ska_sdp_wflow_pointing_offset.pointing_offset_cli module

The command line interface to the pipeline for estimating the elevation and cross-elevation offsets from a measurement set.


> pointing_offset --help

Program with many options using docopt for computing pointing offsets.
Note: to run it as an SDP processing script set the SDP_PROCESSING_SCRIPT
      environment variable to "True"

  pointing-offset COMMAND [--msdir=DIR] [--fit_to_vis]
                          [--apply_mask] [--use_source_offset_column]
                          [--rfi_file=FILE] [--results_dir=None]
                          [--start_freq=None] [--end_freq=None]
                          [(--bw_factor <bw_factor>) [<bw_factor>...]]
                          [--num_chunks=<int>] [--thresh_width=<float>]
                          [--eb_id=None] [--num_scans=<int>]

  compute   Runs all required routines for computing the
  pointing offsets.

  -h --help             show this help message and exit
  -q --quiet            report only file names

  --msdir=DIR           Directory including Measurement set files
  --fit_to_vis          Fit primary beam to visibilities instead of antenna
                        gains (Optional) [default: False]
  --apply_mask          Apply mask (Optional) [default: False]
  --use_source_offset_column  Read on-sky offsets in cross-elevation and
                        elevation from the SOURCE_OFFSET column of the pointing
                        sub-tables? If False, antenna pointings in azimuth
                        and elevation are read from the TARGET column of
                        the pointing table and the on-sky offsets in
                        cross-elevation and elevation are computed thereafter
                        (Optional) [default: False]
  --rfi_file=FILE       RFI file (Optional)
  --results_dir=None    Directory where the results need to be saved (Optional)
  --start_freq=None     Start frequency in MHz (Optional)
  --end_freq=None       End frequency in MHz (Optional)
  --bw_factor           Beamwidth factor for the horizontal and vertical
                        co-polarisations respectively. The constant of
                        proportionality, k when computing theoretical
                        beamwidth (k*lambda/D) [default: 0.976, 1.098]
  --num_chunks=<int>    Number of frequency chunks for calibration
                        [default: 16]
  --thresh_width=<float>  The maximum ratio of the fitted to expected beamwidth
                        [default: 1.15]
  --eb_id=None          Execution block ID (Processing via SDP only)
  --num_scans=<int>     How many scans we expect for a single pointing
                        observation [default: 5] (Processing via SDP only)
  --use_modelvis        Use modelvis for gain solver (Optional)
                        Needs ska-sdp-func to be installed.
                        [default: False]

Commands & Options

List of commands for accessing the functionalities of the pipeline.



Implements the list of actions below


Directory containing measurement set for each discrete pointing scan


Fit primary beam to visibilities instead of antenna gains


Boolean to apply the RFI mask provided by the rfi_file argument


Read on-sky offsets in cross-elevation and elevation from the SOURCE_OFFSET column of the pointing sub-tables? If False, antenna pointings in azimuth and elevation are read from the TARGET column of the pointing table and the on-sky offsets in cross-elevation and elevation are computed thereafter


Filename containing RFI mask to be applied with the apply_mask argument, in the format of .h5 file


Directory to save the fitted parameters and calculated offsets


Start frequency in MHz to use


End frequency in MHz to use


Beamwidth factor for the horizontal and vertical polarisations respectively. The constant of proportionality, k when computing theoretical beamwidth (k*lambda/D)


Number of frequency chunks for calibration in both fitting the primary beams to visibility and gain amplitudes


The maximum ratio of the fitted to expected beamwidth


Execution block ID (Processing via SDP only)


The expected number of scans for a single pointing observation (Processing via SDP only)


Boolean to use a model visibility in the gain solver