
This project provides the Python library and applications for the SEND component of the Pulsar Timing instrument for SKA Mid and SKA Low.


Documentation Status

The documentation for this project, including the package description, Architecture description and the API modules can be found at SKA developer portal:

Build Instructions

Python application

Firstly clone this repo and submodules to your local file system

git clone --recursive

then change to the newly cloned directory and create the build/ sub-directory

cd ska-pst-send
mkdir build

Create the builder image which will be used as the development environment for ska-pst-send

make oci-build OCI_IMAGE=ska-pst-send-builder

To deploy a containerised development environment, execute the make target

make local-dev-env

then enter the poetry shell

poetry shell

To build the python package, execute the involved make target

make python-build


To build the Read The Docs documentaion, execute the following make target.

make docs-build


The python makefile library by the system team’s pipeline machenry contains linting and testing tools.

To perform the lint tests, execute the involved make target

make python-lint

To trigger SKA’s python test harness, execute the involved make target

make python-test