DishManager Device Interface

Implementing the commands as long running commands require some changes to the telescope model since all long running commands return a status code and a unique id of the queued command. Tango return type is DevVarLongStringArray. The api guide here captures this difference but will need to be brought to the notice of TMC and any subsystem going to interface with DishManager.

The current implementation also has the complete API according to the ICD but not all the commands shown here have been fleshed out fully.

- class: DishManager
    - name: AbortCommands
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Abort currently executing long running command on DishManager and subservient
        devices. Empties out the queue on DishManager and rejects any scheduled commands.
        For details consult DishManager documentation
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: CheckLongRunningCommandStatus
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevString
      dtype_out: DevString
    - name: ConfigureBand1
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: If the synchronise argument is True, the SPFRx FPGA is instructed to
        synchronise its internal flywheel 1PPS to the SAT-1PPS for the ADC that is
        applicable to the band being configured, and the band counters are reset.
        (Should be default to False).
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevBoolean
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: ConfigureBand2
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: If the synchronise argument is True, the SPFRx FPGA is instructed to
        synchronise its internal flywheel 1PPS to the SAT-1PPS for the ADC that is
        applicable to the band being configured, and the band counters are reset.
        (Should be default to False).
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevBoolean
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: ConfigureBand3
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: If the synchronise argument is True, the SPFRx FPGA is instructed to
        synchronise its internal flywheel 1PPS to the SAT-1PPS for the ADC that is
        applicable to the band being configured, and the band counters are reset.
        (Should be default to False).
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevBoolean
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: ConfigureBand4
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: If the synchronise argument is True, the SPFRx FPGA is instructed to
        synchronise its internal flywheel 1PPS to the SAT-1PPS for the ADC that is
        applicable to the band being configured, and the band counters are reset.
        (Should be default to False).
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevBoolean
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: ConfigureBand5a
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: If the synchronise argument is True, the SPFRx FPGA is instructed to
        synchronise its internal flywheel 1PPS to the SAT-1PPS for the ADC that is
        applicable to the band being configured, and the band counters are reset.
        (Should be default to False).
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevBoolean
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: ConfigureBand5b
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: If the synchronise argument is True, the SPFRx FPGA is instructed to
        synchronise its internal flywheel 1PPS to the SAT-1PPS for the ADC that is
        applicable to the band being configured, and the band counters are reset.
        (Should be default to False).
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevBoolean
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: DebugDevice
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: The TCP port the debugger is listening on.
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevUShort
    - name: ExecutePendingOperations
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: FlushCommandQueue
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: GetComponentStates
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Retrieve the states of SPF, SPFRx and DS as DishManager sees it.
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevString
    - name: GetVersionInfo
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarStringArray
    - name: Init
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: IsCapabilityAchievable
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: '[nrInstances][Capability types]'
      doc_out: (ResultCode, 'Command unique ID')
      dtype_in: DevVarLongStringArray
      dtype_out: DevBoolean
    - name: MonitoringPing
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Called periodically with the polling thread to keep connections alive
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: 'Off'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: 'On'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: Reset
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: Scan
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: SetKValue
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevLong64
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: SetMaintenanceMode
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: SetOperateMode
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: SetStandbyFPMode
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: SetStandbyLPMode
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: SetStowMode
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: Slew
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: '[0]: Azimuth

        [1]: Elevation,

        [2]: Azimuth Speed,

        [3]: Elevation Speed'
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVarFloatArray
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: Standby
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: StartCommunication
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: State
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Device state
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevState
    - name: Status
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Device status
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevString
    - name: StopCommunication
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: SyncComponentStates
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: Synchronise
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVoid
    - name: Track
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: TrackLoadStaticOff
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVarFloatArray
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: TrackStop
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      doc_in: Uninitialised
      doc_out: Uninitialised
      dtype_in: DevVoid
      dtype_out: DevVarLongStringArray
    - name: State
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevState
      description: No description
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: Not specified
      label: State
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: Status
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevString
      description: No description
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: Status
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: achievedPointing
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: '[0] Timestamp

        [1] Azimuth

        [2] Elevation'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: achievedPointing
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 3
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: achievedPointingAz
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: '[0] Timestamp

        [1] Azimuth'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: achievedPointingAz
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 2
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: achievedPointingEl
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: '[0] Timestamp

