
This package collects RASCIL scripts for various SKA-MID simulations: continuum imaging, continuum imaging with direction-dependent effects, high data rate observations, and observation sizing.


To install these scripts, use git:

git clone

Or download the source code from

None of these simulations need to be installed into the python path. Instead please set the environment variable SMSROOT to the location of code:

export SMSROOT=/path/to/code

RASCIL must be installed - the options are via pip, git clone, or docker. The simplest approach is to use pip. In the ska-sim-mid directory, do:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

A script can be run as:

export SMSROOT=`pwd`
cd sizing/scripts

The resource files for the SKA direction-dependent MID simulations are 80GB in size and are kept on the Google Cloud Platform. The python command line tool gsutil allows for interacting with the Google Cloud Platform:

After installing gsutil, you may download the resources as follows:

cd resources
gsutil -m rsync -r gs://ska1-simulation-data/ska1-mid/beam_models/ beam_models
gsutil -m rsync -r gs://ska1-simulation-data/ska1-mid/screens screens