SKAMPI Sub-systems

This page briefly describes the various sub-systems integrated within SKAMPI, and provides useful links to the projects. You can also read more about the various Helm modules and their dependencies, which make up SKAMPI at this Confluence page.

SDP (Science Data Processor)

The SDP is the system of the telescope responsible for processing observed data into required data products, preserving these products, and delivering them to the SKA Regional Centres.

OET (Observation Execution Tool)

The OET is an application, which provides on-demand Python script (telescope control script) execution for the SKA.


The Taranta deployment from SKAMPI consists of four components. Following the deployment steps to enable Taranta, a deployment can be made according to the applicable requirements for the environment.

Please refer to the Taranta documentation for further information.


(the link provided is not to the latest documentation version - update this link as soons as Taranta namechange is on

Taranta specific deployment notes for Minikube environment

Two important aspects for developers deploying Taranta on their local Minikube environment, are the resource requirements, and the need for authorization if the user wants to be able to log into the web UI.

Enabling Taranta with authorization for the Dashboard UI

See the note in the README.

Resource Requirements

For the Resource requirements, if it becomes apparent that the default scaled deployment of TangoGQL (replicas=3) is too much, this can be rectified by scaling down the replicaset.

As example (assuming you’re using integration namespace):

$ kubectl  get all -n integration -l app=tangogql-ska-taranta-test
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/tangogql-ska-taranta-test-0   1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/tangogql-ska-taranta-test-1   1/1     Running   0          18h
pod/tangogql-ska-taranta-test-2   0/1     Pending   0          3s

NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/tangogql-ska-taranta-test   ClusterIP   <none>        5004/TCP   18h

NAME                                         READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/tangogql-ska-taranta-test   2/3     18h

That meant that the third pod was not deployed for some reason. Let’s find out why:

$ kubectl  describe pod/tangogql-ska-taranta-test-2 -n integration
... snip ...
Type     Reason            Age   From               Message
----     ------            ----  ----               -------
Warning  FailedScheduling  69s   default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient cpu.

So let’s scale it down to only one replica:

$ kubectl -n integration scale statefulset tangogql-ska-taranta-test --replicas 1
statefulset.apps/tangogql-ska-taranta-test scaled

Verify the scaling worked:

$ kubectl get all -n integration -l app=tangogql-ska-taranta-test
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/tangogql-ska-taranta-test-0   1/1     Running   0          18h

NAME                                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/tangogql-ska-taranta-test   ClusterIP   <none>        5004/TCP   18h

NAME                                         READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/tangogql-ska-taranta-test   1/1     18h

TMC (Telescope Monitoring and Control)

The Telescope Monitor and Control (TMC) is the software module identified to perform the telescope management, and data management functions of the Telescope Manager. Main responsibilities identified for TMC are:

  • Operational monitoring and control of the telescope

  • Support execution of astronomical observations

  • Manage telescope hardware and software subsystems in order to perform astronomical observations

  • Manage the data to support operators, maintainers, engineers and science users to achieve their goals

  • Determine telescope state.

To support these responsibilities, the TMC performs high-level functions such as Observation Execution, Monitoring and Control of Telescope, Resource Management, Configuration Management, Alarm and Fault Management, and Telescope Data Management (Historical data and Real time data). These high level functions are again divided into lower level functions to perform the specific functionalities.

TMC Architecture

The TMC is a distributed system having multiple components to fulfil its functionalities. For carrying out observation execution, monitoring and control it has a hierarchy of control nodes for Mid and Low- Central Node, Subarray Node, SDP Leaf Nodes, CSP Leaf Nodes, MCCS Leaf Nodes, Dish Leaf Nodes. The detailed architecture of the TMC can be found in TMC Architecture section in the Solution Intent.

More details on the design of the TMC and how to run it locally or in the integration environment can be found in the Documentation


TMC Deployment Configuration

It is possible to alter the default configuration of TMC deployment. The entire TMC deployment can be enabled or disabled by setting the enabled flag in values.yaml file as shown below (example shown for the MID telescope):

     enabled: true

It is also possible to enable or disable the deviceServers for each of the control nodes:

   enabled: true
           enabled: true

           enabled: true

          enabled: true

           enabled: true