Source code for realtime.receive.core.baseline_utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Baseline-related functions """

import itertools
import logging
from import Reversible
from typing import Sequence, TypeVar, Union

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def baselines(stations: Union[int, Sequence], autocorr: bool): """ Return the number of baselines for the given number of stations, depending on whether stations are autocorrelated or not. :param stations: The number of stations, or a sequence of stations, in which case its length is used. :param autocorr: Whether autocorrelated baselines should be accounted for. """ if not isinstance(stations, int): stations = len(stations) if autocorr: return (stations * (stations + 1)) // 2 else: return (stations * (stations - 1)) // 2
[docs] def baseline_indices( num_stations: int, lower_triangular: bool, autocorr: bool = True ) -> tuple[tuple[int, int]]: """ Generates baseline indices for the given number of stations. :param num_stations: Number of stations to generate baselines for. :param lower_triangular: Whether baseline indices should be generated as if they were laid in a lower or upper triangular matrix. :param autocorr: Whether to generate indices for autocorrelation. :return: A tuple of 2-tuples containing the station1/station2 indices making up each baseline. """ return generate_baselines( range(num_stations), lower_triangular=lower_triangular, autocorr=autocorr )
AntennaT = TypeVar("AntennaT")
[docs] def generate_baselines( antennas: Sequence[AntennaT] | Reversible[AntennaT], lower_triangular: bool, autocorr: bool = True, ) -> tuple[tuple[AntennaT, AntennaT]]: """ Generates baselines for the given elements. Baselines are generated differently depending on how antennas are traversed. The ``lower_triangular`` argument controls this, with a ``True`` value indicating a sequencing that goes in row-major order through the following matrix:: A1| 0:| 0 1:| 1 2 2:| 3 4 5 3:| 6 7 8 9 --+-------- A2| 0 1 2 3 while a ``False`` value indicates the following sequencing:: A1| 0:| 0 1 2 3 1:| 4 5 6 2:| 7 8 3:| 9 --+-------- A2| 0 1 2 3 ``autocorr`` indicates whether baseline indices for autocorrelation (i.e., the diagonal in the matrices above) should be generated or not. :param antennas: Antennas to generate baselines for. :param lower_triangular: Whether baseline indices should be generated as if they were laid in a lower or upper triangular matrix. :param autocorr: Whether to generate indices for autocorrelation. :return: A tuple of 2-tuples containing the antennas making up each baseline. """ if autocorr: combinations = itertools.combinations_with_replacement else: combinations = itertools.combinations if lower_triangular: antenna_indices = reversed(antennas) indices = tuple(combinations(antenna_indices, 2)) indices = tuple(reversed(indices)) # indices == (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (2,0), (2,1), ... else: antenna_indices = antennas indices = tuple(combinations(antenna_indices, 2)) # indices == (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), (0,3), (1,1), ... assert len(indices) == baselines(len(antennas), autocorr) return indices
[docs] def are_autocorrelated_baselines(num_stations: int, num_baselines: int): """ Returns `True` if the number of baselines corresponds to an autocorrelated configuration for the given number of stations. :param num_stations: The number of stations :param num_baselines: The number of baselines """ if num_baselines == baselines(num_stations, True): return True if num_baselines == baselines(num_stations, False): return False else: raise ValueError( f"unexpected number of baselines ({num_baselines}) for number of stations ({num_stations})" )
[docs] def validate_antenna_and_baseline_counts(num_stations, num_baselines): """ Check if the given number of baselines corresponds to a valid number of baselines for the given number of stations, and raise an exception if it doesn't. :param num_stations: The number of stations :param num_baselines: The number of baselines """ are_autocorrelated_baselines(num_stations, num_baselines)