Source code for ska_pact_tango.provider

from typing import List, Optional

import tango

[docs]class Interaction: """Define an interaction between a consumer and provider""" def __init__(self) -> None: self.interaction_description = "" self.provider_states: List[dict] = [] self.request = {} self.response = {} def _build_request(self, *args: List) -> dict: request = { "type": "command", "name": "", "args": args[1:], } if args: request["name"] = args[0] return request
[docs] def given(self, provider_state_description: str, *args): # pylint: disable=W0102 """Description of what state the provider should be in :param provider_state: Description of the provider state, defaults to "" :type provider_state: str :param params: A list of string paramters, defaults to [] :type params: List[str], optional :return: self :rtype: Provider """ provider_state = { "description": provider_state_description, "request": self._build_request(*args), } self.provider_states.append(provider_state) return self
[docs] def and_given(self, provider_state_description: str, *args): # pylint: disable=W0102 """Add a description of what state the provider should be in :param provider_state: Description of the provider state, defaults to "" :type provider_state: str :param params: A list of string paramters, defaults to [] :type params: List[str], optional :return: self :rtype: Provider """ if not self.provider_states: raise ValueError("only invoke and_given() after given()") provider_state = { "description": provider_state_description, "request": self._build_request(*args), } self.provider_states.append(provider_state) return self
[docs] def upon_receiving(self, scenario: str = ""): """Describe the interaction :param scenario: Description of the interaction, defaults to "" :type scenario: str, optional """ self.interaction_description = scenario return self
[docs] def with_request(self, *args): """ Define the request from the consumer Reference examples - Tango attribute write - Shortform E.g >>> provider_device.random_float = 5.0 Use >>> with_request("attribute", "random_float", 5.0) - Longform E.g >>> provider_device.write_attribute("random_float", 5.0) Use >>> with_request("method", "write_attribute", "random_float", 5.0) OR >>> with_request("write_attribute", "random_float", 5.0) - Tango attribute read - Shortform E.g >>> provider_device.random_float Use >>> with_request("attribute", "random_float") - Longform E.g >>> provider_device.read_attribute("random_float") Use >>> with_request("read_attribute", "random_float") - Tango commands - Shortform E.g >>> provider_device.SomeCommand() Use >>> with_request("command", "SomeCommand") E.g >>> provider_device.SomeCommand(1.0) Use >>> with_request("command", "SomeCommand", 1.0) - Longform E.g >>> provider_device.command_inout("SomeCommand") Use >>> with_request("method", "command_inout", "SomeCommand") OR >>> with_request("command_inout", "SomeCommand") E.g >>> provider_device.command_inout("SomeCommand", 1.0) Use >>> with_request("method", "command_inout", "SomeCommand", 1.0) OR >>> with_request("command_inout", "SomeCommand", 1.0) :param req_type: read_attribute or command :type req_type: string :param name: The name of the command or attribute :type name: string :param arg: Any argument to be used in the command :type arg: Any :rtype: Interaction """ args = list(args) allowed_first_arguments = [ "attribute", "method", "write_attribute", "read_attribute", "command", "command_inout", ] assert args[0] in allowed_first_arguments, ( f"The first argument {args[0]} is not supported. " f"Use any of {allowed_first_arguments}" ) if args[0] in ["write_attribute", "command_inout"]: args.insert(0, "method") self.request = { "type": args[0], "name": args[1], "args": args[2:], } return self
[docs] def will_respond_with(self, response_type, response=None): """ Define what the provider should return with. :param response: The type of the response from the provider :type status: Any :param response: The provider response :type status: Any :rtype: Interaction """ self.response = {"response": response, "response_type": response_type} return self