        [1] Elevation'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: achievedPointingEl
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 2
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: achievedTargetLock
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevBoolean
      description: Indicates whether the Dish is on target or not based on the pointing
        error and time period parameters defined in configureTargetLock.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: Not specified
      label: achievedTargetLock
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: adminMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: "\n        Read the Admin Mode of the device.\n\n        It may\
        \ interpret the current device condition and condition of all managed\n  \
        \       devices to set this. Most possibly an aggregate attribute.\n\n   \
        \     :return: Admin Mode of the device\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - ONLINE
      - OFFLINE
      - NOT_FITTED
      - RESERVED
      format: '%s'
      label: adminMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: adminMode
    - name: attenuationPolH
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Indicates the SPFRx attenuation in the horizontal signal chain
        for the configuredband.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: attenuationPolH
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: attenuationPolH
    - name: attenuationPolV
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Indicates the SPFRx attenuation in the vertical signal chain for
        the configuredband.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: attenuationPolV
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: attenuationPolV
    - name: availableCapabilities
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: A list of available number of instances of each capability type,
        e.g. 'CORRELATOR:512', 'PSS-BEAMS:4'.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: availableCapabilities
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 20
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: azimuthOverWrap
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevBoolean
      description: Indicates that the Dish has moved beyond an azimuth wrap limit.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: Not specified
      label: azimuthOverWrap
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: b1CapabilityState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Report the device b1CapabilityState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - STANDBY
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: b1CapabilityState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: b2CapabilityState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Report the device b2CapabilityState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - STANDBY
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: b2CapabilityState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: b3CapabilityState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Report the device b3CapabilityState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - STANDBY
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: b3CapabilityState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: b4CapabilityState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Report the device b4CapabilityState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - STANDBY
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: b4CapabilityState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: b5aCapabilityState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Report the device b5aCapabilityState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - STANDBY
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: b5aCapabilityState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: b5bCapabilityState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Report the device b5bCapabilityState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - STANDBY
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: b5bCapabilityState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: band1PointingModelParams
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Parameters for (local) Band 1 pointing models used by Dish to do
        pointing corrections.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band1PointingModelParams
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 5
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: band1PointingModelParams
    - name: band1SamplerFrequency
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: BAND1 absolute sampler clock frequency (base plus offset).
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band1SamplerFrequency
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: band2PointingModelParams
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: "\n            Parameters for (local) Band 2 pointing models used\
        \ by Dish to do pointing corrections.\n\n            Band 2 pointing model\
        \ parameters are:\n            [0] IA, [1] CA, [2] NPAE, [3] AN, [4] AN0,\
        \ [5] AW, [6] AW0, [7] ACEC, [8] ACES,\n            [9] ABA, [10] ABphi, [11]\
        \ CAobs, [12] IE, [13] ECEC, [14] ECES, [15] HECE4,\n            [16] HESE4,\
        \ [17] HECE8, [18] HESE8, [19] Eobs\n\n            When writing we expect\
        \ a list of 2 values. Namely, CAobs and Eobs. Only those two\n           \
        \ values will be updated.\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band2PointingModelParams
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 20
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: band2PointingModelParams
    - name: band2SamplerFrequency
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: BAND2 absolute sampler clock frequency (base plus offset).
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band2SamplerFrequency
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: band3PointingModelParams
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Parameters for (local) Band 3 pointing models used by Dish to do
        pointing corrections.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band3PointingModelParams
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 5
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: band3PointingModelParams
    - name: band3SamplerFrequency
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: BAND3 absolute sampler clock frequency (base plus offset).
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band3SamplerFrequency
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: band4PointingModelParams
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Parameters for (local) Band 4 pointing models used by Dish to do
        pointing corrections.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band4PointingModelParams
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 5
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: band4PointingModelParams
    - name: band4SamplerFrequency
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: BAND4 absolute sampler clock frequency (base plus offset).
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band4SamplerFrequency
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: band5aPointingModelParams
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Parameters for (local) Band 5a pointing models used by Dish to
        do pointing corrections.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band5aPointingModelParams
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 5
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: band5aPointingModelParams
    - name: band5aSamplerFrequency
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: BAND5a absolute sampler clock frequency (base plus offset).
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band5aSamplerFrequency
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: band5bPointingModelParams
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Parameters for (local) Band 5b pointing models used by Dish to
        do pointing corrections.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band5bPointingModelParams
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 5
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: band5bPointingModelParams
    - name: band5bSamplerFrequency
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: BAND5b absolute sampler clock frequency (base plus offset).
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: band5bSamplerFrequency
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: buildState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the Build State of the device.\n\n        :return:\
        \ the build state of the device\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: buildState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: capturing
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevBoolean
      description: Indicates whether Dish is capturing data in the configured band
        or not.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: Not specified
      label: capturing
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: configureTargetLock
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: '[0] Pointing error

