Mock consumers

The MockConsumerGroup class addresses the problem of testing production code that produces items asynchronously. It is low-level, powerful and flexible, but takes a bit to set up. It requires

  • a producer. This is a callable that is called with a timeout, and either returns an item once it becomes available, or raises queue.Empty if no item has been produced at the end of the timeout period. The producer is the interface to the production code. The production code under test might actually contain something that can serve as a producer (for example, if the production code drops items onto a queue, then that queue’s get method will serve). Alternatively, your test harness might have to wrap the production code with something that provides this producer interface.

  • a categorizer. This is a callable that sorts items into categories that can be asserted on individually.

  • characterizers. By default, assertions are made against a dictionary with two entries: an item entry contains the item that has been produced, and the category entry contains the category that it has been sorted into. Thus, we can assert what the item is, and we can assert what category it belongs to.

    If the item is complex and/or non-deterministic, however, we might not be able to construct an item to assert with. For example, suppose the item is an Event, with fields name, value and timestamp. We generally cannot predict the timestamp values, so we cannot construct an equivalent item that would let us assert_item(item).

    A characterizer addresses this by modifying the dictionary that assertions are made against. In our example, we might provide a characterizer that inserts “name” and “value” items into the dictionary, thus allowing us to assert_item(name="foo", value="bah") and hence asserting against the bits that matter, while ignoring the timestamp.

With these things in place, here are some of the things that you can do in your tests:

  • group.assert_no_item() – assert that no item at all is produced within the timeout period.

  • group.assert_item() – assert that an item is produced. (This call would consume an item without really asserting anything about it, so wouldn’t be used much.)

  • group.assert_item(item) – assert that the next item produced (across the whole group) is equal to item.

  • group.assert_item(category="voltage") – assert that the next item produced belongs to category “voltage”.

  • group.assert_item(item, category="voltage") – assert that the next item produced (across the whole group) is equal to item and belongs to category “voltage”.

  • group.assert_item(name="voltage", value=pytest.approx(15.0)) – assert that the next item has a “name” characteristic equal to “voltage”, and a “value” characteristic approximately equal to 15.0. (This assertion would require a characterizer to extract the “name” and “value” attributes from the item.)

  • group.assert_item(item, lookahead=2) – assert that one of the next two items produced is equal to item.

  • group.assert_item(item, lookahead=4, consume_nonmatches=True) – assert that one of the next four items produced is equal to item, whilst discarding any non-matching items encountered prior to encountering a match.

  • group["voltage"].assert_item() – assert that an item has been produced in the “voltage” category.

  • group["voltage"].assert_item(item) – assert that the next item in category “voltage” is equal to item.

  • group["voltage"].assert_item(value=pytest.approx(15.0)) – assert that the next item in category “voltage” has a “value” characteristic approximately equal to 15.0. (This assertion would require a characterizer to extract the “value” attribute from the item.)

  • group["voltage"].assert_item(item, lookahead=2) – assert that one of the next two items in the “voltage” category is equal to item.

  • group["voltage"].assert_item(item, lookahead=4, consume_nonmatches=True) – assert that one of the next four items in the “voltage” category i equal to item, whilst discarding any non-matching items encountered prior to encountering a match.

Mock callables

Mock callables build on mock consumers to addresses the problem of testing production code that makes asynchronous calls to callables.

An example

Consider this example:

def do_asynchronous_work(
    status_callback: Callable[[str], None],
    letter_callback: Callable[[str], None],
    number_callback: Callable[[int], None],
) -> None:
    def call_letters() -> None:
        for letter in ["a", "b", "c", "d"]:

    letter_thread = threading.Thread(target=call_letters)

    def call_numbers() -> None:
        for number in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

    number_thread = threading.Thread(target=call_numbers)

    def run() -> None:




    work_thread = threading.Thread(target=run)

We can test this example by testing that callbacks are called in the order expected. What we expect is that:

  • The first call will be a call of “IN_PROGRESS” to the status callback

  • The numbers callback will be called consecutively with “1”, “2”, “3” and “4”.

