Purpose and general documentation

Purpose of the Mid ITF Tests repository

This project contains tests, deployment infrastructure and Helm charts for the remote control software for the Mid ITF Test Equipment to be used to test the SKAO products as they arrive in the SKA MID ITF facility. Test results are automatically uploaded to Jira using the Xray plugin. The test results can then be used for Requirement coverage reports.

Mid ITF Control Interface

Documentation on accessing the ITF Control Interface is maintained in Confluence, mainly under Accessing ITF network based Test Equipment and SUT. The System Under Test (SUT) as defined in this repository comprises most of the centrally deployed software products, and should not be confused with the SUT that is depicted in the block diagram showing the full system-under-test. The main difference is that the DishLMC, ODA, EDA and other items are deployed in namespaces (or clusters) separate from the one where the central monitoring and control software such as TMC, CSP.LMC, CBF.MCS, SDP, Taranta (Web GUI) and others are deployed.

DishLMC Integration at the Mid ITF

We use an OPC UA server in the K8s Cluster in the Mid ITF to simulate the Dish Structure (DS)for DishLMC integration. Details for connecting to the DS Simulator are available in Confluence. For assistance, please reach out in #team-itf-support.

Spectrum Analyser File Access

The Ansritsu MS2090A Spectrum Analyser in the ITF hosts an FTP server. This allows users to access recordings made on the device remotely. In order to make this access more user friendly, we run filestash. This provides a file browser web frontend to various backends, among them FTP. This is deployed with the file-browser helm chart.

Data Product Dashboard

The Data Product Dashboard for the integration deployment can be accessed.

Useful Links:

  1. Developer Portal Documentation.

  2. Dashboard

  3. API

Alarm Handler

The Alarm Handler Solution is based on Elettra Alarm Handler provided by the Tango community. For more details see the User Guide.

Useful links:

  1. Alarm Handler User Guide

  2. Alarm Handler Confurator

Engineering Data Archiver (EDA)

The SKA EDA solution is based on HDB++ (Historical Data Base++), which is a standard archiver tool in Tango ecosystem used for archiving tango attributes. For more details see the user guide.

Useful links:

  1. EDA User Guide

  2. Configuration Page

  3. Archviewer


Deployment of Test Equipment

Deployment of Test Equipment Tango Device Servers are mainly done using the test-equipment namespace. We have two special makefile targets, make itf-te-template and make itf-te-install, one for checking what will be deployed, and one for deploying the Helm charts under the ska-mid-itf umbrella. We also have a make target that gives URLs to the deployed software: make itf-links.

Deploying Test Equipment charts for verification

Use the umbrella chart under charts/test-equipment-verification to deploy charts that were publihsed to the Test Equipment Helm Package Registry. Note that these packages are deployed in the Helm Build job and the version number is outputted in the Job logs - example of this can be seen here.

If you want to change the container image version, you can do so by editing the $TE_VERSION variable in /resources/makefiles/test-equipment-dev.mk.

Sky Simulator

Deployment of the Sky Simulator Control Tango Device (the RPi-hosted device that switches on and off noise sources, filters and U and V signals) follows directly (but manually) from this deployment, as the SkySimCtl Tango Device needs to be registered on the same Test Equipment namespace. This is achieved by using a triggered pipeline - see this Confluence page for details.

Deployment of the SUT

The deployment repository for the SKA Mid Software used to be Skampi. This has now been replaced by the machinery present in this repo. The SUT is defined in the system-under-test chart and can be deployed using the following jobs:

  1. deploy-sut-on-demand (manual): creates a short-lived deployment to a ci-ska-mid-itf-$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME namespace. This is intended for testing and debugging and can be deployed from any branch.

  2. deploy-sut-integration (manual): creates a long-lived deployment to the integration namespace. This can only be deployed from the main branch.

  3. deploy-sut-staging (manual): creates a long-lived deployment to the staging namespace. This can only be deployed from the main branch.

Each of these deployment jobs has an associated destroy-sut-* job which will remove the deployment.

Deployment of the Dish LMC

There are 4 instances of the Dish LMC deployed from this project. Each instance is intended to exercise a different set of Dish LMC software simulators and external components. The completed deployments will look as follows:

  1. Dish LMC connected to only Dish LMC software simulators.

  2. Dish LMC connected to CETC dish structure simulator and software simulators for SPFC and SPFRx.

  3. Dish LMC connected to the physical SPFC and software simulators for Dish Structure and SPFRx.

  4. Dish LMC connected to the physical SPFRx and software simulators for Dish Structure and SPFC.

Currently, only (2.) above is fully implemented. This is deployed with the deploy-dishlmc-ska001 job. When running in development branches, this will deploy into a ci-dish-lmc-ska001-$BRANCH namespace. In the main branch, it is deployed to the dish-lmc-ska001 namespace. This deployment is triggered by deploying the dish structure simulator with the deploy-ds-sim-ska001 job. There is also a redeploy-dishlmc-ska001 job which does an uninstall of the dish LMC prior to installing it and this is triggered by the redeploy-ds-sim-ska001 job. Both of these deployment jobs consume connection details exported by the dish structure simulator deployment jobs in order to be able to connect to the CETC dish structure simulator. There is also an uninstall job, uninstall-dishlmc-ska001, which is used to remove the deployment.

