Source code for ska_oso_pdm.schemas.codec

The codec module contains classes used by clients to marshall PDM classes to
and from JSON. This saves the clients having to instantiate and manipulate the
Marshmallow schema directly.
__all__ = ["MarshmallowCodec"]

[docs]class MarshmallowCodec: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """ MarshmallowCodec marshalls and unmarshalls PDM classes. The mapping of PDM classes to Marshmallow schema is defined in this class. """ def __init__(self): self._schema = {}
[docs] def register_mapping(self, pdm_class): """A decorator that is used to register the mapping between a Marshmallow schema and the PDM class it serialises. :param pdm_class: the PDM class this schema maps to """ def decorator(class_definition): self.set_schema(pdm_class, class_definition) return class_definition return decorator
[docs] def set_schema(self, pdm_class, schema_class): """ Set the schema for a PDM class. :param schema_class: Marshmallow schema to map :param pdm_class: PDM class the schema maps to """ self._schema[pdm_class] = schema_class
[docs] def load_from_file(self, cls, path): """ Load an instance of a PDM class from disk. :param cls: the class to create from the file :param path: the path to the file :return: an instance of cls """ with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json_data = return self.loads(cls, json_data)
[docs] def loads(self, pdm_class, json_data): """ Create an instance of a PDM class from a JSON string. :param pdm_class: the class to create from the JSON :param json_data: the JSON to unmarshall :return: an instance of cls """ schema_cls = self._schema[pdm_class] schema_obj = schema_cls() return schema_obj.loads(json_data=json_data)
[docs] def dumps(self, obj): """ Return a string JSON representation of a PDM instance. :param obj: the instance to marshall to JSON :return: a JSON string """ schema_cls = self._schema[obj.__class__] schema_obj = schema_cls() return schema_obj.dumps(obj)