Installing ProTest

A python>=3.10 virtual environment is recommended

Install with pip

pip install --index-url --extra-index-url ska-pss-protest

Verify that protest has successfully installed.

protest -h

Install from source

Ensure poetry is installed first

which poetry

If so, proceed as follows.

git clone --recursive
cd ska-pss-protest
export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring
poetry install --without dev

Install from source (for developers)

If you are planning to contribute to ProTest, run the git clone command above. If you have an existing clone, you can check whether you have the correct submodules (made available by –recursive) by running

git submodule status

and if nothing is returned, use

git submodule init
git submodule update

To install a developer version of ProTest, run

poetry install

Start virtual environment

poetry shell

Verify that protest has successfully installed.

protest -h

If required, you can verify the install further by executing the unit tests

make python-test