MCCS Allocation and Configuration Control


MCCS must configure its components (in the end, the SPS physical devices) to perform a specific observation. Observation is specified in terms of independent subarrays. Each subarray is a logically virtual instument, which can perform observations independently of other subarrays.

The telescope manager (TM) has a fixed number of available subarrays. It assign scans to subarrays, and ask the MccsController to allocate the necesary resources, and to assign these resources to the relevant MCCS devices.

The TM then configures the MccsSubarray (together with other subarray elements in other subsystems) for a specific observation. The MccsSubarray is responsible for orchestrating the configuration process, down to the hardware devices.

The actual observation is started using a Scan command, once the subarray has been correctly configured. Repeated Scan commands can be issued using the same configuration, or the subarray can be reconfigured between scans using the same allocated resources. Scans may be composed to execute more complex observations. Examples of single scans are:

  • A single point in a mosaic,

  • Multiple points using different simultaneous beams

  • A single line of a raster scan

The coordinate system can be topocentric, sidereal, or centered on a particular solar system body (including body ephemeris). Definition of the usable coordinate systems is in progress. A tentative, generic format is adopted here, but it is likely to change in the future.

Allocate command

An observation is defined by a set of subarray beams. Resources are also allocated to subarray beams. Beams are conceptually independent, with the main difference between subarrays and subarray beams being that a subarray is synchronous: subarray beams in the same subarray are allocated, deallocated, configured and started at the same time.

Subarray beams are assigned by the TM, as they must correspond among different subsystems. Each subarray beam is allocated

  • a number of SPS channels (a total bandwidth)

  • a set of apertures, defined by a station and a substation ID. Station is statically assigned, the substation identifies the possibility of defining a different station footprint, but does not assign actual weights. Apertures are identified by a string of the form “APx.y” with x the station ID and y a unique substation ID.

The MccsController manages all resources in the MCCS system, especially hardware resources in the Tile Processing Modules. As these resources are identical for all TPMs in a station, these are managed inside a StationProxy device inside the controller. For each aperture the MccsController allocates:

  • a StationBeam device from a common pool

  • from the relevant StationProxy (note: this does not involve the actual MccsStation):

    • a HardwareBeam

    • the appropriate number of channel blocks. Each channel block corresponds to 8 SPS channels. Blocks are rounded up as needed.

If multiple apertures are using a station, a separate set of resources (hardware beam channel blocks) is allocated. When all resources are correctly allocated, MccsController issues a set of AllocateResources commands to the MccsSubarray device, and to the SubarrayBeam and StationBeam devices. The MccsStation is not involved in the allocation process.

The sequence diagram for the Allocate command is shown below.

participant Controller
participant StationProxy
participant ControllerResourceManager
participant Subarray
participant SubarrayBeam
participant StationBeam
hnote over Subarray: EMPTY
hnote over SubarrayBeam: EMPTY
hnote over StationBeam: EMPTY
== Collect subarray beam resources ==
loop stations
Controller->StationProxy: release_from_subarray(subarray_fqdn)
loop subarray_beams
loop apertures
Controller -> StationProxy: allocate(channels)
loop channel_blocks
StationProxy -> StationProxy: get_free_resources(channels)
StationProxy -[#red]-> Controller: channel_ids
StationProxy -[#red]> StationProxy: get_free_resources(station_beam)
StationProxy -[#red]-> Controller: station_beam_id
Controller -> ControllerResourceManager: get_free_resources(aperture)
ControllerResourceManager --> Controller: station_beam_FQDN
== Assign allocated resources ==
Controller -> Subarray: AssignResources()
loop subarray_beam_ids
Controller -> SubarrayBeam: AssignResources()
loop apertures
Controller->StationBeam: AssignResources()
hnote over StationBeam: IDLE
StationBeam --> SubarrayBeam: ObsState.IDLE
hnote over SubarrayBeam: IDLE
Subarray <-- SubarrayBeam: ObsState.IDLE
hnote over Subarray: IDLE

Configure command

Configuration is managed by a MccsSubarray device. Configuration is defined in terms of subarray beams, too. Each subarray beam configuration includes:

  • a set of logical bands. Each logical band is defined by a start channel and a number of channels. Total number of channels must fit in the allocated channels (channel blocks) for the subarray beam.

  • a set of apertures. The Subarray device maintains a dictionary to map aperture ID to station IDs. For each aperture a weighting key reference string is used to select a station weighting function and/or a subaperture from a database. By default, all antennas in the station are uniformly weighted

  • pointing update rate. The time interval after which the pointing algorithm will recalculate delays and delay rates

  • pointing direction. Format for pointing specification is TBD, this version includes a reference frame ID (a sting in a limited set of possibile coordinate systems), two coordinates, and optionally two rates and a reference time (start time for applying the rate).

Configuration sequence is shown here:

participant TelescopeManager as TM
participant MccsSubarray as Subarray
participant MccsSubarrayBeam as SubarrayBeam
participant StationBeam
participant ApertureDB
participant CalibrationDB
participant MccsStation
participant SpsStation
participant MccsTile
TM -> Subarray: Configure()
loop station
Subarray->MccsStation: DeallocateSubarray(subarray_id)
loop SubarrayBeam
Subarray -> SubarrayBeam: Configure()
loop StationBeam
SubarrayBeam->StationBeam: Configure()
StationBeam->MccsStation: ConfigureChannels()
StationBeam->ApertureDB: get_weights(weighting_key_ref)
ApertureDB-->StationBeam: weights, phase_centre
StationBeam->StationBeam: desiredPointing
loop frequency channels
StationBeam->CalibrationDB: get_calibration(freq, az, el)
CalibrationDB-->StationBeam: calibration_coefficients
StationBeam-->MccsStation: LoadCalibrationCoefficients()
SubarrayBeam->Subarray: change_state_callback()
loop station
Subarray->MccsStation: ApplyConfiguration()
MccsStation->SpsStation: SetBeamformerRegions()
loop tiles
SpsStation->MccsTile: SetBeamformerRegions()
Subarray->MccsStation: ApplyCalibration()
loop antennas
MccsStation->SpsStation: LoadCalibrationCoefficients()
SpsStation->MccsTile: LoadCalibrationCoefficients()
MccsStation->SpsStation: SwitchCalibrationBank()
loop tiles
SpsStation->MccsTile: SwitchCalibrationBank()

Configuration is performed in 4 steps:

  • All Stations serving the Subarray are deconfigured. Information related to this subarray is cleared, so the MccsStation can merge together the information from different StationBeams

  • For each aperture, the configuration for the associated StationBeam is assembled. The StationBeam is identified by the ApertureId, using a dictionary.

  • The configuration is transmitted to the StationBeams, which translate it to commands for the Station. Station merges this information.

  • the Stations are commanded to apply the assembled configuration

Currently the Subarray directly forwards the configuration information to te StationBeam devices. In the final structure, the configuration will be transmitted to the SubarrayBeams, which will dispatch it to the StationBeams.

StationBeam unpacks the configuration structure to:

  • build a beamformer table. It computes the starting channel for each required channel block, and the total number of channels used by the configuration. The table is then forwarded to the MccsAntenna

  • manage the aperture weights. Weights are retrieved from a database which holds standard weighting functions for each station. Substations are implemented as specific weighting sets.

  • save the pointing specification in a structure used by the pointing task. This task wil translate the pointing to delays and delay rates for each individual antenna.

The MccsStation assembles the beamformer table entries from each StationBeam into a single beamformer configuration table. StationBeams for a station may belong to different subarrays. When the subarray beams have all completed their configuration, the MccsStation will forward the table to the SpsStation, which will program the hardware TPMs.