Semantic Validation

Semantic vs Syntactic validations

Semantic validation and syntactic validation are two types of validation techniques used in software development to ensure that data entered into a system is accurate and conforms to the requirements of the system.

Syntactic validation checks the syntax of the input data and ensures that it adheres to the prescribed format. It checks whether the data entered is structured correctly and follows the expected syntax rules. For example, if an input field is supposed to accept only numerical data, a syntactic validation would ensure that only numerical characters are entered and reject any non-numeric characters.

Semantic validation, on the other hand, checks the meaning of the input data and ensures that it is valid in the context of the system. It checks whether the input data conforms to the business rules and logic of the system.

For example, if a system requires a date to be entered, a semantic validation would ensure that the date entered is valid, such as it’s not a future date or a date that has already passed.

In summary, syntactic validation checks the structure of the data, while semantic validation checks the meaning of the data. Both types of validation are important to ensure the accuracy and integrity of data entered into a system.


Here we have created ‘Framework for semantic validation of observing setups’. This framework provides semantic validation which helps to prevent the users from making errors in their setups. This framework is supporting both MID and LOW schema validation as well as Scheduling Block(MID).

For creating this framework there are some requirements and architecture have already provided. These are as follows:

JSON validator file

Three seperate JSON files have been created for Mid, Low and Scheduling Block Definition (MID) schemas to store all the parameters present in assign & configure resources along with its business rules and errors.

Created a seperate constant file to maintain all telvalidation constant. From there we are importing JSON validator file in semantic_validator for Mid, Low as well as Scheduling Block Definition (MID) schemas.

Below are the commands to import JSON validator files.

from import TMData

from .constant import (

Created a method that accepts ‘interface’ as parameter. Inside that there is a dictionary named ‘validation_constants’ which have ‘key’ (low, mid, sbd ) and value pair. Based on the key provided it will return JSON path as ‘value’.

def get_validation_data(interface: str):

:param interface: interface uri from the config.
validation_constants = {

for key, value in validation_constants.items():
    if key in interface:
        return value
# taking mid interface as default cause there is no any specific
# key to differentiate the interface

Adding a new parameter in JSON validator file

Steps to add a new parameter in JSON validator file

  • Locate the appropriate place in the JSON structure:
    • Identify the parent key or object where the new parameter should be added.

    • Determine the desired position for the new parameter within the parent key’s object.

  • Add a new key-value pair representing the parameter:
    • Structure of parameter should be parent-child.

    • Specify the name of the parameter as the key, this key represents the parent_key and it should contain dictionary.

    • Add additional key-value pairs within the parent_key object for the rule and error message. In this you can specify the business rule & error message to validate the specific key.


If a user wants to add any new parameter in JSON validator file so he can take reference of this example:

"scan": {
        "tmc": {
            "scan_id": [
                    "rule": "scan_id == 1",
                    "error": "Invalid input for scan_id"

Let’s take scan command as a dummy key which is currently not present in the JSON file.

Here under scan there is a dictionary which has a key named “tmc” so scan.tmc will be the parent_key and under tmc we have a “scan_id” child key containing a list which should contain appropriate rules and error messages.

General structure

This framework has created very dynamically and user friendly. If user wants to access this framework from CDM or Jupyter Notebook then he just has to import telvalidation package from import statement and call semantic_validate function and pass the appropriate parameters to this function. If validation fails then the end user will get the list of errors.

This framework can be access by below command:

from ska_ost_osd.telvalidation.semantic_validator import semantic_validate

There are some steps of this framework these are as follows:

  • Step 1

    It checks the parameter in the JSON validator document which is present in tmdata package.

  • Step 2

    There is a validate_json function which takes two parameters JSON file & config as a dictionary. It is present in src/ska_ost_osd/telvalidation/oet_tmc_validators. Here we are using an eval term to evaluate the business rules present in the JSON file and based on that it raises custom errors. All the custom errors are stored in a list named error_msg_list. At the end this function returns a list containing all the error messages.

    ska_ost_osd.telvalidation.oet_tmc_validators.validate_json(semantic_validate_constant_json: dict, command_input_json_config: dict, error_msg_list: list, parent_key: str, capabilities: dict) list[source]

    This function is written to matching key’s from user input command and validation constant rules those and present in mid, low and SBD validation constant json. e.g consider one of the assign resource command dish rule from constant json. here we are just mapping rule dish of receptor_ids to user assign resource command input payload. :param semantic_validate_constant_json: json containing all the parameters along with its business semantic validation rules and error message. :param command_input_json_config: dictionary containing details of the command input which needs validation. This is same as for ska_telmodel.schema.validate. :param parent_key: temp key to store parent key, means if same semantic validation key present in 2 places this will help to identify correct parent. :param capabilities: defined key, value structure pair from OSD API :returns: error_msg_list: list containing all combined error which arises due to semantic validation.

