Writing scripts for the OET

The Observation Execution Tool (OET) can run observing scripts in a headless non-interactive manner. For efficiency, OET script execution is split into two phases: an initialisation phase and an execution phase. Scripts that are expected to be run by the OET should be structured to have two entry points corresponding to these two phases, as the template below:

Observing script template
 1def init(subarray: int, *args, **kwargs):
 2    # Called by the OET when the script is loaded and initialised by someone
 3    # calling 'oet prepare'. Add your script initialisation code here. Note that
 4    # the target subarray is supplied to this function as the first argument.
 5    pass
 7def main(*args, **kwargs):
 8    # Called by the OET when the prepared script is told to run by someone
 9    # calling 'oet start'. Add the main body of your script to this function.
10    pass

The initialisation phase occurs when the script is loaded and the script’s init function is called (if defined) to perform any preparation and/or initialisation. Expensive and slow operations that can be performed ahead of the main body of script execution can be run in the initialisation phase. Typical actions performed in init are I/O intensive operations, e.g., cloning a git repository, creating multiple Tango device proxies, subscribing to Tango events, etc. When run by the Observation Execution Tool (OET), the init function is passed an integer subarray ID declaring which subarray the control script is intended to control.

Subsequently, at some point a user may call oet start, requesting that the initialised script begin the main body of its execution. When this occurs, the OET calls the script’s main function, which should performs the main function of the script. For an observing script, this would involve the configuration and control of a subarray.

below is the real example script in the scripts folder of this project.

SKA : Allocate Resources and Perform Observation

Allocating resources and performing scans requires communication with TMC CentralNode and TMC SubarrayNode, and targets a specific subarray. This script’s init function pre-applies the subarray ID argument to the main function. Note that this script does not perform any Tango calls directly, but uses ska_oso_scripting.functions.devicecontrol functions to perform all the required Tango interactions (command invocation; event subscriptions; event monitoring).

