Source code for talondx_config.talondx_config

import json
import os

from jsonschema import validate

THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
TALON_DX_CONFIG_SCHEMA = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "talondx-config-schema.json")

[docs]class TalonDxConfig: """ TalonDxConfig facilitates loading and validation of the Talon DX Configuration JSON file (see schema for details). :param config_file: filename of the JSON configuration file :type config_file: string """ def __init__(self, config_file): self._config_filename = os.path.basename(config_file) with open(f"{config_file}", "r") as config_fd: self._json = json.load(config_fd) with open(TALON_DX_CONFIG_SCHEMA, "r") as schema_fd: talon_config_schema = json.load(schema_fd) validate(instance=self._json, schema=talon_config_schema)
[docs] def ds_binaries(self): """ Extracts and returns the `"ds_binaries"` section of the configuration file that specifies the Tango DS binaries to be downloaded, and where to get them. """ return self._json["ds_binaries"]
[docs] def fpga_bitstreams(self): """ Extracts and returns the `"fpga_bitstreams"` section of the configuration file that specifies which FPGA bitstreams to download, and where to get them. """ return self._json["fpga_bitstreams"]
[docs] def config_commands(self): """ Extracts and returns the `"config_commands"` section of the configuration file that specifies the configuration commands that are sent from the MCS to the Talon DX HPS Master device. """ return self._json["config_commands"]
[docs] def tango_db(self): """ Extracts and returns the `"tango_db"` section of the configuration file that contains the device server specifications for populating the Tango DB. """ return self._json["tango_db"]
[docs] def export_config(self, export_path): """ Exports the Talon DX Configuration JSON to a file with same name as that used to construct this object. Export will overwrite if the file already exists. :param export_path: destination path of exported configuration file. :type export_path: string """ with open( os.path.join(export_path, self._config_filename), "w+" ) as export_fd: json.dump(self._json, export_fd, indent=4)