  • Step 3

    There is one more function semantic_validate which takes argument as observing_command_input, tm_data, osd_data, interface, array_assembly and raise_semantic. It is present in src/ska_ost_osd/telvalidation/schema.

    This function first checks for the interface, if the interface is not present then a warning message is logged, indicating that the interface is missing from the config. Additionally, a SchematicValidationError exception is raised with the same message.

    This framework allowed interface only for two commands that are assignresources & configure. If a user provides an incorrect or unsupported interface value, for example if user passes the interface for the scan command, the code will not be able to find a matching validation schema based on that interface. As a result, the validate_json function will not be called, and the msg_list variable will remain empty.

    Also this function is not supporting low telescope schema validation currently.

    ska_ost_osd.telvalidation.semantic_validator.semantic_validate(observing_command_input: dict, tm_data:, array_assembly: str = 'AA0.5', interface: str | None = None, raise_semantic: bool = True, osd_data: dict | None = None) any[source]

    This method is entry point for semantic validation which can be consumed by other libraries like CDM. :param observing_command_input: dictionary containing details of the command which needs validation. This is same as for ska_telmodel.schema.validate. If command available as json string first convert to dictionary by json.loads. :param tm_data: telemodel tm data object using which we can load semantic validate json. :param osd_data: osd_data dict which passed externally :param interface: interface uri in full only provide if missing in observing_command_input :param array_assembly: Array assembly like AA0.5, AA0.1 :param raise_semantic: True(default) would need user to catch somewhere the SchematicValidationError. Set False to only log the error messages. :returns: msg: if semantic validation fail returns error message containing all combined error which arises else returns True.

Integration of OSD API into semantic validation

Integrated OSD capabilities into semantic validation rule file currently added support for mid-validation-contant.json file and sbd-validation-constants.json all the validation constraint are fetched from OSD API. * Reference of OSD file

Let’s take one example There is function semantic_validate() which takes arguments as observing_command_input, tm_data, osd_data, array_assembly, interface and raise_semantic. It is present in src/ska_ost_osd/telvalidation/schema. internally we call function get_osd_data() which takes mainly three arguments capabilities, array_assembly, tmdata object and validate command request against OSD capabilities configuration.

below is code sample to call semantic_validate()

  • scenario 1

    Import ‘SchematicValidationError’ from ‘ska_ost_osd’ which contains all the customized error messages in string format.

    from import TMData
    from ska_ost_osd.telvalidation.semantic_validator import SchematicValidationError
    tmdata = TMData()
        semantic_validate(observing_command_input, tm_data, osd_data, array_assembly, interface, raise_semantic)
    except SchematicValidationError as exc:
        raise exc
  • scenario 2

    If client wants to consume both OSD and semantic validation framework together for different scenarios in that case they can use both as specified below in the example. please note that in this scenario data get validated semantically with provided OSD version. If there is no version provided to the OSD call then data would get semantically validated with latest OSD configuration. e.g

    from import TMData
    from ska_ost_osd.telvalidation.semantic_validator import SchematicValidationError
    from ska_ost_osd.osd.osd import get_osd_data
    osd_data = get_osd_data()
    tmdata = TMData()
        semantic_validate(observing_command_input, tm_data, array_assembly, interface, raise_semantic, osd_data)
    except SchematicValidationError as exc:
        raise exc




dictionary containing details of command input which needs semantic validation.


telemodel tm_data object using which we can load semantic validate json files.


Array assembly contains AA0.5 or AA0.1.


interface uri in observing_command_input.


True(default) would need user to catch somewhere the SchematicValidationError.


osd_data which can be create at client side and passed externally

How the rules are worked after get constraints values from OSD

Consider we are applying semantic validation rule on dish i.e length of receptor_ids <= 4. This constraints value 4 is fetched from OSD by referring key number_ska_dishes.

"dish": {
            "receptor_ids": [
                    "rule": "(0 < length(receptor_ids) <= number_ska_dishes)",
                    "error": "receptor_ids are too many!Current Limit is {number_ska_dishes}"


  • 1

    currently we are having directly dependency on OSD key’s, means developer/Observatory scientist always needs to remember those constraints keys and put into rule files.

