Source code for realtime.receive.core.scan

import enum
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Sequence

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
from dataclass_type_validator import dataclass_validate

from realtime.receive.core.channel_range import ChannelRange

[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass class SpectralWindow: """A spectral window specifying channel numbers and a frequency range""" spectral_window_id: str """ID of this spectral window""" count: int """Number of channels""" start: int """First channel""" # From freq_min: float """The lower bound of the frequency of the first channel in Hz""" freq_max: float """The upper bound of the frequency of the last channel in Hz""" stride: int = 1 """Stride in channel numbers"""
[docs] def try_as_channel_range(self, start_id: int | None = None, count: int | None = None): """ Construct a ChannelRange from this SpectralWindow, adding the specified constraints. If this isn't possible, return None. :param start_id: The first channel of the created range. Defaults to the channel at the start of the SpectralWindow :param count: The number of channels in the new range. Defaults to the number of channels in the spectral window after start_id """ sw_range = self.as_channel_range() sw_range = sw_range.try_create_subrange(start_id=start_id, max_channels=count) if not sw_range: return None if count is not None and sw_range.count != count: return None return sw_range
[docs] def as_channel_range(self): """Construct a ChannelRange from this SpectralWindow""" return ChannelRange(self.start, self.count, self.stride)
@property def frequencies(self): """The center points (in Hz) of each channel""" frequencies = self._unstrided_channels[:: self.stride] return frequencies @property def channel_width(self): """The gap (in Hz) between the center points of each channel""" return self.channel_bandwidth * self.stride @property def channel_bandwidth(self): """The amount of bandwidth (in Hz) that each channel will have""" return (self.freq_max - self.freq_min) / self._unstrided_channel_count @property def _unstrided_channels(self): """ Filling in gaps as if every channel ID was present (i.e. if stride=1 and channel_bandwidth stayed the same), the center points (in Hz) of every channel in this spectral window. """ freq_offset = self.channel_bandwidth / 2 frequencies = np.linspace( self.freq_min + freq_offset, self.freq_max - freq_offset, self._unstrided_channel_count, ) return frequencies @property def _unstrided_channel_count(self): """ Filling in gaps as if every channel ID was present (i.e. if stride=1 and channel_bandwidth stayed the same), the number of channels in this spectral window. """ return self.count * self.stride - (self.stride - 1)
[docs] def frequencies_for_range(self, channel_range: ChannelRange): """ Return the frequencies of the channels that the specified range refers to. ``channel_range`` must be a valid subrange of this spectral window. """ assert self.as_channel_range().contains_range(channel_range) return self._unstrided_channels[channel_range.as_slice(indexed_from=self.start)]
[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass class Channels: """A named collection of channels, expressed as spectral windows""" channels_id: str """ID of this collection of channels""" spectral_windows: Sequence[SpectralWindow] """Spectral windows making up this collection of channels""" @property def num_channels(self): """ Number of channels in all child spectral windows, given they are all the same. Raises an error if they are not. """ count = set(map(lambda sw: sw.count, self.spectral_windows)) if len(count) > 1: raise ValueError("Varying spectral window num_channels not supported") return next(iter(count))
[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass(eq=False) class PhaseDirection: """A phase direction""" ra: Angle """Right Ascension polinomial""" dec: Angle """Declination polinomial""" reference_time: str """Reference time for RA/Dec polinomials""" reference_frame: str = "icrs" """Reference frame in which coordinates are given""" def __eq__(self, other): return ( (Angle(self.ra.rad, u.rad) == Angle(other.ra.rad, u.rad)).all() and (Angle(self.dec.rad, u.rad) == Angle(other.dec.rad, u.rad)).all() and self.reference_time == other.reference_time and self.reference_frame == other.reference_frame )
[docs] def as_SkyCoord(self): """Convert to astropy SkyCoord""" return SkyCoord(ra=self.ra, dec=self.dec, frame=self.reference_frame)
[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass class Field: """A named field with one or many coordinates""" field_id: str """ID of this field""" phase_dir: PhaseDirection """The phase direction where this field can be found""" pointing_fqdn: Optional[str] = None """The FQDN of the Tango attribute where live pointing information can be retrieved from"""
class FrequencyType(enum.IntEnum): """ Types of freqeuncy frames aligned with casacore::MFrequency::Types enumeration for consistency and ease of use when writing them into a measurement set. //# Enumerations // Types of known MFrequencies // <note role=warning> The order defines the order in the translation // matrix FromTo // in the getConvert routine. Do not change the order without // changing the array. Additions should be made before N_types, and // an additional row and column should be coded in FromTo, and // in showType().</note> enum Types { REST, LSRK, LSRD, BARY, GEO, TOPO, GALACTO, LGROUP, CMB, N_Types, Undefined = 64, N_Other, // all extra bits EXTRA = 64, // Defaults DEFAULT=LSRK, // Synonyms LSR=LSRK }; """ REST = 0 LSRK = 1 LSRD = 2 BARY = 3 GEO = 4 TOPO = 5 GALACTO = 6 LGROUP = 7 CMB = 8 Undefined = (64,)
[docs] class StokesType(enum.IntEnum): """ A type of stoke for correlations. The values correspond to the casacore::Stokes::StokesTypes enumeration for consistency and ease of use when writing them into a Measurement Set. """ RR = 5 RL = 6 LR = 7 LL = 8 XX = 9 XY = 10 YX = 11 YY = 12 @property def product(self): """Returns the correlator product""" normalized = self.value - 1 return np.array([np.fmod(normalized // 2, 2), np.fmod(normalized, 2)])
[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass class Polarisations: """A named collection of correlation types""" polarisation_id: str """ID of this collection of correlation types""" correlation_type: Sequence[StokesType] """The correlation types""" @property def num_pols(self): """Number of polarisations""" return len(self.correlation_type)
[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass class Beam: """A beam configuration, containing channels, polarisations and a field""" beam_id: str """ID of this beam""" function: str """The functional purpose of this beam""" channels: Channels """The channels this beam is configured with""" polarisations: Polarisations """The polarisations this beam is configured with""" field: Field """The field this beam is pointing to""" search_beam_id: Optional[int] = None timing_beam_id: Optional[int] = None vlbi_beam_id: Optional[int] = None
[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass class ScanType: """A scan type, consisting on one or more beam configurations""" scan_type_id: str """ID of this scan type""" beams: Sequence[Beam] """The beams making up this scan type""" @property def num_channels(self): """ N_f, the number of frequency channels across all beams. Valid only if all beams declare the same number of channels, raises an error otherwise. """ count = set(map(lambda b: b.channels.num_channels, self.beams)) # all beam spectral windows need the same number of channels if len(count) > 1: raise ValueError("Varying beam num_channels not supported") return next(iter(count)) @property def num_pols(self): """ N_p, The number of poloarizations across all beams. Valid only if all beams declare the same number of channels, raises an error otherwise. """ count = set(map(lambda b: b.polarisations.num_pols, self.beams)) # all beam polarizations need the same number of pols if len(count) > 1: raise ValueError("Varying beam num_pols not supported") return next(iter(count))
[docs] @dataclass_validate(strict=False) @dataclass class Scan: """A scan, identified by a number and associated to a scan type""" scan_number: int """The scan number""" scan_type: ScanType """The scan type associated to this scan"""