PSS.LMC Description

The LMC schema emerging during the bridging phase will be progressively implemented inside the MVP prototype. It will comprise some emulation of main functions. It is foreseen also a minimal PSS pipeline functionality. At the moment Controller and Subarray devices are not implemented. We aim to collect the basic interaction modes with Cheetah in order to be able to control it by a simple device driver to be implemented in PI8. Basic information on Cheetah control has been reported in the AT4-362 documentation. The Cheetah pipeline is a single executable which contains either the CPU and the CUDA version of PSS and SPS pipeline. It is a CLI program and can be controlled either by a configuration program and by command line switches. The command line switch overrides the configuration file ones. The proposed design interact with Cheetah by means of command line and, in future, by OS level signals. We will implement the basic Cheetah pipeline (To became the CTRL module as defined in PSS.DDD) inheriting from the CspSubElementObsDevice d evice of Base classes.

PssPipeline device - CTRL

The PssPipeline device (CTRL) inherits from base classes CspSubElementObsDevice device In the following are not reported the properties and attributes inherited.


Properties are set in the Tango Database.

Attribute Name




Type: ‘DevString’

The IP address of the PSS node where the cheetah pipeline will be running


Type: ‘DevString’

The pipeline name


Type: ‘DevString’

The filename where cheetah stdout adn stderr will be stored


Type: ‘DevString’

The filename where cheetah input configuration data wil be stored


Type: ‘DevString’

A string containing the command script to execute Cheetah.


Type: (‘DevString’, )

A Tuple containing the username and password for the remote connection to Cheetah


Attribute Name

Attribute Type



Type: ‘DevString’

Access: READ

The last valid scan configuration.


Type: ‘DevUShort’

Access: READ

The cheetah pipeline progress percentage


Type: ‘DevString’

Access: READ

The cheetah pipeline version


Type: ‘DevLong’

Access: RE

The filename where cheetah input configuration data wil be stored


Type: ‘DevString’

Access: RE

Cheetah pipeline log line


Type: ‘DevBoolean’

Access: READ

A Tuple containing the username and password for the remote connection to Cheetah


Type: ‘DevString’

Access: READ

The PSS node IP address

NOTE: it return the corresponding property


Type: ‘DevString’

Access: READ

The pipeline name

NOTE: it return the corresponding property


Command Name

Input/output args



Input: None

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)

PSS pipeline: enable (?)


Input: None

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)

PSS pipeline: disable (?)


Input: DevString

JSON formatted with scan configuration

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)


Input: None

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)

PssPipeline transits to IDLE obsState


Input: scan ID (integer)

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)

Start a Scan


Input: None

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)

End a Scan


Input: None

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)

End a Scan

Signal abort (see below)


Input: None

Output: (resultCode, resultMsg)

Reset Pipeline from FAULT/ABORTED to IDLE obsState.

Cheetah command line interface

Cheetah program can be started with a command line of the form

./cheetah/pipeline/cheetah_pipeline –config cheetah.xml -p Dedispersion –log-level log

The different pipelines which can be selected are:

  • Empty

  • Dedispersion

  • RfiDetectionPipeline

  • SinglePulseHandler

For the input stream (the data source) there are the possibility to create synthetic internally generated data or external sources. We chose to use a standard file generated by sigproc fake (ska.dat hardcoded in the standard config file). The output of cheetah is on the standard output and it has a standard syslog format:

  • [log][tid=140474636963584][/home/baffa/src/ska/cheetah/cheetah/../cheetah/pipeline/detail/BeamLauncher.cpp:148][1600767420]Creating Beams….

  • [warn][tid=140474636963584][/home/baffa/src/ska/cheetah/cheetah/../cheetah/tdas/detail/Tdas.cpp:76][1600767420]No Time Domain Accelerated Search algorithm has been specified

  • [log][tid=140474636963584][/home/baffa/src/ska/cheetah/cheetah/../cheetah/pipeline/detail/BeamLauncher.cpp:171][1600767420]Finished creating pipelines

  • [log][tid=140474636963584][/home/baffa/src/ska/cheetah/cheetah/../cheetah/pipeline/detail/BeamLauncher.cpp:223][1600767420]Starting Beam: identifier to distinguish between other similar type blocks

  • [log][tid=140474527926016][/home/baffa/src/ska/cheetah/cheetah/../cheetah/sps/detail/Sps.cpp:110][1600767420]setting dedispersion buffer size to 2048 spectra

  • [log][tid=140474527926016][/home/baffa/src/ska/cheetah/cheetah/../cheetah/sps/detail/Sps.cpp:113][1600767420]setting buffer overlap to 1514 spectra

  • [log][tid=140474527926016][/home/baffa/src/ska/cheetah/cheetah/sigproc/src/SigProcFileStream.cpp:334][1600767424]resizing to 1024

  • [log][tid=140474527926016][/usr/local/include/panda/detail/Pipeline.cpp:63][1600767424]End of stream

Cheetah pipeline is a stand alone CLI program with its main output on stdout. It runs on an different server of the Tango Device Server. We have implemented a class, called PipelineCommunicationManager, that have the skeleton of connection. It has to be specialized with the protocol to use with connection. At the present the connection is made via SSH.

This command line approach makes Cheetah program completely deaf while running: it is not foreseen a communication channel from CONTROL to the pipeline. The only possible channel is the use of Posix signals. We list here few useful ones with default behaviour:

  1. SIGKILL 9 Kill signal → Terminate

  2. SIGTERM 15 Termination signal → Terminate

  3. SIGUSR1 30,10,16 User-defined → Terminate

  4. SIGSTOP 17,19,23 Stop process → Terminate

The use of SIGKILL, SIGTERM and SIGSTOP are clear and related to Abort (first and second) and to Stop (last). We have the opportunity to implement a custom channel by the use of SIGUSR1.

NOTE: At the present implementation both Abort and EndScan are sending a Kill Signal