        [1] Time period'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: configureTargetLock
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 2
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: configuredBand
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: The frequency band that the Dish is configured to capture data
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - NONE
      - B1
      - B2
      - B3
      - B4
      - B5a
      - B5b
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: configuredBand
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: controlMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: "\n        Read the Control Mode of the device.\n\n        The\
        \ control mode of the device are REMOTE, LOCAL\n        Tango Device accepts\
        \ only from a \u2018local\u2019 client and ignores commands and\n        queries\
        \ received from TM or any other \u2018remote\u2019 clients. The Local clients\n\
        \        has to release LOCAL control before REMOTE clients can take control\
        \ again.\n\n        :return: Control Mode of the device\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - REMOTE
      - LOCAL
      format: '%s'
      label: controlMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: controlMode
    - name: desiredPointing
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: Returns the desiredPointing
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: desiredPointing
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 3
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: desiredPointing
    - name: dishMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Dish rolled-up operating mode in Dish Control Model (SCM) notation
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - STARTUP
      - SHUTDOWN
      - STANDBY_LP
      - STANDBY_FP
      - STOW
      - CONFIG
      - OPERATE
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: dishMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: dsConnectionState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Displays connection status to DS device
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - DISABLED
      format: '%s'
      label: dsConnectionState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: dshMaxShortTermPower
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: "Configures the Max Short Term Average Power (5sec\u201010min)\
        \ in kilowatt that the DSH instance is curtailed to while dshPowerCurtailment\
        \ is [TRUE]. The default value is 13.5."
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: dshMaxShortTermPower
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: dshPowerCurtailment
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevBoolean
      description: "The Max Short Term Average Power (5sec\u201010min) of each DSH\
        \ instance is curtailed to the value configured in dshMaxShortTermPower. The\
        \ default condition is [TRUE] \u2010 power curtailment is on. With power curtailment\
        \ [TRUE], all DSH functionality is available but at reduced performance (for\
        \ example reduced slew rates). With power curtailment [FALSE], all DSH functionality\
        \ is available at full performance (for example maximum slew rates)."
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: Not specified
      label: dshPowerCurtailment
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: dshPowerCurtailment
    - name: elementAlarmAddress
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevString
      description: FQDN of Element Alarm Handlers
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: elementAlarmAddress
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: elementDatabaseAddress
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevString
      description: FQDN of Element Database device
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: elementDatabaseAddress
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: elementLoggerAddress
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevString
      description: FQDN of Element Logger
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: elementLoggerAddress
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: elementTelStateAddress
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevString
      description: FQDN of Element TelState device
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: elementTelStateAddress
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: frequencyResponse
      data_format: IMAGE
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: Returns the frequencyResponse
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: frequencyResponse
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1024
      max_dim_y: 1024
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: healthState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: "\n        Read the Health State of the device.\n\n        It interprets\
        \ the current device condition and condition of\n        all managed devices\
        \ to set this. Most possibly an aggregate attribute.\n\n        :return: Health\
        \ State of the device\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - OK
      - DEGRADED
      - FAILED
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: healthState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: kValue
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevLong64
      description: Returns the kValue for SPFRX
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%d'
      label: kValue
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: loggingLevel
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: "\n        Read the logging level of the device.\n\n        Initialises\
        \ to LoggingLevelDefault on startup.\n        See :py:class:`~ska_control_model.LoggingLevel`\n\
        \n        :return:  Logging level of the device.\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - 'OFF'
      - FATAL
      - ERROR
      - WARNING
      - INFO
      - DEBUG
      format: '%s'
      label: loggingLevel
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: loggingLevel
    - name: loggingTargets
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the additional logging targets of the device.\n\
        \n        Note that this excludes the handlers provided by the ska_ser_logging\n\
        \        library defaults - initialises to LoggingTargetsDefault on startup.\n\
        \n        :return:  Logging level of the device.\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: loggingTargets
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 4
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: loggingTargets
    - name: longRunningCommandIDsInQueue
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the IDs of the long running commands in the queue.\n\
        \n        Every client that executes a command will receive a command ID as\
        \ response.\n        Keep track of IDs in the queue. Pop off from front as\
        \ they complete.\n\n        :return: unique ids for the enqueued commands\n\
        \        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: longRunningCommandIDsInQueue
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 64
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: longRunningCommandProgress
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the progress of the currently executing long running\
        \ command.\n\n        ID, progress of the currently executing command.\n \
        \       Clients can subscribe to on_change event and wait\n        for the\
        \ ID they are interested in.\n\n        :return: ID, progress of the currently\
        \ executing command.\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: longRunningCommandProgress
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 32
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: longRunningCommandResult
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the result of the completed long running command.\n\
        \n        Reports unique_id, json-encoded result.\n        Clients can subscribe\
        \ to on_change event and wait for\n        the ID they are interested in.\n\
        \n        :return: ID, result.\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: longRunningCommandResult
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 2
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: longRunningCommandStatus
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the status of the currently executing long running\
        \ commands.\n\n        ID, status pair of the currently executing command.\n\
        \        Clients can subscribe to on_change event and wait for the\n     \
        \   ID they are interested in.\n\n        :return: ID, status pairs of the\
        \ currently executing commands\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: longRunningCommandStatus
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 32
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: longRunningCommandsInQueue
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the long running commands in the queue.\n\n   \
        \      Keep track of which commands are in the queue.\n         Pop off from\
        \ front as they complete.\n\n        :return: tasks in the queue\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: longRunningCommandsInQueue
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 64
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: maxCapabilities
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevString
      description: Maximum number of instances of each capability type, e.g. 'CORRELATOR:512',
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: maxCapabilities
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 20
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: noiseDiodeConfig
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevFloat
      description: Returns the noiseDiodeConfig
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: noiseDiodeConfig
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: pointingBufferSize
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevLong64
      description: 'Number of desiredPointing write values that the buffer has space

