Helm Charts available on ska-tango-images repository

There are two helm charts available on this repository: one is called ska-tango-base and the other is the ska-tango-util. There is another helm chart, called ska-tango-images, which is used only for testing purposes.

The ska-tango-base helm chart

The ska-tango-base helm chart is an application chart which defines the basic TANGO ecosystem in kubernetes.

In specific it defines the following k8s services:
  • tangodb: it is a mysql database used to store configuration data used at startup of a device server (more information can be found here. If the global.operator is true then this won’t be generated in favour of a databaseds resource type. More information available here

  • databaseds: it is a device server providing configuration information to all other components of the system as well as a runtime catalog of the components/devices (more information can be found here.

  • itango: it is an interactive Tango client (more information can be found here.

  • vnc: it is a debian environment with x11 server and vnc/novnc installed on it.

  • tangotest: it is the tango test device server (more information can be found here.

The ska-tango-util helm chart

The ska-tango-util helm chart is a library chart which helps other application chart defines TANGO device servers.

In specific it defines the following helm named template:
  • configuration (deprecated): it creates a k8s service account, a role and role binding for waiting the configuration job to be done and a job for the dsconfig application to apply a configuration json file set into the values file;

  • deviceserver (deprecated): it creates a k8s service and a k8s statefulset for a instance of a device server;

  • multidevice-config: it creates a ConfigMap which contains the generated dsconfig json configuration file, the boostrap script for the dsconfig application and a python script for multi class device server startup; if the global.operator is true then this won’t be generated. More information available here;

  • multidevice-job: it creates a job for the dsconfig application to apply a configuration json file set into the values file; if the global.operator is true then this won’t be generated. More information available here;

  • multidevice-sacc-role: it creates a k8s service account, a role and role binding for waiting the configuration job to be done; if the global.operator is true then this won’t be generated. More information available here;

  • multidevice-svc: it creates a k8s service and a k8s statefulset for a device server tag specified in the values file. If the global.operator is true then this won’t be generated in favour of a DeviceServer k8s type. More information available here

  • deviceserver-pvc: it optionally creates a volume for the deviceserver when it contains the dictionary volume. The subkeys are name, mountPath and storage. See example below.

  • operator: it creates a k8s DeviceServer type of k8s resources.

With the introduction of the SKA TANGO Operator k8s controller the library is also able to generate DeviceServer type of resources. This can be activate by setting the parameter global.operator.

Dsconfig generation

Dsconfig is an application which configure the tango database with the help of a json file. With ska-tango-util a device derver is configurable using specifications in a values.yaml file of the chart instead of the dsconfig.json file, where all device servers have a configuration yaml block. Below there is an example of a values file that can be used with the ska-tango-util multi device definition:

        name: "theexample-{{.Release.Name}}"
        function: ska-tango-example-powersupply
        domain: ska-tango-example
        instances: ["test"]
        polling: 1000
            - name: "powersupply.PowerSupply"
            path: "/app/module_example/powersupply.py"
            - name: "EventReceiver.EventReceiver"
            path: "/app/module_example/EventReceiver.py"
            - name: "Motor.Motor"
            path: "/app/module_example/Motor.py"
            name: "theexample"
            - name: "test2"
                - name: "PowerSupply"
                - name: "test/power_supply/2"
                    - name: "test"
                    - "test2"
            - name: "test"
                - name: "PowerSupply"
                - name: "test/power_supply/1"
                    - name: "test"
                    - "test2"
                - name: "EventReceiver"
                - name: "test/eventreceiver/1"
                - name: "Motor"
                - name: "test/motor/1"
                    - name: "polled_attr"
                    - "PerformanceValue"
                    - "{{ .Values.deviceServers.theexample.polling }}"
                    - attribute: "PerformanceValue"
                    - name: "rel_change"
                        - "-1"
                        - "1"
            - name: "PowerSupply"
                - name: "aClassProperty"
                values: ["67.4", "123"]
                - name: "anotherClassProperty"
                values: ["test", "test2"]
            - device: sys/database/2
            registry: "{{.Values.tango_example.image.registry}}"
            image: "{{.Values.tango_example.image.image}}"
            tag: "{{.Values.tango_example.image.tag}}"
            pullPolicy: "{{.Values.tango_example.image.pullPolicy}}"
            name: firmware
            mountPath: /firmware
Fields explained:
  • deviceServers : contains a list of all device server defined

  • instances : On this field the user can define which of the instances defined in the server tag are going to be created on the deviceServer.