  • The letters callback will be called consecutively with “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”.

  • The global order in which the number and letter callbacks are called is nondeterministic. One possible ordering is “1”, “a”, “2”, “b”, “3”, “c”, “d”, “4”; but there are many other possibilities.

  • The final call will be a call of “COMPLETED” to the status callback.

Testing with a unittest.mock

It is extremely hard to test asynchronous code like this using a standard unittest.mock.Mock. A test might look something like this:

def test_do_asynchronous_work_using_unittest_mock() -> None:
    status_callback = unittest.mock.Mock()
    letters_callback = unittest.mock.Mock()
    numbers_callback = unittest.mock.Mock()









Note that we start by sleeping for 0.05 seconds: long enough to make it unlikely that the test code will outrun the code under test, and assert a call before it has been made… but not so long that a callback will have been called more than once.

We then sleep for 0.1 seconds in the test, whenever the code under test sleeps for 0.1 seconds. It’s easy to do this when you know the exact code timings. However real-world code won’t contain sleeps of known duration. Rather, they will do things like file I/O, network I/O, or waiting for a lock, which have unknown and variable time costs. In such cases, it is difficult or even impossible to tune the sleeps in your test so that the test passes reliably. One tends to err on the side of caution by sleeping for longer than necessary.

In short, tests like this one are extremely brittle, and often very slow.

Testing with mock callables

The MockCallable and MockCallableGroup classes simplify testing behaviour like this, removing the need for tuned sleeps, and ensuring that the test takes no longer than necessary to run:

def test_do_asynchronous_work_using_mock_callback_group() -> None:
    callback_group = MockCallableGroup()


    callback_group.assert_call("status", "IN_PROGRESS")

    for letter in ["a", "b", "c", "d"]:

    for number in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

    callback_group.assert_call("status", "COMPLETED")

We now have a clean, readable test, with no sleeps.

Note that we can

  • make assertions against the entire group, in which case we are asserting that the next call will be a specific call to a specific callback.

  • use syntax like callback_group["letters"] to extract a particular callback, and then make assertions against that callback alone.

Callable behaviour

Sometimes when the production code calls a callable, it expects some action to be performed or a value to be returned. Thus, if we simply replace that callable with a MockCallable, the expectations of of the caller will not be met, and thus problems may arise in testing.

Two mechanisms are provided to address this:

  1. The MockCallable class has a configure_mock() method that can be used to configure the behaviour of an underlying unittest.mock.Mock. For example, if the callable is supposed to return an integer, we can configure the underlying mock so that it always returns 1:

    mock_callable = MockCallable()

    The arguments to configure_mock are passed straight through to the unittest.mock.Mock.configure_mock() method of the underlying unittest.mock.Mock; so see that method for documentation.

  2. For cases where a callable performs essential behaviour that cannot be mocked out, there is the option of wrapping the callable with a MockCallable. When we wrap, the underlying callable still gets called, but the call passes through the MockCallable on the way, allowing us to assert against calls in the usual way:

    mock_callable = MockCallable(wraps=essential_callable)


    mock_callable = MockCallable()


    mock_callables = MockCallableGroup("foo", "bah")
    mock_callable.assert_call(bah, 0.0)

Note that these two options are mutually exclusive: a MockCallable always wraps something: it is just a question of whether the thing wrapped is a vanilla mock, a configured mock, or a user-provided callable. Thus, each call to configure_mock or wraps replaces any previous call.

Mock Tango event callbacks

A common use case for testing against callbacks in SKA is the callbacks that are called when Tango events are received. We can effectively test Tango device simply by using these callbacks to monitor changes in device state.

