VccComponentManager Class

class ska_mid_cbf_mcs.vcc.vcc_component_manager.VccComponentManager(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]

Bases: CbfComponentManager, CspObsComponentManager

Component manager for Vcc class.

property config_id: str

Configuration ID


the configuration ID

property scan_id: int

Scan ID


the scan ID

property receptor_id: int

Receptor ID


the receptor ID

property frequency_band: int

Frequency Band


the frequency band as the integer index in an array of frequency band labels: [“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5a”, “5b”]

property stream_tuning: List[float]

Band 5 Stream Tuning


the band 5 stream tuning

property frequency_band_offset_stream1: int

Frequency Band Offset Stream 1


the frequency band offset for stream 1

property frequency_band_offset_stream2: int

Frequency Band Offset Stream 2


the frequency band offset for stream 2, this is only use when band 5 is active

property rfi_flagging_mask: str

RFI Flagging Mask


the RFI flagging mask

property jones_matrix: str

Jones Matrix


the last received Jones matrix

property delay_model: str

Delay Model


the last received delay model

property doppler_phase_correction: List[float]

Doppler Phase Correction


the last received Doppler phase correction array

property simulation_mode: SimulationMode

Get the simulation mode of the component manager.


simulation mode of the component manager

start_communicating() None[source]

Establish communication with the component, then start monitoring.

stop_communicating() None[source]

Stop communication with the component.

on() Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

Turn on VCC component. This attempts to establish communication with the VCC devices on the HPS.


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)


ConnectionError – if unable to connect to HPS VCC devices

off() Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

Turn off VCC component; currently unimplemented.


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)

standby() Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

Turn VCC component to standby; currently unimplemented.


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)

configure_band(argin: str) Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

Configure the corresponding band. At the HPS level, this reconfigures the FPGA to the correct bitstream and enables the respective band device. All other band devices are disabled.


argin – the frequency band name


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)

deconfigure() None[source]

Deconfigure scan configuration parameters.

configure_scan(argin: str) Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

Execute configure scan operation.


argin – JSON string with the configure scan parameters


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)

scan(scan_id: int) Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

Begin scan operation.


argin – scan ID integer


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)

end_scan() Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

End scan operation.


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)


Tell the current VCC band device to abort whatever it was doing.


Reset the configuration.

configure_search_window(argin: str) Tuple[ResultCode, str][source]

Configure a search window by sending parameters from the input(JSON) to SearchWindow self. This function is called by the subarray after the configuration has already been validated, so the checks here have been removed to reduce overhead.


argin – JSON string with the search window parameters


A tuple containing a return code and a string message indicating status. The message is for information purpose only.

Return type:

(ResultCode, str)

update_doppler_phase_correction(argin: str) None[source]

Update Vcc’s doppler phase correction


argin – the doppler phase correction JSON string

update_delay_model(argin: str) None[source]

Update Vcc’s delay model


argin – the delay model JSON string

update_jones_matrix(argin: str) None[source]

Update Vcc’s jones matrix


argin – the jones matrix JSON string