Delivery workflow

This workflow provides a basic implementation of an SDP Delivery mechanism. It uploads data from SDP buffer reservations to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). It uses Dask as an execution engine.


The workflow parameters are:

  • bucket: name of the GCP storage bucket in which to upload the data

  • buffers: list of buffers to upload to the storage bucket, each contains

    • name: name of the buffer reservation

    • destination: location to upload it in the bucket

  • service_account: location of the GCP service account key (stored in a Kubernetes secret)

    • secret: name of the secret

    • file: filename of the service account key

  • n_workers: number of Dask workers to deploy

For example:

  "bucket": "delivery-test",
  "buffers": [
      "name": "buff-pb-20200523-00000-test",
      "destination": "buff-pb-20200523-00000-test"
  "service_account": {
    "secret": "delivery-gcp-service-account",
    "file": "service-account.json"
  "n_workers": 1

Running the workflow using the ska-sdp CLI

After SDP is deployed in Minikube, and you started the sdp-console, run:

ska-sdp create pb batch:delivery:0.1.0 '<parameters-json>'

Replace <parameters-json> with the above string and the appropriate values. Once executed, a processing block pod will be created in the sdp namespace, which will run the delivery workflow. (See ska-sdp CLI usage.)

Note that each workflow may come with multiple versions. Always use the latest number, unless you know a specific version that suits your needs. (The Changelog at the end of this page may help to decide.)

Creating a GCP storage bucket to receive the data

The steps to create a GCP storage bucket for the delivery workflow are as follows. GCP has an ample documentation, so each step is linked to the relevant section:

  1. Create a project.

  2. Create a storage bucket in the project.

  3. Create a service account and download a key:

* The service account must have the role "Storage Object Creator".
* Create and download a key in JSON format.

Adding the GCP service account key as a Kubernetes secret

To make the service account key available to the delivery workflow, it needs to be uploaded to the cluster as a Kubernetes secret. The command to do this is:

kubectl create secret generic <secret-name> --from-file=<service-account-key> -n <sdp-namespace>

Using the values from the example parameters above and assuming the namespace for the SDP dynamic deployments is sdp (the default), the command would be:

kubectl create secret generic delivery-gcp-service-account --from-file=service-account.json -n sdp

To check the secret has been created, you can use the command:

kubectl describe secret delivery-gcp-service-account -n sdp

and the output should look like:

Name:         delivery-gcp-service-account
Namespace:    sdp
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>

Type:  Opaque

service-account.json:  2382 bytes



  • use python:3.9-slim as the base docker image