Source code for ska.sdp.msadd.utils

import math
import numpy
from os import path
import datetime

from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time

from casacore.measures import measures
from casacore.quanta import quantity
from casacore import tables

[docs]def time_to_quantity(in_time): """ I have found that for some reason I get either a string or a byte array as returned isot format from astropy.time There seems to be no reason to it - but it does seem to be a function of the value. Some dates are always byte arrays and some are always strings - this helper function just tests what it going on tries to return a valid casacore.quanta :param astropy.Time in_time: astropy Time object :returns: a casacore.quantity of the same value """ in_time.format = 'isot' if len(in_time.value) > 1: time_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(in_time.value) else: time_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(in_time.value[0]) out_time = quantity(time_datetime.isoformat()) return out_time
def _subtable(t, name, readonly=True): return tables.table(t + "/" + name, readonly=readonly)
[docs]def get_r(h, delta) -> numpy.array: """ Return the matrix that will project XYZ into UVW. This is the matrix that is typically used to get the transformation from a geocentric position to a UVW at the epoch of date. See A.R. Thompson, J.M. Moran, and G.W. Swenson Jr., Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy (equation 4.3 in the Third Edition) :param double h: -- the Greenwich hour angle in radian :param double delta: -- the declination in radian :returns: A numpy array of the matrix R :rtype: numpy.array """ sin_h = math.sin(h) cos_h = math.cos(h) sin_d = math.sin(delta) cos_d = math.cos(delta) matrix_r = numpy.array([[sin_h, cos_h, 0], [-1 * sin_d * cos_h, sin_d * sin_h, cos_d], [cos_d * cos_h, -1 * cos_d * sin_h, sin_d]]) return matrix_r
[docs]def get_uvw(xyposA: list, xyposB: list, epoch: Time, ra: Angle, decl: Angle, swap_baselines=False) -> numpy.array: """ Return the baseline vector for the 2 given positions in epoch of date :param list xyposA: position of antenna 1 (vector geocentric XYZ in m) :param list xyposB: position of antenna 2 (vector geocentric XYZ in m) :param astropy.Time epoch: Time for which to calculate the UVW :param astropy.Angle ra: Right Ascension (J2000) :param astropy.Angle decl: Declination (J2000) :param Bool swap_baselines: (xyposB - xyposA) is assumed - if the reverse is required set this to True :returns: The uvw baseline at Epoch of Date :rtype: numpy.array """ if swap_baselines: swap = -1.0 else: swap = 1.0 hour = epoch.sidereal_time('apparent', 'greenwich') - ra R = get_r(hour.radian, decl.radian) dx = swap * (xyposB[0] - xyposA[0]) dy = swap * (xyposB[1] - xyposA[1]) dz = swap * (xyposB[2] - xyposA[2]) baseline = [[dx], [dy], [dz]] uvw = numpy.matmul(R, baseline) return numpy.array([uvw[0], uvw[1], uvw[2]])
[docs]def get_uvw_J2000(xyposA: numpy.array, xyposB: numpy.array, refpos: numpy.array, epoch: Time, ra: Angle, decl: Angle, position_frame='itrf', swap_baselines=False) -> numpy.array: """ Return the baseline vector for the 2 given positions at the J2000 Epoch. This ensures that any image formed by the Fourier transform of a UVW cube in this frame will itself be in the ICRS frame. Note: I believe that the ICRS and J2000 are aligned <at> J2000 - but caveat emptor until I've sorted that out. Note: This assumes you have a reference position at which all the sidereal angles are calculated but it is more likely that you want a "per antenna" calculation. So be sure you want this before you use it. :param list xyposA: position of antenna 1 (vector geocentric XYZ in m) :param list xyposB: position of antenna 2 (vector geocentric XYZ in m) :param astropy.Time epoch: Time for which to calculate the UVW :param astropy.Angle ra: Right Ascension (J2000) :param astropy.Angle decl: Declination (J2000) :param str position_frame: The frame of reference for the positions ITRF is default - WGS84 is also supported :param Bool swap_baselines: (xyposB - xyposA) is assumed - if the reverse is required set this to True :returns: The uvw baseline at J2000 :rtype: numpy.array [u,v,w] """ if swap_baselines: swap = -1.0 else: swap = 1.0 dm = measures() refant = dm.position(position_frame, quantity(refpos[0], 'm'), quantity(refpos[1], 'm'), quantity(refpos[2], 'm')) refant_itrf = dm.measure(refant, 'itrf') """Reference Position""" dm.do_frame( refant_itrf) # where are we probably should just be the observatory - although antenna based UVW are probably best """Reference Direction""" ra_measure = quantity(ra.to_string(unit=u.rad, decimal=True) + " rad") dec_measure = quantity(decl.to_string(unit=u.rad, decimal=True) + " rad") source = dm.direction('j2000', ra_measure, dec_measure) dm.do_frame(source) # where are we looking """Time""" epoch_val = time_to_quantity(epoch) epoch_measure = dm.epoch('ut1', epoch_val) dm.do_frame(epoch_measure) # what time is it """Baseline Epoch of Date""" dx = quantity(swap * (xyposB[0] - xyposA[0]), 'm') dy = quantity(swap * (xyposB[1] - xyposA[1]), 'm') dz = quantity(swap * (xyposB[2] - xyposA[2]), 'm') b = dm.baseline('itrf', dx, dy, dz) """Get UVW in the J2000 reference frame""" d = dm.to_uvw(b) uvw = numpy.array(d.get("xyz").get_value('m')) return uvw
[docs]def get_antenna_uvw(xyposA: numpy.array, epoch: Time, ra: Angle, decl: Angle, position_frame='itrf', epoch_frame='J2000', swap_baselines=False) -> numpy.array: """ Return the geocentric uvw vector for the the given position at the given epoch. Note: This actually just calls get_uvw_J2000 with the geocentre as the other antenna and this antenna as the reference position. Note: This is the per antenna calculation that you probably want :param list xyposA: position of the antenna (vector geocentric XYZ in m) :param astropy.Time epoch: Time for which to calculate the UVW :param str epoch_frame: Whether you want a catalog (J2000) frome or epoch of date (default: 'J2000') :param str position_frame: The frame of the input positions (generally WGS84 or ITRF) we are using casacore for this and these are the two frames supported :param astropy.Angle ra: Right Ascension (J2000) :param astropy.Angle decl: Declination (J2000) :param Bool swap_baselines: (xyposB - xyposA) is assumed - if the reverse is required set this to True :returns: The geocentric UVW baseline :rtype: numpy.array [u,v,w] """ xyposB = numpy.array([0, 0, 0]) if epoch_frame == 'J2000' or epoch_frame == 'j2000': uvw = get_uvw_J2000(xyposA, xyposB, xyposA, epoch, ra, decl, position_frame, swap_baselines) else: uvw = get_uvw(xyposA, xyposB, epoch, ra, decl, swap_baselines) return uvw