Polarisation handling

Polarisation handling is intended to implement the Hamaker-Bregman-Sault formalism.

Note: that the linear polarisation frame has two representations common in the community an ordering often known as FITS ordering (XX, YY, XY, YX) and an ordering more typically used by CASA and MSv2 tools (XX, XY, YX, YY). We have differentiated the two orderings as linear and linearFITS. The former is the default but linearFITS measurement sets can be read and written. Tools and algorithms may not handle both and an exception should be thrown if the ‘wrong’ one is used.

For imaging:

  • Types of polarisation allowed are stokesIQUV, stokesI, linear, circular.

  • These are defined in ska_sdp_datamodels.science_data_model.PolarisationFrame

  • Images may be defined as stokesI, stokesIQUV, linear, or circular

  • SkyComponents may be defined as stokesI, stokesIQUV, linear, or circular

  • Visibility may be defined as stokesI, stokesIQUV, linear, or circular.

  • Dish/station voltage patterns are described by images in which each pixel is a 2 x 2 complex matrix.

  • For converting different polarisation frames, see functions in polarisation_convert.py.

For calibration, the Jones matrices allowed are:

  • T = scalar phase-only term i.e. complex unit-amplitude phasor times the identity [2,2] matrix

  • G = vector complex gain i.e. diagonal [2, 2] matrix with different phasors

  • B = Same as G but frequency dependent