uris>] validate [-tR] <key/path>
  ska-telmodel help [<command>]

  -L, --local        Equivalent to "--sources=file://."
  -R, --recursive    Copy / validate keys or files recursively
  -S <uris>, --sources <uris>
                     Set telescope model data sources of truth
                     (','-separated list of URIs)
  -t, --strict       Strict validation mode
  -U, --update       Update source list
  -v, --verbose      Verbose mode

import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import sys
from inspect import cleandoc

import docopt

from import TMData
from import TMDataBackend
from ska_telmodel.schema import validate

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    # Adapted from
    #   384076/how-can-i-color-python-logging-output

    white = "\x1b[1m"
    grey = "\x1b[38;20m"
    yellow = "\x1b[33;20m"
    red = "\x1b[31;20m"
    bold_red = "\x1b[31;1m"
    reset = "\x1b[0m"

    format_normal = "%(message)s"
    format_verbose = (
        "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - "
        "%(message)s (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d)"

    def __init__(self, verbose):
        format_str = self.format_verbose if verbose else self.format_normal
        self.formatters = {
            logging.DEBUG: logging.Formatter(
                self.grey + format_str + self.reset
            logging.INFO: logging.Formatter(
                (self.white if verbose else self.grey)
                + format_str
                + self.reset
            logging.WARNING: logging.Formatter(
                self.yellow + format_str + self.reset
            logging.ERROR: logging.Formatter(
       + format_str + self.reset
            logging.CRITICAL: logging.Formatter(
                self.bold_red + format_str + self.reset

    def format(self, record):
        return self.formatters[record.levelno].format(
        )  # pragma: no cover

def main():
    # Parse command line
    args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)

    # Initialise logging (globally)
    ch = logging.StreamHandler()
        level=(logging.DEBUG if args["--verbose"] else logging.INFO),

    # Get sources from command line, then sources
    srcs = args.get("--sources")
    if not srcs:
        if args.get("--local"):
            srcs = "file://."
            srcs = os.getenv("SKA_TELMODEL_SOURCES")
    if srcs:
        srcs = srcs.split(",")
        srcs = DEFAULT_SOURCES

    # help?
    if args["help"]:
        return cmd_help(args)

    data = TMData(source_uris=srcs, update=args["--update"])