Resource allocation and perform observation script for an SKA MID/LOW subarray
  2Example script for running an SB-driven observation. Last updated
  307/08/24. ConfigureRequest is created from the SB in its entirety.
  45PointScan observations are supported.
  6import functools
  7import logging
  8import os
 10from ska_oso_oet.event import topics
 11from ska_oso_oet.tango import SCAN_ID_GENERATOR
 12from ska_oso_pdm import SBDefinition
 13from ska_oso_pdm._shared import TelescopeType
 15from ska_oso_scripting import WORKAROUNDS, oda_helper
 16from ska_oso_scripting.functions import (
 17    devicecontrol,
 18    environment,
 19    messages,
 20    pdm_transforms,
 21    sb,
 23from ska_oso_scripting.functions.devicecontrol import release_all_resources
 24from ska_oso_scripting.functions.devicecontrol.common import ValueTransitionError
 25from ska_oso_scripting.objects import SubArray
 27LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 28FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s"
 30logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT)
 33def init(subarray_id: int):
 34    """
 35    Initialise the script, binding the sub-array ID to the script.
 36    """
 37    LOG.debug(f"Initializing script {__name__} with subarray_id={subarray_id}")
 38    global main
 39    main = functools.partial(_main, subarray_id)
 40    LOG.info(f"Script bound to sub-array {subarray_id}")
 43def assign_resources(subarray: SubArray, sbi: SBDefinition):
 44    """
 45    assign resources to a target sub-array using a Scheduling Block (SB).
 46    :param subarray: subarray ID
 47    :param sbi: ska_oso_pdm.SBDefinition
 48    :return:
 49    """
 50    LOG.info(
 51        f"Running assign_resources(subarray={subarray.id} sbi.sbd_id={sbi.sbd_id})"
 52    )
 54    cdm_allocation = pdm_transforms.create_cdm_assign_resources_request_from_scheduling_block(
 55            subarray.id, sbi
 56        )
 58    response = devicecontrol.assign_resources_from_cdm(subarray.id, cdm_allocation)
 59    LOG.info(f"Resources Allocated: {response}")
 61    messages.send_message(topics.sb.lifecycle.allocated, sb_id=sbi.sbd_id)
 62    LOG.info("Allocation complete")
 65def observe(subarray: SubArray, sbi: SBDefinition):
 66    """
 67    Observe using a Scheduling Block (SB) and template CDM file.
 69    :param subarray:  SubArray instance containing subarray ID
 70    :param sbi: Instance of a SBDefinition
 71    :return:
 72    """
 74    LOG.info(
 75        f"Starting observing for Scheduling Block: {sbi.sbd_id}, subarray_id={subarray.id})"
 76    )
 78    if not sbi.scan_sequence:
 79        LOG.info(f"No scans defined in Scheduling Block {sbi.sbd_id}. No observation performed.")
 80        return
 82    cdm_configure_requests = (
 83        pdm_transforms.create_cdm_configure_request_from_scheduling_block(sbi)
 84    )
 86    for scan_definition_id in sbi.scan_sequence:
 87        LOG.info(f"Configuring for scan definition: {scan_definition_id}")
 88        messages.send_message(topics.sb.lifecycle.observation.started, sb_id=sbi.sbd_id)
 89        cdm_configs = cdm_configure_requests[scan_definition_id]
 90        for cdm_config in cdm_configs:
 91            # Get the scan ID. This is only used for logging, not for any
 92            # business logic.
 93            scan_id = SCAN_ID_GENERATOR.next()
 94            try:
 95                # With the CDM modified, we can now issue the Configure instruction...
 96                LOG.info(f"Configuring subarray {subarray.id} for scan {scan_id}")
 97                messages.send_message(
 98                    topics.scan.lifecycle.configure.started,
 99                    sb_id=sbi.sbd_id,
100                    scan_id=scan_id,
101                )
102                devicecontrol.configure_from_cdm(subarray.id, cdm_config)
103            except ValueTransitionError as err:
104                LOG.error(f"Error configuring subarray: {err}")
105                messages.send_message(
106                    topics.scan.lifecycle.configure.failed,
107                    sb_id=sbi.sbd_id,
108                    scan_id=scan_id,
109                )
110                messages.send_message(
111                    topics.sb.lifecycle.observation.finished.failed, sb_id=sbi.sbd_id
112                )
113                raise err
114            else:
115                messages.send_message(
116                    topics.scan.lifecycle.configure.complete,
117                    sb_id=sbi.sbd_id,
118                    scan_id=scan_id,
119                )
121            try:
122                # with configuration complete, we can begin the scan.
123                LOG.info(f"Starting scan {scan_id}")
124                messages.send_message(
125                    topics.scan.lifecycle.start, sb_id=sbi.sbd_id, scan_id=scan_id
126                )
127                devicecontrol.scan(subarray.id)
128            except ValueTransitionError as err:
129                LOG.error(f"Error when executing scan {scan_id}: {err}")
130                messages.send_message(
131                    topics.scan.lifecycle.end.failed, sb_id=sbi.sbd_id, scan_id=scan_id
132                )
133                messages.send_message(
134                    topics.sb.lifecycle.observation.finished.failed, sb_id=sbi.sbd_id
135                )
136                raise err
137            else:
138                messages.send_message(
139                    topics.scan.lifecycle.end.succeeded,
140                    sb_id=sbi.sbd_id,
141                    scan_id=scan_id,
142                )
144    # All scans are complete. Observations are concluded with an 'end'
145    # command.
146    messages.send_message(
147        topics.sb.lifecycle.observation.finished.succeeded, sb_id=sbi.sbd_id
148    )
149    LOG.info(f"End scheduling block: {sbi.sbd_id}")
150    devicecontrol.end(subarray.id)
152    LOG.info("Observation script complete")
155def _main(subarray_id: int, sb_json: str, sbi_id: str):
156    LOG.info(f"Running OS process {os.getpid()}")
157    LOG.info(f"Called with main(subarray_id={subarray_id}, sbi_id={sbi_id})")
158    LOG.debug(f"main() sb_json={sb_json}")
159    sbd: SBDefinition = sb.load_sbd(sb_json)
160    eb_id = oda_helper.create_eb(sbd.telescope, sbi_ref=sbi_id)
161    LOG.info(f"Created Execution Block {eb_id}")
162    subarray = SubArray(subarray_id)
163    assign_resources(subarray, sbd)
164    observe(subarray, sbd)
165    release_all_resources(subarray_id)