
ska_sdp_exec_swiftly.fourier_transform_dask.facet_to_subgrid_2d_method_1(facet, distr_ft_class, base_arrays, use_dask=False)[source]

Generate subgrid from facet 2D. 1st Method.

Approach 1: do prepare_facet step across both axes first,

then go into the loop over subgrids horizontally (axis=0) and within that, loop over subgrids vertically (axis=1) and do the extract_subgrid step in these two directions

Having those operations separately means that we can shuffle things around quite a bit without affecting the result. The obvious first choice might be to do all facet-preparation up-front, as this allows us to share the computation across all subgrids

  • facet – 2D numpy array of facets

  • distr_ft_class – StreamingDistributedFFT class object

  • base_arrays – BaseArrays class object

  • use_dask – use dask.delayed or not


approximate subgrid array (subgrids derived from facets)