DishManager Design Overview

This is a walkthrough on the design and implementation of the dish manager using Long Running Commands from ska-tango-base. The DishManager receives commands from TMC MID and then sends the respective commands to the subservient devices. The corresponding commands cascaded to the subservient devices for each command can be found here. This interaction is managed through the component managers of the DishManager through the model and a rules engine and finally to the subservient devices through their component managers.

See image below summarising the design behind the DishManager implementation:

Dish Manager Design


Since the component managers manage the interactions with the devices, we are able to check the robustness of our DishManager device and the business rules captured in our model without spinning up any tango infrastructure. These unit tests are captured in the python-test job.

In addition, there are tests in the pipeline which run against live tango devices, especially for the events and reporting of attributes. For this purpose, dummy devices with limited api and functionality for SPF, SPFRx and DS devices. These acceptance tests are captured in the k8-test job.