Kubernetes deployment options

The ODT UI used the ODT REST API, which in turn uses an implementation of the OSO Data Archive (ODA). A local deployment can be configured to use the full system using Postgres in the ODA, as the production environment will be. Alternatively a more lightweight developer environment can be deployed, using the filesystem.

Full system deployment

Running make k8s-install-chart will use the default Helm values to deploy the umbrella chart. This includes the ODT UI and all of its backend dependencies: ODT Services, SKUID, ODA, PostgreSQL.


Minimal developer environment

A lightweight deployment which uses the filesystem backend can be deployed using make dev-up, or setting the following Helm values in the umbrella chart:

    enabled: true
    enabled: true
    use_skuid: false
      backendType: filesystem

    enabled: false

    enabled: false
      enabled: false
    enabled: false

Deployment to staging and dev environments

The ODT UI and related dependencies are deployed as part of this projects CICD pipeline, and should be accessible via the browser.

The main branch deploys the latest version of the ODT UI server, alongside the ODT Services, into the staging-odt namespace of the STFC Kubernetes cluster. This should then be accessible at:

` https://k8s.stfc.skao.int/staging-odt/odt/ `

This ODT deployment will connect to a remote deployment of the ODA Postgres, which is deployed via the ska-db-oda project

Note: if prompted for login details, use the same credentials used for JIRA, with the email being <JIRA USERNAME>@ad.skatelescope.org

A temporary developer deployment can be triggered from a feature branch. This will also deploy an ODA and Postgres instance which can be used for testing. The URL is similar to above, with the namespace changed:

` https://k8s.stfc.skao.int/ci-ska-oso-odt-ui-{branch_name}/odt/ `