
The Mid CBF Engineering Console is intended for integration and testing of the Mid CBF MCS and the Talon DX hardware.

As required, the Engineering Console will:
  • Provide emulation of LMC control of MCS

  • Provide intrusive tools to monitor and control Mid CBF

  • Access to configuration-managed FPGA bitstreams and Talon DX binaries for deployment to Mid CBF

See MCS-Talon Integration for further details of the integration and test work as it evolves.

Note: MCS does not currently allow its LMC interface to be externally exercised – i.e., it needs to exercised from within the Kubernetes cluster. MCS commands can be issues via an iTango3 shell running in the MCS cluster – see Engineering Console README for details.

System Context

The following diagram shows the Mid.CBF Engineering Console as it fits into the rest of the CSP Mid system.


Engineering Console System Context



On Command Sequence

The On command sequence shown in the diagram below is used to automatically power on the Talon-DX boards, copy the appropriate FPGA bitsteam and HPS device server binaries to the Talon-DX boards and start the device servers on the HPS of each board. The sequence is as follows:

  1. Download artefacts (bitstreams and binaries) from the Central Artefact Repository , and build the MCS Docker container after downloading. Optional: Override the DS artefacts with local builds.

  2. Configure the MCS Tango database to add entries for the HPS device servers and the log consumer.

  3. Use the LMC script to send the On command to the CbfController.

  4. The CbfController propagates the On command to the TalonLRU Tango device, which then propagates it to the PowerSwitch device.

  5. The PowerSwitch device communicates with the power switch hardware over HTTP, requesting power on of specific outlets.

  6. The power switch hardware switches the requested outlets on and responds to the PowerSwitch device.

  7. The result of the TalonLRU On command is propagated back to the CbfController.

  8. CbfController reads the JSON configuration file in the artefacts folder to detemine which Talon-DX boards it needs to configure.

  9. FPGA bitstreams and device server binaries are copied to each Talon-DX board.

  10. The CbfController runs the hps_master_run.sh script on each Talon-DX board to start the HPS Master.

  11. The HPS Master device server is started on each Talon-DX board using the copied binary.

  12. The configure command is send to each HPS Master device server.

  13. The HPS Master device server programs the FPGA with the bitstream and starts the remaining HPS devices on each board.

  14. HPS Master responds with success/fail result of the configure command.

For a description of how to run this sequence of steps see the Configure the Talon-DX Boards from MCS section.


MCS On Command Sequence

@startuml test
   skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
   skinparam sequence {
   ParticipantBorderColor DodgerBlue
   ParticipantBackgroundColor DeepSkyBlue
   ActorBorderColor DarkGreen
   ActorBackgroundColor Green
   BoxBorderColor LightBlue
   BoxBackgroundColor #F0FFFF
   actor "User" as User
   participant "Engineering\nConsole" as Eng

   box "MCS\n(minikube)"
   participant "CBF\nController" as CbfCtrl
   participant "Talon\nLRU" as LRU
   participant "Power\nSwitch" as PwrSwitch
   database "Tango\nDB" as DB
   end box

   box "Talon DX"
   participant "OS" as OS
   participant "HPS\nMaster" as HPS
   participant "FPGA" as FPGA
   collections "Tango\nDevices" as TangoDS
   end box

   User -> Eng: **download-artifacts**
   Eng -> CbfCtrl: //copy artefacts//
   User -> Eng: **config-db**
   Eng ->   DB: //add HPS Tango devices//
   User -> CbfCtrl: **On()**
   CbfCtrl -> LRU:
   LRU -> PwrSwitch:
   PwrSwitch -> LRU:
   CbfCtrl -> OS: //copy artefacts//
   CbfCtrl -> HPS ** : start
   CbfCtrl -> HPS ++ : **configure**
   HPS -> FPGA: program bitstream
   HPS -> TangoDS ** : start
   TangoDS -> HPS: running
   HPS -> CbfCtrl -- : success

VCC Scan Sequence

Once the system has been turned on using the above sequence, it can be configured for a scan operation. The following diagram shows the flow of scan configuration and execution for a single VCC unit.

For a description of how to run this sequence of steps see the Configure and Execute a VCC Scan section.

@startuml test
   skinparam backgroundColor #EEEBDC
   skinparam sequence {
      ParticipantBorderColor DodgerBlue
      ParticipantBackgroundColor DeepSkyBlue
      ActorBorderColor DarkGreen
      ActorBackgroundColor Green
      BoxBorderColor LightBlue
      BoxBackgroundColor #F0FFFF

   actor "User" as User

   box "MCS\n(minikube)"
      participant "CBF\nSubarray" as CbfSub
      participant "Vcc"
   end box

   box "Talon DX"
      participant "DsVccController" as VccCntr
      participant "DsVccBand1And2" as VccB12
      participant "FPGA" as FPGA
      collections "Low-Level Tango\nDevices" as TangoDS
   end box

   User -> CbfSub: ** ConfigureScan(config_json) **
   CbfSub -> Vcc: ** ConfigureBand("1") **
   Vcc -> VccCntr: ** ConfigureBand("1") **
   VccCntr -> FPGA: // program bitstream band 1 //
   VccCntr -> VccB12: ** On() **
   VccB12 -> VccCntr: success
   VccCntr -> Vcc: success
   Vcc -> CbfSub: success

   CbfSub -> Vcc: ** ConfigureScan(config_json) **
   Vcc -> VccB12: ** SetInternalParameters(param_json) **
   VccB12 -> TangoDS: // set relevant attributes //
   VccB12 -> Vcc: success
   Vcc -> VccB12: ** ConfigureScan(config_json) **
   VccB12 -> TangoDS: // propagate parameters //
   VccB12 -> Vcc: success
   Vcc -> CbfSub: success
   CbfSub -> User: success

   User -> CbfSub: ** Scan(scan_id) **
   CbfSub -> Vcc: ** Scan(scan_id) **
   Vcc -> VccB12: ** Scan(scan_id) **
   VccB12 -> Vcc: scan started successfully
   Vcc -> CbfSub: scan started successfully
   CbfSub -> User: scan started successfully