  • 2

    OSD version and semantic validation rule file version should be same.

if OSD keys got removed/changed and those are not in validation rule file it will raise SchemanticValdidationKeyError saying Invalid rule and error key passed

Target visibility validation

There are ra and dec parameters in configure resources, to validate these parameters we have created a separate module named coordinates_conversion which converts Right Ascension and Declination to Azimuth and Altitude. This module contains a function ra_dec_to_az_el which has logic for this conversion. This function has been imported in the validate_target_is_visible function which is present in the oet_tmc_validators module.

ska_ost_osd.telvalidation.oet_tmc_validators.validate_target_is_visible(ra_str: str, dec_str: str, telescope: str, target_env: str, tm_data, observing_time: datetime = datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 24, 10, 28, 23, 667746)) str[source]

Check the target specific by ra,dec is visible during observing_time at telescope site

  • ra_str – string containing value of ra

  • dec_str – string containing value of dec

  • telescope – string containing name of the telescope

  • observing_time – string containing value of observing_time

  • target_env – string containing the environment value(mid/low) for the target

  • tm_data – telemodel tm dataobject using which we can load semantic validate json.

This is the main function for conversion.

ska_ost_osd.telvalidation.coordinates_conversion.ra_dec_to_az_el(telesc: str, ra: float, dec: float, obs_time: str, el_limit: float, tm_data:, time_format: str = 'iso', if_set: bool = False, time_scale: str = 'utc', coord_frame: str = 'icrs', prec: float = 0.0001, max_iter: int = 200) list[source]

the az el in degrees from ra dec at given time for the telescopes [az el info_isvisible]

Index 0:

azimuth in degrees

Index 1:

elevation in degrees

Index 2:

info_isvisible is True if src visible above/at el_limit given time else False

  • telesc – “mid” for Mid or “low” for Low Telescope

  • ra – Right ascension in degrees with decimal places for arc min,arc sec also covert to degrees. Eg 123d30’ input 123.5 . In case of RA in hh mm sec please also convert to degrees.

  • dec – Declination in degrees with decimal places.

  • obs_time – str containing time when source position in terms of azimuth, elevation should be calculated. Eg ‘2023-04-18 20:12:18’

  • time_format – str to choose from available Time.FORMATS. Default “iso”

  • time_scale – str to choose from available Time.SCALES Default “utc”

  • coord_frame – str to choose from available Astronomical Coordinate Systems

  • el_limit – float specifying elevation in degree below which our telescope cannot observe the source

  • prec – float for precision limit in degrees to match elevation with given el_limit. default: 0.0001 degrees i.e. <1 arcsecond

  • max_iter – int to specify upto how many iterations can root finder use before it stops or reaches required precision. Default is 200. Only set higher if suggested by message. There is also a seperate message if it is determined that root finder is not able to converge starting from given time

  • tm_data – telemodel tm data object using which we can load semantic validate json.

Semantic Validation API Documentation

The semantic validation api exposes semantic validation functionality as a service It allows for the semantical validation of input JSON data against a predefined schema. This document outlines the API’s endpoints, request parameters, and response structures.


POST /semantic_validation

Summary: Validate input JSON semantically.

Description: This endpoint accepts JSON data for semantic validation and returns validation results.


  • Content Type: application/json

  • Schema: See SemanticValidationRequest schema.

Request Body:

The request body should be structure with following parameters:









Input JSON to be validated.

Refer below Semantic Validation Request schema




Interface version of the input JSON.





TMData source.





Whether to raise a semantic validation error.





Observatory static data.

Refer below Semantic Validation Request schema

This table outlines the expected structure of the JSON object in the request body.


  • 200 OK

    • Description: Input JSON Semantically Valid or Not

    • Content Type: application/json

    • Schema: See Semantic Validation Success Response schema.

  • 400 Bad Request

    • Description: Bad request due to incorrect values passed for parameters.

    • Content Type: application/json

    • Schema: See Semantic Validation Error Response schema.

  • 500 Internal Server Error

    • Description: Internal server error.


