
MALTOPUFT is a prototype MAchine Learning TOolkit for PUlsars and Fast Transients. This repository will hold all code relating to the MALTOPUFT frontend service. The frontend service will initially provide a GUI to inspect single pulse candidates identified by SKA precursor telescopes and, in the future, the SKA. For more details about MALTOPUFT, please refer to the backend service repository, ska-src-maltopuft-backend.

The frontend is developed with Javascript, React and Typescript with Vite. The only prerequisites are Node.js and npm installations, and a modern web browser such as Firefox or Chrome.


Documentation is generated with sphinx. All configuration and documentation pages are stored in ./docs. To build the documentation, first ensure that docs dependencies are installed and use make:

cd ./docs
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# Build the docs
make clean && make html

The docs are built in ./docs/build and can be viewed in any modern web browser by opening ./docs/build/html/index.html. The documentation is configured to auto-generate docs for all functions, classes and class methods in the ./src package. General documentation pages should be created in ./docs/src/package/*.rst. These pages should be referenced in ./docs/src/index.rst to be included in the built docs.