The package contains classes used to define resource allocations and configurations for SKA MID dishes.

The dish_allocation module defines which SKA MID dishes should be allocated to a sub-array prior to an observation.


Class diagram for the dish_allocation module

An example serialisation of this model to JSON is shown below.

  "dish_allocations": {
    "receptor_ids": [

The messages module provides simple Python representations of the structured request and response for the TMC CentralNode.AssignResources command.

class DishAllocation(*, receptor_ids: frozenset[str] = frozenset({}))[source]

DishAllocation represents the DISH allocation part of an AssignResources request and response.


receptor_ids – (optional) IDs of the receptors to add to this allocation

The dish_configuration module models SB entities concerned with SKA MID dish configuration.


Class diagram for the dish_configuration module

An example serialisation of this model to JSON is shown below.

  "dish_configurations": [
      "dish_configuration_id": "dish config 123",
      "receiver_band": "5a"

The module defines simple Python representation of how SKA MID dishes in sub-array should be configured.

class DishConfiguration(*, dish_configuration_id: str, receiver_band: ReceiverBand)[source]

DishConfiguration specifies how SKA MID dishes in a sub-array should be configured. At the moment, this is limited to setting the receiver band.

class ReceiverBand(value)[source]

ReceiverBand is an enumeration of SKA MID receiver bands.