        Note: desiredPointing write values are stored by Dish in a buffer for application
        at the time specified in each desiredPointing record.'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%d'
      label: pointingBufferSize
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: pointingState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Returns the pointingState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - READY
      - SLEW
      - TRACK
      - SCAN
      - UNKNOWN
      format: '%s'
      label: pointingState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: polyTrack
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: '[0] Timestamp

        [1] Azimuth

        [2] Elevation

        [3] Azimuth speed

        [4] Elevation speed

        [5] Azimuth acceleration

        [6] Elevation acceleration

        [7] Azimuth jerk

        [8] Elevation jerk'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: polyTrack
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 9
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: WRITE
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: powerState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Returns the powerState
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - UPS
      - LOW
      - FULL
      format: '%s'
      label: powerState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: programTrackTable
      data_format: SPECTRUM
      data_type: DevDouble
      description: "Timestamp of i-th coordinate in table (max 50 coordinates) given\
        \ in milliseconds since TAI epoch, representing time at which Dish should\
        \ track i-th coordinate.\n Azimuth of i-th coordinate in table (max 50 coordinates)\
        \ given in degrees.\n Elevation of i-th coordinate in table (max 50 coordinates)\
        \ given in degrees"
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%6.2f'
      label: programTrackTable
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 150
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: programTrackTable
    - name: simulationMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: "\n        Read the Simulation Mode of the device.\n\n        Some\
        \ devices may implement\n        both modes, while others will have simulators\
        \ that set simulationMode\n        to True while the real devices always set\
        \ simulationMode to False.\n\n        :return: Simulation Mode of the device.\n\
        \        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - 'FALSE'
      - 'TRUE'
      format: '%s'
      label: simulationMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: simulationMode
    - name: spfConnectionState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Displays connection status to SPF device
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - DISABLED
      format: '%s'
      label: spfConnectionState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: spfrxConnectionState
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Displays connection status to SPFRx device
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - DISABLED
      format: '%s'
      label: spfrxConnectionState
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: testMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: "\n        Read the Test Mode of the device.\n\n        Either\
        \ no test mode or an indication of the test mode.\n\n        :return: Test\
        \ Mode of the device\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - NONE
      - TEST
      format: '%s'
      label: testMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: testMode
    - name: trackInterpolationMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Selects the type of interpolation to be used in program tracking.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - NEWTON
      - SPLINE
      format: '%s'
      label: trackInterpolationMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: trackInterpolationMode
    - name: trackProgramMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: Selects the track program source (table A, table B, polynomial
        stream) used in the ACU for tracking. Coordinates given in the programTrackTable
        attribute are loaded in ACU in the selected table.
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - TABLEA
      - TABLEB
      - POLY
      format: '%s'
      label: trackProgramMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: trackProgramMode
    - name: trackTableLoadMode
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevEnum
      description: 'Selects track table load mode.

        With ADD selected, Dish will add the coordinate set given in programTrackTable
        attribute to the list of pointing coordinates already loaded in ACU.

        With NEW selected, Dish will delete the list of pointing coordinates previously
        loaded in ACU when new coordinates are given in the programTrackTable attribute.'
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      - NEW
      - APPEND
      - RESET
      format: '%s'
      label: trackTableLoadMode
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ_WRITE
      writable_attr_name: trackTableLoadMode
    - name: versionId
      data_format: SCALAR
      data_type: DevString
      description: "\n        Read the Version Id of the device.\n\n        :return:\
        \ the version id of the device\n        "
      disp_level: OPERATOR
      display_unit: No display unit
      format: '%s'
      label: versionId
      max_alarm: Not specified
      max_dim_x: 1
      max_value: Not specified
      min_alarm: Not specified
      min_value: Not specified
      standard_unit: No standard unit
      writable: READ
      writable_attr_name: None
    - name: DSDeviceFqdn
    - name: DishId
    - name: GroupDefinitions
    - name: LoggingLevelDefault
    - name: LoggingTargetsDefault
    - name: MaxCapabilities
    - name: ReceptorNumber
    - name: SPFDeviceFqdn
    - name: SPFRxDeviceFqdn
    - name: SkaLevel
    - name: polled_cmd