Source code for perfmon.cfg.__init__

"""This file contains config related functions and classes"""

import os
import sys
import pathlib
import socket
import subprocess

__root__ = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent)
__cfg__ = os.path.join(__root__, 'cfg')
__cwd__ = os.getcwd()
__main_py__ = sys.argv[0]

# pylint: disable=E0401,W0201,C0301

[docs]class GlobalConfiguration(object): """ Global configuration with defaults """ def __init__(self, args): # Convert arg parser namespace to dict self.global_config = vars(args)
[docs] def populate_config(self): """ This method adds necessary common info to config dict """ # name of the host self.global_config['host_name'] = socket.gethostname() # default metrics to collect self.global_config['metrics'] = ['meta_data', 'cpu_metrics', 'perf_metrics'] # Get name of the script self.global_config['script_name'] = os.path.basename(__main_py__)
[docs] def check_gpus(self): """ This method checks for presence of NVIDIA GPUs """ # check if nvidia-smi command works try: subprocess.check_output('nvidia-smi') import py3nvml py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlInit() self.global_config['num_nvidia_gpus'] = int( py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount() ) self.global_config['metrics'] += ['nv_gpu_metrics'] py3nvml.py3nvml.nvmlShutdown() except Exception: # this command not being found can raise quite a few different # errors depending on the configuration self.global_config['num_nvidia_gpus'] = 0
[docs] def make_dirs(self): """ This method creates the directory that put all artefacts of toolkit """ # Get absolute path of the save directory self.global_config['save_dir'] = os.path.abspath( os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(self.global_config['save_dir'])) ) # Create save_dir if not already there try: os.makedirs(self.global_config['save_dir'], exist_ok=False) except FileExistsError: pass
[docs] def create_config(self): """ Entry point of teh class """ # Add aux parameters to global_config self.populate_config() # Check if GPUs are there on nodes self.check_gpus() # Make head directory to place all metric data self.make_dirs() return self.global_config