  • entrypoints : The number of entrypoints should correspond to the defined in the server tag field.

    • name : This is a mandatory field at entrypoints. The name field has to have a format like NameOfTheModule.NameOfTheClass.

    • path : This is a optional field at entrypoints. The path field is the path of the module that has the class of the device. This field may not be present only if the module is included in the list of directories that the interpreter will search, one example is if the modules are installed with pip.

  • server : It’s the equivalent of the dsconfig json file and define everything needed for a device server.

    • intances : A list of all instances for a device server. For each instance a number of devices can be defined together with the relative properties.

  • class_properties : On this field you can list your class properties.

The device server configuration, like the above one, needs to be added to the values.yaml file. Below there is an example of how to add it (by splitting the definitions in different files):

        instances: ["test2"]
        polling: 1000
        file: "data/theexample.yaml"
Fields explained:
  • file : This field specifies the path of the device server configuration block as shown above. Note:. This file should be included in a data folder inside the chart.

  • polling : This field is referenced in the above device server configuration block. In fact the ska-tango-util device server definition template some of the field composing it (like the properties). In the above example the polled_attr property of the test/motor/1 device takes its value from this field. As a consequence, this field allows us to change the value of the polled_attr property in the parent chart.

  • instances : If instances has values ​​in the value file, this takes precedence over the data file instances field.

The use of the yaml file allows users to have a cleaner and more understandable view of the DeviceServer configurations compared to a json file configuration. The helm template multidevice-config creates a ConfigMap which contains the generated dsconfig that was loaded and converted to a json type file from the values.yaml file described above.

How to use the defined helm named template

A example on how to set up your k8s namespace with the helm named templates, described in the beginning of this section, can be seen on ska-tango-example repository. This templates are called by the below template present on the ska-tango-example repository:

{{ $localchart := . }}

{{- range $key, $deviceserver := .Values.deviceServers }}

{{- if hasKey $deviceserver "file"}}

{{- $filedeviceserver := $.Files.Get $deviceserver.file | fromYaml }}
{{- $_ := set $filedeviceserver "instances" (coalesce $localchart.Values.global.instances $deviceserver.instances $filedeviceserver.instances) }}
{{- $context := dict "name" $key "deviceserver" $filedeviceserver "image" $deviceserver.image "local" $localchart }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-config.tpl" $context }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-sacc-role.tpl" $context }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-job.tpl" $context }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-svc.tpl" $context }}
{{- $volume_context := dict "volume" $filedeviceserver.volume "local" $localchart }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.deviceserver-pvc.tpl" $volume_context }}

{{- else }}

{{- $_ := set $deviceserver "instances" (coalesce $localchart.Values.global.instances $deviceserver.instances) }}
{{- $context := dict "name" $key "deviceserver" $deviceserver "image" $deviceserver.image "local" $localchart }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-config.tpl" $context }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-sacc-role.tpl" $context }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-job.tpl" $context }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.multidevice-svc.tpl" $context }}
{{- $volume_context := dict "volume" $deviceserver.volume "local" $localchart }}
{{ template "ska-tango-util.deviceserver-pvc.tpl" $volume_context }}

{{- end }}

{{- end }} # deviceservers
Tango-example template description:
  • Line 3 to Line 29 : This template will iterate through each field under deviceServers on the values.yaml file.

  • Line 5 to Line 15 : If the device server has a file field we will get that configuration file and use it. (Best Practice: Add the deviceServer configuration in the data folder and then pass the path of it in the file field of the deviceServer).

  • Line 17 to Line 26 : If there is no file field it means that the configuration of this device was done inside the value.yaml. (Note: Making the configuration of the device inside the values.yaml makes this file bigger becoming harder to read and understand)

  • Line 7 : As discussed before it is possible to have a instances field in the values.yaml file and in the data file, it is also possible to have instances defined as a global field. It is being used a coalesced function that takes the first not null value of the list. The priority is, first it takes the instance value from the global variable if there is none it takes it from the values file and then from the data file.

  • Line 19 : Same as line 8 but without the possibility of having the instance field on the data file.

  • Line 9 and Line 20 : Context is a list of variables that will passed as arguments to the templates.

  • Line 14 to Line 15: Use and set the context for persistent volume claims attached to teh deviceserver

  • Line 25 to Line 26: same as 14 to 15

  • Templates : There are five templates already described before. Each template will be called for each deviceServer as they are inside the range loop (line 3).