Project Structure

The Main configuration is available in the root of the project.

Directory Structure

├── cypress            < Cypress Tests
├── docs               < Repo Documentation
├── public             < Files required to be in public dir
│   ├── locales        < Locale Translations
│   ├── static         < Static files
├── resources          < Git Hooks
├── src                < Main source code
│   ├── components     < Components in the Display
│   ├── mockData       < Data used for local testing
│   ├── services       < Shared service files
│   ├── utils          < Utility helpers


Configuration is done in a few different files depending on what needs to be configured.

├── docs
│   └── src
│       └──                 < Documentation configuration
├── public
│   ├── locales
│   │   └── en
│   │       └── signalDisplay.json  < Translation configuration
│   ├── index.html                  < Main HTML page
│   ├── manifest.json               < React Manifest
│   └── robots.txt                  < Robot configuration
├── resources                       < Git hooks
│   └── git-hooks
│       └── pre-commit              < Auto styling
├── src
│   ├── mockData                    < Mock data for the various endpoints
│   │   ├── Statistics
│   │   │   ├── processingBlock.ts
│   │   │   └── receiverEvents.ts
│   │   └── WebSocket
│   │       ├── phase.json
│   │       └── spectrum.json
│   └── env.ts                      < Environment Variable Config
├── babel.config.js
├── .babelrc
├── bumpver.toml
├── CODEOWNERS                      < Who can write to the code
├── cypress.config.js
├── cypress.d.ts
├── Dockerfile                      < The build script for the Docker image
├── .env                            < The environment variables to use
├── .eslintignore
├── .eslintrc.js
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitlab-ci.yml                  < GitLab CI config
├── jest.config.ts
├── Makefile
├──             < Helper script for ENV variables in nginx
├── .npmrc
├── .nycrc
├── package.json
├── poetry.lock                     < Poetry config for documentation
├── prettier.config.js
├── .prettierignore
├── .prettierrc
├── pyproject.toml                  < Poetry config for documentation
├── .readthedocs.yaml               < RTD CI config
├── .release                        < The version details
├── tsconfig.json
├── webpack.config.js
└── yarn.lock