    # list?
    if args["ls"]:
        return cmd_ls(args, data)

    # pin?
    if args["pin"]:
        return cmd_pin(args, data)

    # cat?
    if args["cat"]:
        return cmd_cat(args, data)

    # copy?
    if args["cp"]:
        return cmd_cp(args, data)

    # validate?
    if args["validate"]:
        return cmd_validate(args, data)

[docs]def cmd_ls(args, data): """ List telescope model keys with a particular prefix Usage:: ska-telmodel [-vUs<uris>] ls [<prefix>] """ path = args.get("<prefix>") if path: data = data[path] for entry in data: print(entry)
[docs]def cmd_pin(args, data): """ Generates a "pinned" telescope model data source list, where all URIs replaced such that they will uniquely identify the contents of the telescope model data repository. Usage:: ska-telmodel [-vUs<uris>] pin After pinning, the source list precisely identifies the contents of the all telescope model data. For instance, this will replace GitLab URIs like ``gitlab://`` with ``gitlab://[commit]#path``, therefore baking in the exact commit referenced. You can set pinned sources in the environment as follows:: $ export $(ska-telmodel pin -U) $ export $(ska-telmodel pin -US [custom sources]) This will especially prevent the ska-telmodel tool from infrequently (once a day) re-checking whether cached telescope model data contents is still current. The ``-U`` flag forces the cache refresh, which is generally a good idea before pinning. """ src_uris = data.get_sources(True) for uri in src_uris:"Using %s", uri) print(f'SKA_TELMODEL_SOURCES={",".join(src_uris)}')
[docs]def cmd_cat(args, data): """ Retrieves and prints the telescope model data identifed by the given key to stdout. Usage:: ska-telmodel [-vUs<uris>] cat [<key>] Use ``ska-telmodel ls`` to obtain a list of valid keys. How exactly the object is retrieved depends on the backend and the state of the cache. For a GitLab backend, the typical behaviour is to download a tarball either from the SKAO central artefact repository, or from GitLab directly. The latter should be avoided and will generate a warning. """ with data[args["<key>"]].open() as f: shutil.copyfileobj(f, sys.stdout.buffer)
[docs]def cmd_cp(args, srcs): """ Retrieves specified telescope model data, and copies it to the given path. Usage:: ska-telmodel [-vUs<uris>] cp [-R] <key> [<path>] If ``-R`` is given, the key can be a key directory, in which all keys that start with ``<path>/`` will be copied. Note that you can especially give the empty string (``""``) as ``<key>``, in which case all available telescope model data will be copied. This is especially useful for serving telescope model data either partially or completely from storage. For instance:: $ ska-telmodel cp -UR "" tmdata $ export SKA_TELMODEL_SOURCES=file://$(pwd)/tmdata Would completely mirror the telescope model to the given location. """ data = TMData(source_uris=srcs) src_path = args["<key>"] or "" dest_path = pathlib.Path(args["<path>"] or ".") # Individual file? if not args["--recursive"] or TMDataBackend.valid_key(src_path): if dest_path.is_dir(): dest_path = pathlib.Path(dest_path, pathlib.Path(src_path).name) data[src_path].copy(dest_path) print(src_path) return # Global? if src_path: src_data = data[src_path] else: src_data = data # Copy files recursively for key in src_data: dest = pathlib.Path(dest_path, key) dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) src_data[key].copy(dest) print(pathlib.Path(src_path, key))
[docs]def cmd_validate(args, srcs): """ Validates given keys (or files) against applicable schemas from the telescope model library Usage:: ska-telmodel [-vUs<uris>] validate [-tlR] [<key/path>]* If ``-R`` is given, the key can be a key directory, in which all keys that start with ``<path>/`` will be copied. Note that you can especially give the empty string (``""``) as ``<key>``, in which case all available telescope model data will be copied. This is especially useful for serving telescope model data either partially or completely from storage. For instance:: $ ska-telmodel cp -R "" tmdata $ export SKA_TELMODEL_SOURCES=file://$(pwd)/tmdata Would completely mirror the telescope model to the given location. """ data = TMData(source_uris=srcs) src_path = args["<key/path>"] or "" # Individual file? if not args["--recursive"] or TMDataBackend.valid_key(src_path): keys_to_check = [src_path] else: # Global? if src_path: keys_to_check = [f"{src_path}/{key}" for key in data[src_path]] else: keys_to_check = list(data) # Start checking keys success = True for key in keys_to_check:" * Checking {key}:") # Attempt to deserialise try: dct = data[key].get_dict() except ValueError as e: logger.error(data[key].get()) logger.error(f" {e}") success = False continue # Check whether we can validate validated = False if "interface" in dct: try:["interface"]) validate(dct["interface"], dct, 1 + args["--strict"]) validated = True except ValueError as e: logger.error(f"{e}") success = False continue # Fail if we do not find any method for validation if not validated: logger.error("No schema to use for validation!") success = False # Fail if appropriate if not success: exit(1)
def cmd_help(args): subject = args["<command>"] # Get docstrings topics = {} for cmd in [cmd_cat, cmd_cp, cmd_pin]: topics[cmd.__name__[4:]] = cleandoc(cmd.__doc__) # If subject known: Print docstring if subject in topics: for line in topics[subject].split("\n"): print(line) return # If subject is unknwon, show general help if subject: logger.warning(f"Unknown help topic {subject}!") help_topic = __doc__ + "\n" help_topic += cleandoc( f""" Available help topics: {', '.join(topics)} """ ) for line in help_topic.split("\n"): print(line) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pragma: no cover