This project provides the C++ library and applications for the DSP Disk component of the Pulsar Timing instrument for SKA Mid and SKA Low.


Documentation Status

The documentation for this project, including the package description, Architecture description and the API modules can be found at SKA developer portal:

Build Instructions

Firstly clone this repo and submodules to your local file system

git clone --recursive

then change to the newly cloned directory and create the build/ sub-directory

cd ska-pst-dsp
mkdir build

To simulate the build that will be performed in the Gitlab CI, a C++ builder image that has been extended from the ska-cicd-cpp-build-base C++ building image is used. This image includes the required OS package and other custom software dependencies. The current version of this image is defined in .gitlab-ci.yml; e.g.

grep SKA_CPP_DOCKER_BUILDER_IMAGE .gitlab-ci.yml

After verifying the current builder image version, pull it with a command like the following

docker pull

Now launch this builder image as a container. Note the current working directory will be mounted into the container as /mnt/ska-pst-dsp.

make local-dev-env

The library and applications can be built using the standardise makefile templates provided by CICD infrastructure.

Debug Build

The debug build will use the Cmake build arguments -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-coverage" -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-coverage". For debug purposes, the #define DEBUG will be defined for the software to enable any debug features.

make local-cpp-build-debug

Release Build

The release build will use the Cmake build arguments -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release which ensures #define DEBUG is not defined. This build should be used for all deployments.

make local-cpp-build-release

Linting Build

This build target compiles the library and applications with the flags required for linting and static analysis.

make local-cpp-ci-simulation-lint

During the compilation, the build generates compile_commands.json file which is used in the linting and static analysis tools: clang-tidy, cppcheck and IWYU.

Documentation Build

API documentation for the library is genereated with Doxygen, which is then converted into ReadTheDocs format by Sphinx, Breathe and Exhale. The documentation is built via

make docs-build html

Building Docker Image

To build an OCI Docker image for testing the applications:

make OCI_IMAGE_BUILD_CONTEXT=${PWD} oci-build-all


The unit tests for the library can be executed via the make target:

make local-cpp-ci-simulation-test

This will compile the software using the Debug Build and then execute test and test_memcheck make targets

Gitlab CI Simulation

To simulate the end to end build and test related jobs performed the gitlab runner

make local-cpp-ci-simulation

To simulate just the linting part of the simulation use:

make local-cpp-ci-simulation-lint

To simulate just testing use:

make local-cpp-ci-simulation-test

To generate code coverage reports, use:

make local-cpp-ci-simulation-coverage

Local Execution

Helm Charts

A Helm chart consists of template files that are rendered based on the contents of a payload, i.e. values.yaml


Manual k8s deployment

Simulating component tests

Known bugs



See the LICENSE file for details.