Source code for

"""Functions to monitor network related metrics"""

import os
import logging
import psutil

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Infiniband metrics API directory
IB_API_AIR = '/sys/class/infiniband'

# pylint: disable=E0401,W0201,C0301

[docs]def network_io_counters(data): """This method gets the system wide network IO counters""" # Get system wide network IO counters. for key, value in data['net_io_counters'].items(): value.append(getattr(psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=False, nowrap=True), key)) return data
[docs]def ib_io_counters(ib_ports, data): """This method gets the IB port counters""" # Get Infiniband IO counters. This includes RoCE as well on p3-alaska for key, value in data['ib_io_counters'].items(): cum_value = 0 for name, port in ib_ports.items(): counter_path = os.path.join(IB_API_AIR, name, 'ports', port, 'counters', key) if os.path.isfile(counter_path): content = open(counter_path, 'r').read().rstrip() try: # Data port counters indicate octets divided by 4 rather than just octets. counter_value = int(content) except ValueError: counter_value = 0 # Multiply by four to calculate bytes cum_value += counter_value * 4 value.append(cum_value) return data