Semantic Validation Request

"observing_command_input": {
"interface": "",
"subarray_id": 1,
"dish": {
  "receptor_ids": [
"sdp": {
  "interface": "",
  "execution_block": {
    "eb_id": "eb-test-20220916-00000",
    "max_length": 100.0,
    "context": {},
    "beams": [{
        "beam_id": "vis0",
        "function": "visibilities"
    "scan_types": [{
      "scan_type_id": ".default",
      "beams": {
        "vis0": {
          "channels_id": "vis_channels",
          "polarisations_id": "all"
        "pss1": {
          "field_id": "field_a",
          "channels_id": "pulsar_channels",
          "polarisations_id": "all"
    }, {
      "scan_type_id": "target:a",
      "derive_from": ".default",
      "beams": {
        "vis0": {
          "field_id": "field_a"
    "channels": [{
      "channels_id": "vis_channels",
      "spectral_windows": [{
        "spectral_window_id": "fsp_1_channels",
        "count": 14880,
        "start": 0,
        "stride": 2,
        "freq_min": 350000000.0,
        "freq_max": 368000000.0,
        "link_map": [[0, 0], [200, 1], [744, 2], [944, 3]]
    "polarisations": [{
      "polarisations_id": "all",
      "corr_type": ["XX", "XY", "YY", "YX"]
    "fields": [{
      "field_id": "field_a",
      "phase_dir": {
        "ra": [123, 0.1],
        "dec": [80, 0.1],
        "reference_time": "2023-02-16T01:23:45.678900",
        "reference_frame": "ICRF3"
      "pointing_fqdn": "low-tmc/telstate/0/pointing"
  "processing_blocks": [
      "pb_id": "pb-mvp01-20200325-00001",
      "script": {
        "kind": "realtime",
        "name": "vis_receive",
        "version": "0.1.0"
      "parameters": {
      "pb_id": "pb-mvp01-20200325-00002",
      "script": {
        "kind": "realtime",
        "name": "test_realtime",
        "version": "0.1.0"
      "parameters": {
      "pb_id": "pb-mvp01-20200325-00003",
      "script": {
        "kind": "batch",
        "name": "ical",
        "version": "0.1.0"
      "parameters": {
      "dependencies": [
          "pb_id": "pb-mvp01-20200325-00001",
          "kind": [
      "sbi_ids": ["sbi-mvp01-20200325-00001"]
      "pb_id": "pb-mvp01-20200325-00004",
      "script": {
        "kind": "batch",
        "name": "dpreb",
        "version": "0.1.0"
      "parameters": {
      "dependencies": [
          "pb_id": "pb-mvp01-20200325-00003",
          "kind": [
  "resources": {
    "csp_links": [1, 2, 3, 4],
    "receptors": [
"interface": "",
"raise_semantic": true,
"osd_data" : {
  "observatory_policy": {
      "cycle_number": 2,
      "cycle_description": "Science Verification",
      "cycle_information": {
          "cycle_id": "SKAO_2027_1",
          "proposal_open": "20260327T12:00:00.000Z",
          "proposal_close": "20260512T15:00:00.000z"
      "cycle_policies": {"normal_max_hours": 100.0},
      "telescope_capabilities": {"Mid": "AA2", "Low": "AA2"}
  "capabilities": {
      "mid": {
          "AA0.5": {
              "available_receivers": ["Band_1", "Band_2"],
              "number_ska_dishes": 4,
              "number_meerkat_dishes": 0,
              "number_meerkatplus_dishes": 0,
              "max_baseline_km": 1.5,
              "available_bandwidth_hz": 800000000.0,
              "number_channels": 14880,
              "cbf_modes": ["CORR"],
              "number_zoom_windows": 0,
              "number_zoom_channels": 0,
              "number_pss_beams": 0,
              "number_pst_beams": 0,
              "ps_beam_bandwidth_hz": 0.0,
              "number_fsps": 4
          "basic_capabilities": {
              "dish_elevation_limit_deg": 15.0,
              "receiver_information": [
                      "rx_id": "Band_1",
                      "min_frequency_hz": 350000000.0,
                      "max_frequency_hz": 1050000000.0
                      "rx_id": "Band_2",
                      "min_frequency_hz": 950000000.0,
                      "max_frequency_hz": 1760000000.0
                      "rx_id": "Band_3",
                      "min_frequency_hz": 1650000000.0,
                      "max_frequency_hz": 3050000000.0
                      "rx_id": "Band_4",
                      "min_frequency_hz": 2800000000.0,
                      "max_frequency_hz": 5180000000.0
                      "rx_id": "Band_5a",
                      "min_frequency_hz": 4600000000.0,
                      "max_frequency_hz": 8500000000.0
                      "rx_id": "Band_5b",
                      "min_frequency_hz": 8300000000.0,
                      "max_frequency_hz": 15400000000.0
  } }}

Semantic Validation Success Response

For Semantically Valid JSON

    "title": "Semantic validation Successful"
    "status": 0,
    "details": "JSON is semantically valid",

For Semantically Invalid JSON

       "title": "Semantic Validation Error",
       "status": 0,
       "detail": [
           "receptor_ids are too many!Current Limit is 4",
           "beams are too many! Current limit is 1",
           "Invalid function for beams! Currently allowed visibilities",
           "spectral windows are too many! Current limit = 1",
           "Invalid input for channel_count! Currently allowed 14880",
           "Invalid input for freq_min",
           "Invalid input for freq_max",
           "freq_min should be less than freq_max",
           "length of receptor_ids should be same as length of receptors",
           "receptor_ids did not match receptors",

Semantic Validation Error Response

    "title": "Value Error",
    "status": -1,
    "detail": {
        "interface": "interface is not valid",
        "observing_command_output": "observing_command_input is missing",
        "raise_semantic": "raise_semantic is not a boolean value ",
            "gitlab:// not found"
            " in SKA CAR - make sure to add tmdata CI!"