

MALTOPUFT is a prototype MAchine Learning TOolkit for PUlsars and Fast Transients. The toolkit will provide a unified interface to:

  1. View single pulse and periodic candidates identified by SKA precursors and, once operational, the SKA.

  2. Assign “ground-truth” labels to candidates for use in Machine Learning classifier training.

  3. Retrieve and create version controlled datasets for use in the Machine Learning classifier training and evaluation pipelines.

This repository will hold all code relating to the MALTOPUFT API web service.

Clone the repository

The repository and all submodules can be cloned with:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Change to the remote repository and submodules can be pulled into the local copy with:

git fetch --all && git pull --recurse-submodules


Documentation is generated with sphinx. All configuration and documentation pages are stored in ./docs. To build the documentation, first ensure that docs dependencies are installed and use make:

make docs-build html

### ----- OR ----- ###

# Install doc dependencies
poetry install --with docs --no-root

# Build the docs
cd ./docs
make clean && make html

The docs are built in ./docs/build and can be viewed in any modern web browser by opening ./docs/build/html/index.html. The documentation is configured to auto-generate docs for all functions, classes and class methods in the ./src package.

General documentation pages should be created in ./docs/src/pages/*.rst. These pages should be referenced in ./docs/src/index.rst to be included in the built docs.

Also note that interactive documentation generated by OpenAPI can be viewed by navigating to <application-path>:<application-port>/docs.