
These functions map to the API paths, with the returned value being the API response

Connexion maps the function name to the operationId in the OpenAPI document path

class ska_ost_senscalc.low.api.ErrorModelResponse[source]

ErrorModelResponse is a typed dictionary representing the JSON object returned by the API when validation of the request fails or there is another error.

class ska_ost_senscalc.low.api.WeightingCalculator[source]

WeightingCalculator defines the entry point for image weighting calculations. It serves to link the OpenAPI endpoints with the image weighting algorithms.

ska_ost_senscalc.low.api.calculate_continuum_sensitivity(**kwargs) Tuple[SensitivityResponse | ErrorModelResponse, HTTPStatus][source]

Function which HTTP GET requests to /api/low/continuum/calculate are routed to.


kwargs – the HTTP parameters


a tuple of the response body (which is either a ska_ost_senscalc.low.service.SensitivityResponse or an ErrorModelResponse) and HTTP status, which Connexion will wrap into a Response

ska_ost_senscalc.low.api.calculate_zoom_sensitivity(**kwargs) Tuple[SensitivityResponse | ErrorModelResponse, HTTPStatus][source]

Function which HTTP GET requests to /api/low/zoom/calculate are routed to.


kwargs – the HTTP parameters


a tuple of the response body (which is either a ska_ost_senscalc.low.service.SensitivityResponse or an ErrorModelResponse) and HTTP status, which Connexion will wrap into a Response


Function that GET requests to the /api/low/subarrays are routed to.

Returns a response containing a list of available subarrays