SKA Transaction Logging utility

Documentation Status

Logging Transaction IDs

A transaction context handler is available to inject ids fetched from the the skuid service into logs. The transaction id will be logged on entry and exit of the context handler. In the event of an exception, the transaction id will be logged with the exception stack trace. The ID generated depends on whether or not the SKUID_URL environment variable is set.


from ska_ser_log_transactions import transaction

def command(self, parameter_json):
    parameters = json.reads(parameter_json)
    with transaction('My Command', parameters) as transaction_id:
        # ...
        parameters['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        # ...

Asynchronous Example

from ska_ser_log_transactions import async_transaction

async def command(self, parameter_json):
    parameters = json.reads(parameter_json)
    async with async_transaction('My Command', parameters) as transaction_id:
        # ...
        parameters['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        await device.further_command(json.dumps(parameters))
        # ...

Custom logger example

By default the context handler logs to the ska.transaction logger with default formatting. A custom logger can be used by passing it in via an optional argument.

import logging
from ska_ser_log_transactions import transaction

custom_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def command(self, parameter_json):
    parameters = json.reads(parameter_json)
    with transaction('My Command', parameters, logger=custom_logger) as transaction_id:
        # ...
        parameters['transaction_id'] = transaction_id
        # ...

Log messages

Log message formats:

  • On Entry:

    • Transaction[id]: Enter[name] with parameters [arguments] marker[marker]

  • On Exit:

    • Transaction[id]: Exit[name] marker[marker]

  • On exception:

    • Transaction[id]: Exception[name] marker[marker] – Stacktrace –

The marker can be used to match entry/exception/exit log messages.

Example ska formatted logs for successful transaction

1|2020-10-01T12:49:31.119Z|INFO|Thread-210|log_entry|||Transaction[txn-local-20201001-981667980]: Enter[Command] with parameters [{}] marker[52764]
1|2020-10-01T12:49:31.129Z|INFO|Thread-210|log_exit|||Transaction[txn-local-20201001-981667980]: Exit[Command] marker[52764]

Example ska formatted logs for failed transaction

1|2020-10-01T12:51:35.588Z|INFO|Thread-204|log_entry|||Transaction[txn-local-20201001-354400050]: Enter[Transaction thread [7]] with parameters [{}] marker[21454]
1|2020-10-01T12:51:35.598Z|ERROR|Thread-204|log_exit|||Transaction[txn-local-20201001-354400050]: Exception[Transaction thread [7]] marker[21454]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 27, in thread_with_transaction_exception
    raise RuntimeError("An exception has occurred")
RuntimeError: An exception has occurred
1|2020-10-01T12:51:35.601Z|INFO|Thread-204|log_exit|||Transaction[txn-local-20201001-354400050]: Exit[Transaction thread [7]] marker[21454]


The system used for development needs to have Python 3 and pip installed.


From source

  • Clone the repo

git clone
  • Install requirements

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt --extra-index-url
  • Install the package

python3 -m pip install .

From the Nexus PyPI

python3 -m pip install ska-ser-log-transactions --extra-index-url


  • Install the test requirements

python3 -m pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  • Run the tests

  • Lint

tox -e lint

Writing documentation

The documentation generator for this project is derived from SKA’s SKA Developer Portal repository

The documentation can be edited under ./docs/src

Build the documentation

  • Install the test requirements

python3 -m pip install -r requirements-test.txt
  • Build docs

    tox -e docs

The documentation can then be consulted by opening the file ./docs/build/html/index.html

SKA transaction logging

These are all the packages, functions and scripts that form part of the project.