Workflow steps

Preprocessing contains three main stages: preflagger, flagger, and averaging. Preflagger is the stage where the RFI masks (e.g. channels known to be prone to RFI because of a known radio source) are applied. RFI flagging can be done by one of the flaggers existing in DP3. In the preprocessing pipeline, we have deployed AOFlagger as the more commonly used flagger. However, it can be replaced with the other flagger existing in the preprocessing pipeline (MAD) or possibly a customised flagger. Averaging is performed to reduce the size of data without losing the useful information and reducing the unhelpful fluctuations in the data. Averaging can be done in time and/or frequency directions.

More information about the steps of the workflow can be found in:


To run the pipeline from the src directory, run the following command:

python3 –msloc your_MeasurementSet –maskloc your_RFI_mask_pickle_file.pickle –paramsloc your_parameters.json –outloc

where --msloc is the location of your_MeasurementSet, --maskloc is the location of your_RFI_mask_pickle_file, and --paramsloc is the location of your_parameters to identify which DP3 parameters you would like to use for each step. The parameters should be provided through a JSON file. Here is an example of the contents in such a file.

  "preflagger": [
  "aoflagger": [
         "autocorr" : "True"
  "averaging": [
         "freqstep": 8,
         "timestep": 2


The parameters’ names are the same as in DP3. For example, freqstep is the number of channels to be averaged together. The --outloc is the location of the output measurementset, where obviously many of the columns have different dimensions from the original input measurementset because of averaging.