

There are two main programmatic entry points to run this package:


An emu-send program should be available after installing the package. This program takes a Measurement Set and transmits it over the network using the preferred transmission method.


The measurement set to read data from

-eb execution_block_id

An execution block id to monitor for scans

-c config

A YAML configration file to read options from

-o option

Additional configuration options in the form of

-q quiet

Additional parameter to silence info logging from standard output

Tango device wrapper

A Tango device wrapping the emulator sender is available under CBF-SDP Emulator TANGO Devices. The purpose of this Tango device is to be used as a simulation of the real CBF, making it possible to run a full end-to-end SKA system that exercises the visibility data flow.


In the context of the Science Data Processor the emulator is deployed as a Helm chart to exercise the visibility receive workflow.