Helm Overview

This is the documentation for the Signal Metrics Helm Chart.

The helm chart has quite a few different options, and can used in multiple use cases, on this page you will find both the most common use cases as well as all the options.

Basic Installation

A basic setup has all options enabled, and will send periodic data to the frontend.

helm install qa-api ska/ska-sdp-qa \
  --namespace <deploy-namespace> \
  --set generator.enabled=true \
  --set "generator.command={bash,/generator-helper.sh,plasma}"

SDP Usage

In the SDP installation, we have other settings enabled and disabled. To be able to install the Signal Helm chart in the same way as in SDP you would run the following:

helm install qa-api ska/ska-sdp-qa \
  --namespace <deploy-namespace> \
  --set api.workerCount=2 \
  --set kafka.enabled=false \
  --set config.kafka.overrideUrl=ska-sdp-kafka:9092

All Configuration Options

Currently the full list of configuration options are:

Value Default Comment
global.sdp.processingNamespace sdp The name of the Processing Namespace, for monitoring URLs
ingress.enabled true Whether the Ingress should be enabled
ingress.pathStart "/signal" What the prefix for the path should be
ingress.namespaced true Whether the namespace should be added to the ingress prefix
urls.override false If the URLs should be manually overridden
urls.apiUrl "http://localhost:8002" The URL for the API if overridden.
urls.wsAPI "ws://localhost:8002/consumer" The URL for the websocket if overriden
generator.enabled false If the generator should be enabled (for testing)
generator.container artefact.skao.int/ska-sdp-qa-metric-generator The container Docker link
generator.version 0.16.0 The version of the Generator to use
generator.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent The pull policy of the generator
generator.command ["bash", "/generator-helper.sh", "nothing"] What command the generator should run by default.
generator.resources.requests.cpu 500m The requested minimum CPU usage of the generator
generator.resources.requests.memory 1024Mi The requested minimum memory usage of the generator
generator.resources.limits.cpu 1000m The maximum CPU usage of the generator
generator.resources.limits.memory 2048Mi The maximum memory usage of the generator
generator.pvc.enabled false Whether we should mount a PVC into the generator (deprecated)
generator.pvc.hostPath /host_data If we are using a host path mount, where on the host should we mount
generator.pvc.hostPathEnabled false Is this PVC a host mount
generator.pvc.name sender-data What is the PVC name that we should mount
generator.pvc.path /mnt/data Where on the container should the PVC be mounted at
generator.config.sample_data_url "https://gitlab.com/ska-telescope/sdp/ska-sdp-realtime-receive-core/-/raw/main/data/AA05LOW.ms.tar.gz?inline=false" What file should we use for the sample data sending
generator.config.sample_data_name "AA05LOW.ms" What is the name of the MS file after unzipping
api.enabled true If the API is enabled
api.container artefact.skao.int/ska-sdp-qa-data-api The docker link of the API container
api.version 0.22.1 The API version to use
api.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent The pull policy of the API container
api.imagesFolder "/tmp/Images" Where are the images stored on the API
api.workerCount 2 The amount of processes to start up for the API
api.allowProfiling false Should profiling be enabled
api.resources.requests.cpu 1000m The requested minimum CPU usage
api.resources.requests.memory 600Mi The requested minimum memory usage
api.resources.limits.cpu 2000m The maximum CPU usage
api.resources.limits.memory 1024Mi The maximum memory usage
display.enabled true If the display is enabled
display.container artefact.skao.int/ska-sdp-qa-display The docker link for the Display container
display.version 0.12.0 The version of the Display image to use
display.imagePullPolicy IfNotPresent The pull policy for the Display image.
display.workflowStatisticsIntervalSeconds 10 How often to pull the statistics
display.skipPreflightCheck true If we should skip the preflight check
config.messagetype "msgpack" What type of data should the websocket use?
config.dataExpiryHours 12 How long we should keep data after the last update in Redis
config.kafkaMaxMessageSizeBytes "524288000" The maximum allowed size of a message to Kafka
config.kafka.override false Is the Kafka URL getting overriden
config.kafka.overrideUrl "" The new URL for Kafka
config.redis.override false Is the redis URL getting overridden
config.redis.overrideUrl "" The new URL for redis
kafka.enabled true Is the Kafka system enabled
kafka.fullnameOverride ska-sdp-qa-kafka What should the name be of the Kafka instance
kafka.maxMessageBytes "524288000" What is the maximum message size allowed
kafka.socketRequestMaxBytes "524288000" What is the maximum payload to be sent to Kafka
kafka.persistence.enabled false Should kafka have persistence
kafka.zookeeper.fullnameOverride ska-sdp-qa-zookeeper What should zookeepers full name be
kafka.zookeeper.persistence.enabled false Should zookeeper have persistence
redis.enabled true Should redis be enabled
redis.fullnameOverride ska-sdp-qa-redis What the full name should be of redis
redis.architecture standalone Which architecture should be used
redis.auth.enabled false Should auth be enabled
redis.master.persistence.enabled false Should we use persistence
redis.master.resources.requests.cpu 1000m What the requested minimum CPU usage be
redis.master.resources.requests.memory 10240Mi What the requested minimum memory usage be
redis.master.resources.limits.cpu 1000m What the maximum CPU usage be
redis.master.resources.limits.memory 10240Mi What the maximum memory usage be