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary of the Interaction :return: A dictionary of the Interaction :rtype: dict """ response = self.response.copy() if not isinstance(response["response"], str): response["response"] = str(response["response"]) if not isinstance(response["response_type"], str): response["response_type"] = str(response["response_type"]) for provider_state in self.provider_states: if isinstance(provider_state["request"]["args"], tuple): provider_state["request"]["args"] = list(provider_state["request"]["args"]) return { "description": self.interaction_description, "provider_states": self.provider_states, "request": self.request, "response": response, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, interaction_dict: dict): """Returns an instance of Interaction :param interaction_dict: Interaction in a dictionary format :type interaction_dict: dict :return: instance of Interaction :rtype: Interaction """ interaction = Interaction() for key in ["description", "provider_states", "request", "response"]: assert key in interaction_dict, "Malformed dictionary for Interaction" interaction.interaction_description = interaction_dict["description"] interaction.response = interaction_dict["response"] interaction.request = interaction_dict["request"] interaction.provider_states = interaction_dict["provider_states"] return interaction
[docs] def execute_request(self, request: dict, device_proxy: tango.DeviceProxy): """Execute a request against a Tango device :param request: The request to execute :type request: dict :param device_proxy: The proxy to the provider device :type device_proxy: tango.DeviceProxy :return: The result of the request :rtype: Any """ request_type = request["type"] request_name = request["name"] request_args = request["args"] result = None if request_type in ["command", "method"] and request_name: # E.g provider_device.no_arg_command() # provider_device.with_arg_command(1) # provider_device.write_attribute("random_float", 5.0) func = getattr(device_proxy, request_name) result = func(*request_args) elif request_type == "read_attribute": # E.g provider_device.read_attribute("random_float") result = device_proxy.read_attribute(*request_args) elif request_name: # E.g provider_device.random_float result = getattr(device_proxy, request_name) return result
[docs] def verify_interaction(self, device_proxy: tango.DeviceProxy): """Verify the request against the Provider :param device_proxy: proxy to the provider device :type device_proxy: tango.DeviceProxy :raises AssertionError: If the request and response from the proxy fails """ result = self.execute_request(self.request, device_proxy) if not isinstance(result, str): result = str(result) response = self.response["response"] if not isinstance(response, str): response = str(response) if result != response: raise AssertionError(f"Response check failed. Got {result}, expected {response}")
[docs] def setup_provider(self, device_proxy: tango.DeviceProxy): """Run through the provider states as defined in the Pact and execute them on the provider :param device_proxy: The proxy to the provider :type device_proxy: tango.DeviceProxy """ for provider_state in self.provider_states: self.execute_request(provider_state["request"], device_proxy)
[docs]class Provider: """A Pact provider.""" def __init__(self, device_name: str) -> None: """Create a Provider Provider("test/provider/1") relates to tango.DeviceProxy("test/provider/1") :param device_name: The device name. :type description: str """ self.device_name: str = device_name self.interactions: List[Interaction] = []
[docs] def add_interaction(self, interaction: Interaction): """Add an Interaction :param interaction: An interaction between the consumer and provider :type interaction: Interaction :return: self :rtype: Provider """ assert isinstance(interaction, Interaction), "interaction should be a instance of Interaction" self.interactions.append(interaction) return self
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary of the Provider :return: A dictionary of the Provider and it's interactions :rtype: dict """ return { "provider": { "name": self.device_name, "interactions": [interaction.to_dict() for interaction in self.interactions], } }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, provider_dict: dict): """Return an instance of Provider :param provider_dict: Provider in a dictionary format :type provider_dict: dict :return: instance of Provider :rtype: Provider """ assert "name" in provider_dict, f"Missing name in {provider_dict}" assert "interactions" in provider_dict, f"Missing interactions in {provider_dict}" provider = Provider(provider_dict["name"]) for interaction in provider_dict["interactions"]: provider.interactions.append(Interaction.from_dict(interaction)) return provider
[docs] def get_interaction_from_description(self, description) -> Optional[Interaction]: """Returns an interaction that matches the description :param description: [description] :type description: [type] :return: [description] :rtype: Optional[ska_pact_tango.Interaction] """ for interaction in self.interactions: if interaction.interaction_description == description: return interaction return None