The MockTangoEventCallbackGroup class is a subclass of MockConsumerGroup with built-in characterizers that extract the key information from tango.EventData instances. Specifically, it extracts the attribute name, value and quality, and stores them under keys “attribute_name”, “attribute_value” and “attribute_quality” respectively.

callbacks.assert_change_event("command_status", "QUEUED")

# We can't be completely sure which of these two will arrive first,
# so lets give the first one a lookahead of 2.
callbacks.assert_change_event("command_status", "IN_PROGRESS", lookahead=2)
callbacks.assert_change_event("command_progress", "33")
callbacks.assert_change_event("command_progress", "66")

callbacks.assert_change_event("device_state", DevState.ON)
    "device_status", "The device is in ON state."

callbacks.assert_change_event("command_status", "COMPLETED")

For spectrum and image attributes, the values in Tango change events are numpy arrays. However assertions should be expressed using python lists:

# The change event will actually contain a numpy array,
# but this assertion will still pass if the elements are the same
callbacks.assert_change_event("levels", [1, 2, 1, 3, 2])

Return values

All methods that assert the presence of an item, such as assert_item(), assert_call(), assert_against_call() and assert_change_event(), return the matched item. This is useful as a diagnostic tool when developing tests. Suppose, for example, that you are writing a test, and the assertion


fails unexpectedly. Why has it failed? Did the call not arrive? Is the value wrong? Was the value provided as a position argument rather than a keyword argument? Are there additional arguments?

The assertion made by assert_call is quite strict; in our example, it asserts that the call arguments are exactly (power=PowerState.ON). We can relax this assertion to make it pass. For example,


asserts only that the call contains the keyword argument power=PowerState.ON. Assuming that this more relaxed assertion passes, we can review the details of the match:

>>> call_details = callback.assert_against_call(power=PowerState.ON)
>>> print(call_details)
{'call_args': (,), 'call_kwargs': {'power': PowerState.ON, 'fault': False}}

Thus we see why our original assertion failed: the call also had a `fault` keyword argument. If this is not an bug in the production code, then we can now tighten up our test assertion again:

callback.assert_call(power=PowerState.ON, fault=False)


The ska_tango_testing.mock subpackage logs to the “ska_tango_testing.mock” logger. These logs exist to allow diagnosis of issues within ska_tango_testing itself, but may also assist with diagnosis of test failures.

Consider again the example above, of a test that fails on the line


where callback is a MockCallable. To diagnose this failure, we can inspect the logs of the “ska_tango_testing.mock” logger. In pytest, this is done via the caplog fixture:

caplog.set_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="ska_tango_testing.mock")

Running this test will now produce the following logs:

DEBUG assert_item: Asserting item within next 1 item(s), with characteristics {'category': 'component_state', 'call_args': (), 'call_kwargs': {'power': <PowerState.ON: 4>}}.
DEBUG assert_item: 'call_kwargs' characteristic is not '{'power': <PowerState.ON: 4>}' in item '{'category': 'component_state', 'call_args': (), 'call_kwargs': {'power': <PowerState.ON: 4>, 'fault': False}}'.
DEBUG assert_item failed: no matching item within the first 1 items

Thus we see why our assertion failed: the call also had a fault keyword argument. If this is not an bug in the production code, then we can now tighten up our test assertion again:

callback.assert_call(power=PowerState.ON, fault=False)

Assertion placeholders

Placeholders allow for flexibility in assertions by broadening the range of items that an assertion can match. So far, the only placeholder available is Anything. This matches any item at all.

For example, suppose we want to assert a call with keyword arguments name, value and timestamp, but we don’t know exactly what the value of the timestamp will be. One way to make such an assertion is

from ska_tango_testing.mock.placeholders import Anything


and this assertion will match irrespective of the actual value of the timestamp keyword.

Placeholders can be used in assertions anywhere that a specific item can by used:

  • In a MockConsumer assertion, it can replace an item or a category or any characteristics

  • In a MockCallable or MockCallableGroup assertion, it can substitute for a positional or keyword argument

  • In a MockTangoEventCallbackGroup, it can substitute for an entire event, or for an event characteristic.