At the moment, other the dish LMC instances can be deployed in the same way except that:

  1. They do not require a deployment of the dish structure simulator.

  2. They require the deploy-dishlmc-ska001 job to have completed successfully.

  3. They require the deploy-aa05-dishes job to have completed successfully. This is a the manual job in the on_demand_itf_sut stage.

Their uninstall jobs also require the uninstall-aa05-dishes job in the on_demand_itf_sut stage to have completed successfully.

Deployment of the Dish Structure Simulator

The dish structure simulator can be deployed using the deploy-ds-sim-ska001 job. It deploys to ci-ds-sim-ska001-$BRANCH namespace in development branches and to ds-sim-ska001 in the main branch. There is also a redeploy-ds-sim-ska001 job which does an uninstall of the dish structure simulator prior to installing it. The job exports connection details as an artifact which is consumed by the Dish LMC SKA001 deployment job.

Deployment of File Browser

The spectrum analyser file browser is deployed with the file-browser-install Makefile target. It is deployed to the file-browser namespace in the ITF. The configuration file lives in the $FILEBROWSER_CONFIG_PATH environment variable on Gitlab. For local deployments, an example file is provided at charts/file-browser/secrets/example.json. This doesn’t provide access to the Spectrum Analyser FTP server, but does allow you to verify that the deployment is working as expected.

Namespaces and pipeline definitions

In the present repository it is possible to deploy the charts in different namespaces in the ITF cluster. In specific it is possible to deploy in the following namespaces:

List of namespaces at February 2024




Used for on-demand deployment of SUT and not persisted, optionally with hardware in the loop


Used for on-demand deployment of Dish LMC


Used for on-demand deployment of the Data Product Dashboard


Used for on-demand deployment of the ODA


For long-lived deployment of Dish LMC


For long-lived deployment of Dish Strcuture Simulator


For the spectrum analyser file browser


For long-lived deployment of the SUT but in general without hardware in the loop


For demonstration purposes, a hardware-in-the-loop deployment from the main branch.


For long-lived deployment of the ODA


For long-lived deployment of the Data Product Dashboard


For taranta backend deployment


For Test Equipment Tango Device Servers

Please note that:

  • commit-ref represents the CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME environment variables of Gitlab (the branch or tag name for which project is built),

  • skaXXX represents the dish identifier (i.e. ska001, ska002, etc.).

For each namespace, the definition of the pipeline used for deploying the various applications is available in the folder .gitlab/ci/za-itf/namespace.

For example, the definition for the namespace ci-ska-mid-itf-commit-ref is available in .gitlab/ci/za-itf/ci-ska-mid-itf-commit-ref/.pipeline.yaml. It is important to note that every .pipeline.yaml definition contains an hidden gitlab job as first item in order to highlight the environment variables (parameters) set for it.

Demonstrations and Hardware testing

In order to enable exclusive usage of the hardware in the Mid ITF, the spookd ghost device plugin is used. This is a Kubernetes custom resource definition, with which arbitrary devices can be defined and made available to the cluster. The control software deployed in the cluster then claims these devices, and by using limits on each device, we can control where or how many instances of software that can actually control this hardware can be deployed. The limit is usually one, and the first one that was deployed while the hardware was available claims the resource. These settings are all done in the Helm Charts.

In the pipelines for the DishLMC and the SUT, we have flags that control whether or not hardware is to be controlled or not, with the deployed software. In the case of the SUT, we are currently (April 2024) concerned mainly with the Correlator hardware (TalonDx LRUs), whereas the DishLMC can or cannot claim and control the SPFRx by way of the spookd mechanism explained above.

TalonDx hardware-in-the-loop flags

Currently, only one flag is used to switch on only one TalonDx LRU. This will change soon. The flag is HW_IN_THE_LOOP and is set to false by default in the pipeline environment. When set to true, a set of complex make targets are required for downloading firmware artefacts, switching off and then on the hardware, etc. This is currently being modified but is still WIP.

SPFRx hardware-in-the-loop flags

In each of the DishLMC pipeline jobs, the correct IP addressable hardware items are targeted for deployment if they need to be controlled. For each of the pipeline jobs, the flag SPFRX_IN_THE_LOOP should can be set, or it can be set globally for the pipeline, in which case all instances of the DishLMC will have hardware enabled. This flag is also set to false by default.

We mainly have three use cases for hardware-in-the-loop choices:

Feature testing and development branches

These branches can typically contain hardware-in-the-loop if necessary, but this is optional. Flags listed above should be set as per requirement.

Integration namespace (main branch)

This deployment should always be without hardware-in-the-loop, as multiple Jupyter Notebooks may at any given time aim to command or control the SUT in that namespace.

Staging namespace (main branch)

This is a special, non-long-living namespace, with typically hardware-in-the-loop deployments by default. The namespace must be destroyed after demonstrations, in order for others to be able to work against branched deployments instead.

NOTE In all cases where hardware-in-the-loop tests are to be done, it should be announced beforehand in the [#team-mid-itf-support](https://skao.slack.com/archives/C03PC2M2VGA) Slack channel that the hardware is to be used.