MCCS code quality guidelines

MCCS is committed to writing and maintaining code of the highest quality.

There are no shortcuts to writing quality code, but there are many checks and metrics that can be used to measure progress and establish quality thresholds. This page is a summary of the checks and metrics that MCCS has implemented.

Test coverage

MCCS uses pytest to test its code, with the pytest-cov plugin for measuring coverage. In accordance with the SKA Software Testing Policy and Strategy, we use branch coverage as our key coverage metric.

Tests are set to fail if coverage falls below 80%. Some code has been deliberately excluded from coverage calculations, such as

  • Command line interface modules

  • Historical code that will not be further developed, such as driver code for the outdated TPM 1.2.

  • Module entry points

Code formatting / style


MCCS uses the black code formatter to format its code. Formatting is built into make lint and tox -e lint, and there is also support for adding it as a pre-commit hook.

The CI pipeline obviously does not format code, but does check that the code has been blacked (i.e. that black would not make changes).

Advantages of formatting code with black are:

  • More consistent, readable code

  • Very clear diffs, because if code has been blacked both before and after, the diff should not show spurious formatting changes


MCCS uses flake8 for linting. Flake8 has excellent plugin support. The following plugins are used:

  • flake8-black - as mentioned above, this is used to check that the code has been blacked

  • flake8-builtins - prevents use of python builtins (such as “id”) as variable names

  • flake8-use-fstring - enforces use of python f-strings rather than old-style format-strings or older-style %-strings

  • pep8-naming - forces attribute names to follow PEP8. Unfortunately, the Tango community has conventions that are inconsistent with PEP8, such as capitalising device commands. Thus, certain PEP8 checks are turned off for Tango device modules (specifically, we use flake8’s per-file-excludes configuration setting to ignore the N802 error code in modules that define Tango devices).

Other plugins used for docstring linting or other purposes are discussed below.

Static type checking

MCCS has recently begun static type checking using mypy.

Static type checking requires the addition of type annotations or “hints” to the python code. The type checker then uses those annotations to analyse the code for logical errors.

Here’s a simple example. A class initializer allows for an optional logger to be passed in as an argument:

class ExampleClass:
    def __init__(self, logger=None):
        self._logger = logger

And in some other method, we have error handling code that calls

self._logger.error("Something went wrong")

This code contains a logical error: since the logger is optional, self._logger might be None when we try to call its error method.

This will cause a runtime error if the code is ever run; but because this error is in error handling code, it might not have test coverage, so the error might escape detection.

Static type checkers detect and report this kind of logical error. The error message would be something like “Type ‘None’ has no ‘error’ method”.

Code complexity

The flake8 linter has a built-in McCabe cyclomatic complexity calculator. Despite the impressive name, this is a fairly simple metric that counts paths through a function/method. A score of 10 or more is usually considered a problem.

In MCCS, this functionality is enabled in make lint and tox -e lint, and is separately available via tox -e complexity. At present, our worst score is 10, and we guard against code that scores higher than this.


Points in the code where improvements are identified as needed are marked with todos. Unfortunately there are two competing mechanisms for this:

  • Where a method is identified as overall needing improvement, or needing an interface update, we generally add a :todo: parameter into the docstring. This inserts the to-do text into the API documentation.

  • Where a to-do annotation is required at a specific location in the code, a comment beginning with # TODO: or # FIXME: etc. can be inserted. The tox target tox -e todo will generate a report of these.


All public python code is documented with Sphinx/RST docstrings. The following tools are used to maintain docstring format/style:

  • To ensure our docstrings conform to PEP8 (general python style PEP), we don’t need to do anything extra, as it is already handled by the flake8 linter.

  • To ensure our docstrings conform to PEP257 (docstring style PEP), we use the flake8-docstrings extension. This also checks for 100% docstring coverage (but only on public methods/classes etc).

  • Since we have adopted Sphinx/RST format for our docstrings, we want to ensure that our docstrings are valid RST. This is done with the flake8-rst-docstrings extension.

  • The RST-format does not provide for crosslinks, but sphinx extends RST to support this. We cannot lint for correct crosslinks in our docstrings, but when we build our API documentation, we call sphinx with the -n (“nitpicky”) flag to tell sphinx to check crosslinks for validity.

  • Most importantly, we need our docstrings to actually document the python attribute that they purport to document. This is handled by darglint.

A final, and slightly unusual, way to verify our docstrings: our test package is also fully documented with docstrings, including intersphinx cross-references to our package documentation. When we build our test documentation, it acts as an intersphinx client to our main package documentation, helping to flush out issues in the latter.